in the US, the process of changing the boundaries of electoral districts to take account of changes in population
This ritual carving and paring of the United States into 435 sovereign units, known as redistricting, was intended by the Framers solely to keep democracy’s electoral scales balanced.
Submitted from: United Kingdom on 06/11/2014
noun uncountable American
US /ˌriˈdɪstrɪktɪŋ/
the process of changing the number, size, or shape of districts in a state, city, etc. usually because of new information about the number of people living there
Synonyms and related words
Relating to towns and town planning
centrally located
in the US, the process of changing the boundaries of electoral districts to take account of changes in population
This ritual carving and paring of the United States into 435 sovereign units, known as redistricting, was intended by the Framers solely to keep democracy’s electoral scales balanced.