a very small sum of money, usually as low as one cent or one penny, that a court awards to a winning claimant to show that the case should never have been brought to court
Much to the claimant’s disappointment, the judge only granted him contemptuousdamages of 99 pence.
Synonyms and related words
Punishments outside of prison
approved premises
bail hostel
Synonyms and related words
Miscellaneous payments
contemptuous damages
noun plural legal
US /kənˌtemptʃuəs ˈdæmɪdʒɪz/
a very small sum of money, usually as low as one cent or one penny, that a court awards to a winning claimant to show that the case should never have been brought to court
Much to the claimant’s disappointment, the judge only granted him contemptuousdamages of 99 pence.