

单词 pass


UK /pɑːs/

Word Forms


  1. 1
    an official document that gives you permission to enter a place

    You always have to show your pass before they’ll let you in.

    a backstage/boarding/security pass

    Synonyms and related words

    Documents giving permission to do something
    1. 1a
      an official document that gives you permission to use a particular form of transport without having to pay each time

      You can get a weekly pass that costs a bit less than ten journeys.

      Synonyms and related words

      Documents giving permission to do something
  2. 2
    educationa successful result in an examination or test
    pass in:

    She got a pass in maths.

    Synonyms and related words

    Grades and marks given for school or university work
  3. 3
    a kick, hit, or throw of the ball to another player in your sports team

    a perfect pass from Ince to Owen

    Synonyms and related words

    Actions in playing games or sports
  4. 4
    a path or road that goes through an area of mountains

    a mountain pass

    the Brenner Pass

    Synonyms and related words

    Parts and features of mountains, hills and cliffs
    Synonyms and related words

    Types of road or path
  5. 5
    one of several stages in a process that involves checking and dealing with information, often using a computer, in order to improve it

    I finished my first pass on my transcript yesterday.

    Synonyms and related words

    Processes in computing
  6. 6
    a movement past, over, through etc a place

    From above came the fading noise of the helicopter completing its pass.

    Synonyms and related words

    Direction and ways of getting to a place


make a pass at someone
things have come to a pretty pass


US /pæs/

Word Forms


  1. 1
    an official document that gives you permission to enter a place

    You always have to show your pass before they’ll let you in.

    a backstage/boarding/security pass

    Synonyms and related words

    Documents giving permission to do something
    1. 1a
      an official document that gives you permission to use a particular form of transportation without having to pay each time

      You can get a weekly pass that costs a little bit less than ten rides.

      Synonyms and related words

      Documents giving permission to do something
  2. 2
    a kick, hit, or throw of the ball to another player in your sports team

    Parker intercepted a pass and ran sixty yards to score.

    Synonyms and related words

    Actions in playing games or sports
  3. 3
    a path or road that goes through an area of mountains

    a mountain pass

    the Brenner Pass

    Synonyms and related words

    Parts and features of mountains, hills and cliffs
    Synonyms and related words

    Types of road or path
  4. 4
    one of several stages in a process that involves checking and dealing with information, often using a computer, in order to improve it

    I finished my first pass on my transcript yesterday.

    Synonyms and related words

    Processes in computing
  5. 5
    educationa successful result in an examination or test
    pass in:

    She got a pass in math.

    Synonyms and related words

    Grades and marks given for school or university work
  6. 6
    a movement past, over, through, etc. a place

    From above came the fading noise of the helicopter completing its pass.

    Synonyms and related words

    Direction and ways of getting to a place


make a pass at someone
things have come to a pretty pass


UK /pɑːs/

Word Forms

present tense
present participlepassing
past tensepassed
past participlepassed

  1. 1
    intransitive/transitive to go past something

    They stopped at the crossing, waiting for the train to pass.

    The procession slowly passed us.

    We sometimes pass each other in the street.

    Synonyms and related words

    To move past or around an area or object
    1. 1a
      mainly Americanto overtake another vehicle that is travelling in the same direction
      Synonyms and related words

      To drive, or to operate a vehicle
  2. 2
    intransitive to move in a particular direction or to a particular place or position
    pass through/along/over etc:

    We passed through the gates of the old city.

    Two large birds passed over our heads.

    The signal passes through a device called a router.

    Synonyms and related words

    To go somewhere, or to move in a particular direction
    1. 2a
      transitive to move something in a particular direction or to a particular place or position
      pass around/across/through etc:

      He passed his hand across his forehead.

      They managed to pass a message under the doorway.

      Synonyms and related words

      General words meaning to move something
    2. 2b
      intransitive if a road, river, or stream passes through, across etc a place, its path follows that direction

      The railway line passes through Darlington, Newcastle, and Berwick.

      Synonyms and related words

      What roads, paths and areas of land do
  3. 3
    intransitive/transitive educationto be successful in an examination or test by achieving a satisfactory standard

    Did you pass?

    She passed her driving test.

    He’ll be in the team if he passes the fitness test today.

    Synonyms and related words

    To sit, pass or fail an examination or test
    1. 3a
      transitive educationto officially judge that someone has been successful in an examination or test because they have achieved a satisfactory standard

      The examiners passed only 40% of the candidates.

      Synonyms and related words

      To judge a student’s work and to give it a mark
  4. 4
    transitive to put something into someone’s hand or into a position where they can take it

    Pass the salt, please.

    pass someone something:

    Could you pass me that newspaper?

    pass something to someone:

    He passed the camera to her so she could take a photograph.

    Synonyms and related words

    General words meaning to give
    1. 4a
      to give information, especially to the police or to an enemy

      Saunders was a paid informer, passing information to the secret police.

      Synonyms and related words

      To tell someone something, or to give information
      Synonyms and related words

      Giving information to the police or other authorities
    2. 4b
      to give someone false money as payment for something
      Synonyms and related words

      To commit a specific crime
  5. 5
    transitive to make a law, proposal etc become official, usually by voting to accept it

    This is one of the worst laws ever passed.

    Synonyms and related words

    Creating, amending and abolishing laws
    1. 5a
      intransitive/transitive if a law, proposal etc passes, or passes a particular law-making body, it becomes official as the result of a vote

      The legislation finally passed the House of Lords.

      If the bill passes, it will fundamentally affect people’s employment rights.

      Synonyms and related words

      Creating, amending and abolishing laws
  6. 6
    intransitive if time or a period of time passes, it happens and comes to an end

    Time passes slowly when you’re waiting for something.

    The summer holidays passed quickly, as usual.

    with every day that passes/with every passing day:

    She grew less hopeful with every passing day.

    hardly/not a day passes without:

    Hardly a day passed without a journalist calling or knocking at our door.

    Synonyms and related words

    To come to an end
    1. 6a
      transitive to spend time doing something

      We passed the day swimming and lying in the sun.

      Synonyms and related words

      General words meaning to spend time
  7. 7
    intransitive to come to an end

    Children can be very difficult at this age. Don’t worry – it’ll soon pass.

    I felt a sharp pain, but it soon passed.

    Synonyms and related words

    To come to an end
  8. 8
    intransitive/transitive to kick, hit, or throw the ball to another player in a sports team
    Synonyms and related words

    To kick or hit a ball in a game or sport
  9. 9
    intransitive if words or looks pass between people, they speak to each other or look at each other in a particular way

    No one really knows what passed between them that day.

    Synonyms and related words

    To be communicated
  10. 10
    intransitive to be unable to answer a question, especially in a test

    He passed on three questions.

    Synonyms and related words

    To not know something or someone
    1. 10a
      spokenused for saying that you do not know the answer to a question

      ‘What is the capital of Sierra Leone?’ ‘Pass.’

      Synonyms and related words

      Ways of saying that you do not know or understand
  11. 11
    transitive to become more than a particular amount

    The death toll has already passed 200.

    The three production sites will pass the 100,000 mark this quarter.

    Synonyms and related words

    To reach a particular amount, point, or state
  12. 12
    intransitive to happen, or to be allowed to happen
    pass without comment (=without someone saying something about it):

    This innocent remark did not, however, pass without comment.

    pass unnoticed:

    Her mistake seemed to have passed unnoticed.

    Synonyms and related words

    General words meaning to happen
  13. 13
    transitive to make a comment or give an opinion, especially in order to criticize someone or something
    pass (a) comment (on/about):

    He was asked for his opinion but refused to pass comment.

    Synonyms and related words

    To give your opinion
  14. 14
    transitive formalto make something leave your body as a waste product or in a waste product

    I think he’s passing blood in his urine.

    Synonyms and related words

    Going to the toilet
  15. 15
    intransitive to stop being owned or controlled by one person and start being owned or controlled by another
    pass to:

    Under the will, ownership of the business will pass to my daughter.

    pass from someone to someone:

    The estate has passed from father to son for generations.

    Synonyms and related words

    To exchange and exchanging
  16. 16
    intransitive to change from one state to another
    pass from something to something:

    At this temperature, the mixture passes from a solid to a liquid state.

    Synonyms and related words

    To become different
  17. 17
    intransitive to not play a card or not make a bid in a card game
    Synonyms and related words

    To perform an action in a card game
  18. 18
    to die
    She had an amazing year before she passed.
    Submitted from:
    United Kingdom on 03/01/2017


pass (a) sentence (on someone)
pass the time
pass the time of day (with someone)
pass water

phrasal verbs

pass around
pass as
pass away
pass by
pass down
pass for
pass off
pass on
pass out
pass over
pass round
pass through
pass up


US /pæs/

Word Forms

present tense
present participlepassing
past tensepassed
past participlepassed

  1. 1
    intransitive/transitive to go past something

    They stopped at the crossing, waiting for the train to pass.

    The procession slowly passed us.

    We sometimes pass each other on the street.

    Synonyms and related words

    To move past or around an area or object
    1. 1a
      to go past another vehicle
      Synonyms and related words

      To drive, or to operate a vehicle
  2. 2
    intransitive to move in a particular direction or to a particular place or position
    pass through/along/over etc.:

    We passed through the gates of the old city.

    Two large birds passed over our heads.

    The signal passes through a device called a router.

    Synonyms and related words

    To go somewhere, or to move in a particular direction
    1. 2a
      transitive to move something in a particular direction or to a particular place or position
      pass around/across/through etc.:

      He passed his hand across his forehead.

      They managed to pass a message under the doorway.

      Synonyms and related words

      General words meaning to move something
    2. 2b
      intransitive if a road, river, or stream passes through, across, etc. a place, its path follows that direction

      The railroad line passes through Richmond, Columbia, and Savannah.

      Synonyms and related words

      What roads, paths and areas of land do
  3. 3
    intransitive/transitive educationto be successful in an examination or test by achieving a satisfactory standard

    Did you pass?

    She passed her driver’s test.

    He’ll be in the team if he passes the fitness test today.

    pass something with flying colors (=with a very high mark):

    He passed his final exams with flying colors.

    Synonyms and related words

    To sit, pass or fail an examination or test
    1. 3a
      transitive educationto officially judge that someone has been successful in an examination or test because they have achieved a satisfactory standard

      The examiners passed only 40% of the candidates.

      Synonyms and related words

      To judge a student’s work and to give it a mark
  4. 4
    transitive to put something into someone’s hand or into a position where they can take it

    Pass the salt, please.

    pass someone something:

    Could you pass me that newspaper?

    pass something to someone:

    He passed the camera to her so she could take a photograph.

    Synonyms and related words

    General words meaning to give
    1. 4a
      to give information, especially to the police or to an enemy

      Saunders was a paid informer, passing information to the secret police.

      Synonyms and related words

      To tell someone something, or to give information
      Synonyms and related words

      Giving information to the police or other authorities
    2. 4b
      to give someone false money as payment for something
      Synonyms and related words

      To commit a specific crime
  5. 5
    intransitive if time or a period of time passes, it happens and comes to an end

    Time passes slowly when you’re waiting for something.

    The summer vacation passed quickly, as usual.

    with every day that passes/with every passing day:

    She grew less hopeful with every passing day.

    hardly/not a day passes without:

    Hardly a day passed without a reporter calling or knocking at our door.

    Synonyms and related words

    To come to an end
    1. 5a
      transitive to spend time doing something

      We passed the day swimming and lying in the sun.

      Synonyms and related words

      General words meaning to spend time
  6. 6
    intransitive/transitive to kick, hit, or throw the ball to another player in a sports team
    Synonyms and related words

    To kick or hit a ball in a game or sport
  7. 7
    transitive to make a law, proposal, etc. become official, usually by voting to accept it

    This is one of the worst laws ever passed.

    Synonyms and related words

    Creating, amending and abolishing laws
    1. 7a
      intransitive/transitive if a law, proposal, etc. passes, or passes a particular law-making body, it becomes official as the result of a vote

      The legislation finally passed the Senate.

      If the bill passes, it will fundamentally affect people’s employment rights.

      Synonyms and related words

      Creating, amending and abolishing laws
  8. 8
    intransitive to be unable to answer a question, especially in a test

    He passed on three questions.

    Synonyms and related words

    To not know something or someone
    1. 8a
      spokenused for saying that you do not know the answer to a question

      “What is the capital of Sierra Leone?” “Pass.”

      Synonyms and related words

      Ways of saying that you do not know or understand
  9. 9
    intransitive if words or looks pass between people, they speak to each other or look at each other in a particular way

    No one really knows what passed between them that day.

    Synonyms and related words

    To be communicated
  10. 10
    intransitive to come to an end

    Children can be very difficult at this age. Don’t worry – it’ll soon pass.

    I felt a sharp pain, but it soon passed.

    Synonyms and related words

    To come to an end
  11. 11
    transitive to become more than a particular amount

    The death toll has already passed 200.

    The three production sites will pass the 100,000 mark this quarter.

    Synonyms and related words

    To reach a particular amount, point, or state
  12. 12
    intransitive to happen, or to be allowed to happen
    pass without incident (=without anything unpleasant happening):

    The rest of the meeting passed without incident.

    pass without comment (=without someone saying something about it):

    This innocent remark did not, however, pass without comment.

    pass unnoticed:

    Her mistake seemed to have passed unnoticed.

    Synonyms and related words

    General words meaning to happen
  13. 13
    transitive to make a comment or give an opinion, especially in order to criticize someone or something
    pass judgment (on):

    She was furious that he should have the nerve to pass judgment on her.

    pass (a) comment (on/about):

    He was asked for his opinion but refused to pass comment.

    Synonyms and related words

    To give your opinion
  14. 14
    transitive formalto make something leave your body as a waste product or in a waste product

    I think he’s passing blood in his urine.

    Synonyms and related words

    Going to the toilet
  15. 15
    intransitive to stop being owned or controlled by one person and start being owned or controlled by another
    pass to:

    Under the will, ownership of the business will pass to my daughter.

    pass from someone to someone:

    The estate has passed from father to son for generations.

    Synonyms and related words

    To exchange and exchanging
  16. 16
    intransitive to change from one state to another
    pass from something to something:

    At this temperature, the mixture passes from a solid to a liquid state.

    Synonyms and related words

    To become different
  17. 17
    intransitive to not play a card or not make a bid in a card game
    Synonyms and related words

    To perform an action in a card game
  18. 18
    to die
    She had an amazing year before she passed.
    Submitted from:
    United Kingdom on 03/01/2017


pass (a) sentence (on someone)
pass the time
pass the time of day (with someone)
pass water

phrasal verbs

pass around
pass as
pass away
pass by
pass down
pass for
pass off
pass on
pass out
pass over
pass through
pass up





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