

单词 comparably


Word family (noun) comparison comparability the comparative (adjective) comparableincomparable comparative (verb) compare (adverb) comparatively comparably
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcomparablycom‧pa‧ra‧bly /ˈkɒmpərəbli $ ˈkɑːm-/ adverb  LIKE/SIMILARin a similar way or to a similar degree OPP incomparably comparably priced productsExamples from the CorpuscomparablyBoth are comparably effective - the Rock Lobbers being more destructive while the Doom Divers are more accurate.Under López-Cobos in these early symphonies the playing is comparably fresh and lively.Earnings have risen comparably in the computer industry.Most studies have, however, reported that cyclosporin A comparably inhibited renal prostaglandin formation.In this respect at least, Mozart resembles his comparably productive contemporary Joseph Haydn.It is most unlikely that such behaviour had never previously been observed with comparably simple systems.Moreover, the potentiation produced by arachidonic acid is comparably slow to develop.The Senate's vote followed a comparably strong vote in the House of Representatives.It makes a fine coupling for the E flat Quartet, being of a comparably sunny disposition.




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