Stephen Colbert, Amy Poehler, Steve Carell, and a host of others got their start with the improv troupe.
The Ladies of Second City Read Grindr Hookup Messages|Jack Holmes, The Daily Beast Video|December 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I made sure to have James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim involved throughout the whole process.
Rob Marshall Defends ‘Into the Woods’|Kevin Fallon|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the end, Stephen did not kill young William, which the knight would claim was due to his charm.
England’s Greatest Knight Puts ‘Game of Thrones’ to Shame|William O’Connor|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
After this, Stephen sang night and morn and midday the songs he had sung—and Calote with him—in the year of pilgrimage.
Long Will|Florence Converse
If nothing else could stir you, Stephen, at least I could have imagined some decent impulse of gratitude to me.
The Passionate Friends|Herbert George Wells
Stephen came to a dead halt, and stood looking into the smiling eyes gazing up into his.
The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1|Various
Had Bloom and Stephen been baptised, and where and by whom, cleric or layman?
Ulysses|James Joyce
Who do you s'pose Stephen Clark went home with from meeting to-night?
Chronicles of Avonlea|Lucy Maud Montgomery
British Dictionary definitions for Stephen
/ (ˈstiːvən) /
?1097–1154, king of England (1135–54); grandson of William the Conqueror. He seized the throne on the death of Henry I, causing civil war with Henry's daughter Matilda. He eventually recognized her son (later Henry II) as his successor
Saint. died ?35 ad, the first Christian martyr. Feast day: Dec 26 or 27
Saint, Hungarian name István. ?975–1038 ad, first king of Hungary as Stephen I (997–1038). Feast day: Aug 16 or 20
Sir Leslie. 1832–1904, English biographer, critic, and first editor of the Dictionary of National Biography; father of the novelist Virginia Woolf