a job or series of related jobs that you do, especially a profession that you spend a lot of your working life inChoosing a career can be a very difficult decision.
the problems of combining a career and a family
career in: a career in computer science
career as: He has just started out on a career as a photographer.
academic/political/managerial etc career: Rosen had decided on an academic career.
pursue/embark on/follow a career: Only 20 per cent of the students intend to pursue careers as engineers in industry.
make a career out of something: young graduates looking to make a career out of teaching
end/ruin someone’s career: the financial scandal that ruined her career
a chequered career (=sometimes successful and sometimes not): an entrepreneur with a rather chequered career
a distinguished/successful/glittering career: He subsequently enjoyed a distinguished career in the diplomatic service.