the punishment of being put into prison. The punishment of life imprisonment means that someone will be kept in prison for many years, possibly until they die
He was sentenced to four months’ imprisonment for possession of cocaine.
the courts’ increased use of imprisonment
Synonyms and related words
Punishment in prison
at his/her Majesty’s pleasure
concurrent sentence
the situation of being in prison, or of being in a place or situation that you cannot escape from
Synonyms and related words
Punishment in prison
at his/her Majesty’s pleasure
concurrent sentence
noun uncountable
US /ɪmˈprɪz(ə)nmənt/
Other entries for this word
life imprisonmentnoun
false imprisonmentnoun
the punishment of being put into prison. The punishment of life imprisonment means that someone will be kept in prison for many years, possibly until they die
He was sentenced to four months’ imprisonment for possession of cocaine.
the courts’ increased use of imprisonment
Synonyms and related words
Punishment in prison
concurrent sentence
consecutive sentence
the situation of being in prison, or of being in a place or situation that you cannot escape from