

单词 cut


UK /kʌt/

  1. 1
    something that film directors say when they want the actors and people making the film to stop for a short time
    Synonyms and related words

    Cinema and the film industry


US /kʌt/

  1. 1
    something that movie directors say when they want the actors and people making the movie to stop for a short time
    Synonyms and related words

    Movies and the movie industry


UK /kʌt/

Word Forms


  1. 1
    an injury on your skin where something sharp has cut it

    My son’s face was covered in cuts and bruises.

    She suffered a deep cut to her scalp.

    Synonyms and related words

    Skin problems, swellings and injuries
    1. 1a
      a mark or hole in a surface where something sharp has cut it

      Make a series of small cuts in the meat.

      Synonyms and related words

      Holes and openings in surfaces
  2. 2
    a reduction in something

    job/tax/pay/defence cuts

    cut in:

    The government threatened a cut in education spending.

    Synonyms and related words

    Rates of decrease and the process of decreasing
  3. 3
    usually singularthe act or process of cutting something

    I chopped the log with one clean cut.

    Synonyms and related words

    Cutting, cuts and relating to cutting
    1. 3a
      the act of cutting someone’s hair

      a cut and blow-dry

      Synonyms and related words

      Hairdressers and hairdressing
  4. 4
    usually singularthe way in which someone’s hair has been cut

    We gave Jenny’s hair a softer cut.

    Synonyms and related words

    Hairstyle and types of hairstyle
    1. 4a
      the way in which cloth has been cut that gives it a particular style or shape

      the stylish cut of his evening clothes

      Synonyms and related words

      Relating to cloth and fabric
  5. 5
    an act of making something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a film, or a broadcast shorter

    Some drastic cuts have been made in the third act.

    Synonyms and related words

    Relating to writing and editing
    1. 5a
      an act of removing parts from something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a film, or a broadcast, especially because they are not suitable
      Synonyms and related words

      Relating to writing and editing
  6. 6
    cinemaa way of arranging how a film looks by moving, removing, or adding scenes

    the director’s cut

    Synonyms and related words

    Film-making and theatre production
  7. 7
    cinemaa quick move from one scene of a film to another
    Synonyms and related words

    Film-making and theatre production
  8. 8
    a piece of meat that has been cut from a particular part of the animal

    a lean cut of beef

    Synonyms and related words

    Joints and cuts of meat
    See alsocold cuts
  9. 9
    usually singularinformalsomeone’s part of a total amount of money

    Don’t forget your agent takes a 10% cut.

    Synonyms and related words

    Unspecified amounts of money
  10. 10
    usually singulara situation in which you pretend not to see or recognize someone you know
    Synonyms and related words

    Tricks, pretences and dishonest plans
  11. 11
    usually singularAmericana comment or action that hurts someone’s feelings
    Synonyms and related words

    General words for insults and insulting
  12. 12
    musica piece of music that has been recorded
    Synonyms and related words

    Pieces of music
  13. 13
    mainly Americana cutting through something such as rock
    Synonyms and related words

    Caves, ditches and cracks


be a cut above
the cut and thrust (of something)


US /kʌt/

Word Forms


  1. 1
    an injury on your skin where something sharp has cut it

    My son’s face was covered with cuts and bruises.

    She suffered a deep cut to her scalp.

    Synonyms and related words

    Skin problems, swellings and injuries
    1. 1a
      a mark or hole in a surface where something sharp has cut it

      Make a series of small cuts in the meat.

      Synonyms and related words

      Holes and openings in surfaces
  2. 2
    a reduction in something

    job/tax/pay/defense cuts

    cut in:

    The government threatened a cut in education spending.

    Synonyms and related words

    Rates of decrease and the process of decreasing
  3. 3
    a piece of meat that has been cut from a particular part of the animal

    a lean cut of beef

    Synonyms and related words

    Joints and cuts of meat
    See alsocold cuts
  4. 4
    usually singularinformalsomeone’s part of a total amount of money

    The agent will take a 10% cut.

    Synonyms and related words

    Unspecified amounts of money
  5. 5
    usually singularthe way in which someone’s hair has been cut

    We gave Jenny’s hair a softer cut.

    Synonyms and related words

    Hairstyle and types of hairstyle
    1. 5a
      the way in which cloth has been cut that gives it a particular style or shape

      the stylish cut of his evening clothes

      Synonyms and related words

      Relating to cloth and fabric
  6. 6
    usually singularthe act or process of cutting something

    I chopped the log with one clean cut.

    Synonyms and related words

    Cutting, cuts and relating to cutting
    1. 6a
      the act of cutting someone’s hair

      a cut and blow-dry

      Synonyms and related words

      Hairdressers and hairdressing
  7. 7
    an act of making something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast shorter

    Some drastic cuts have been made in the third act.

    Synonyms and related words

    Relating to writing and editing
    1. 7a
      an act of removing parts from something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast, especially because they are not suitable
      Synonyms and related words

      Relating to writing and editing
  8. 8
    cinemaa way of arranging how a movie looks by moving, removing, or adding scenes

    the director’s cut

    Synonyms and related words

    Movie-making and theater production
  9. 9
    cinemaa quick move from one scene of a movie to another
    Synonyms and related words

    Movie-making and theater production
  10. 10
    a passage cut through something such as rock
    Synonyms and related words

    Caves, ditches and cracks
  11. 11
    musica piece of music that has been recorded
    Synonyms and related words

    Pieces of music
  12. 12
    usually singularAmericana comment or action that hurts someone’s feelings
    Synonyms and related words

    General words for insults and insulting
  13. 13
    usually singulara situation in which you pretend not to see or recognize someone you know
    Synonyms and related words

    Tricks, pretenses and dishonest plans


be a cut above
the cut and thrust (of something)


UK /kʌt/

Word Forms

present tense
present participlecutting
past tensecut
past participlecut

  1. 1
    transitive to use a knife, pair of scissors, or other sharp tool to divide something into two or more pieces

    I’m going to cut the cake now.

    The telephone wires had been cut.

    cut something in half/two:

    The apples had been cut in half.

    cut something into pieces/quarters/three etc:

    Cut the pepper into small pieces.

    Synonyms and related words

    Cutting, cuts and relating to cutting
    Synonyms and related words

    To use a tool
    1. 1a
      to use a sharp tool to remove a piece from something

      I cut a slice of bread.

      cut someone something:

      Will you cut me a slice of pizza?

      cut something from/off something:

      You should cut that broken branch from the tree.

      cut something in/through something:

      Firemen had to cut a hole in the car roof to get him out.

      Synonyms and related words

      Remove by cutting
      Synonyms and related words

      To use a tool
    2. 1b
      to use a sharp tool to make something shorter

      You need to cut your toenails.

      It’s Ken’s turn to cut the grass.

      have/get your hair cut:

      I’m going to have my hair cut tomorrow.

      Synonyms and related words

      To change the length of something
      Synonyms and related words

      To use a tool
  2. 2
    intransitive to be capable of cutting in a particular way

    These scissors don’t cut very well.

    Synonyms and related words

    Cutting, cuts and relating to cutting
    1. 2a
      transitive to be able to cut a particular substance

      a tool that cuts metal easily

      Synonyms and related words

      Cutting, cuts and relating to cutting
  3. 3
    transitive to injure a part of your body with something sharp that cuts the skin

    Be careful not to cut your finger.

    He cut himself shaving.

    Her face was badly cut by flying glass.

    Synonyms and related words

    To injure yourself or someone else
  4. 4
    transitive to reduce something such as the amount or level of something

    Supermarkets are drastically cutting prices.

    We have cut our spending by 33%.

    Synonyms and related words

    To reduce something
  5. 5
    transitive computingto remove a part of a computer document, especially in order to paste it into another place or document
    Synonyms and related words

    To use or program a computer
    See alsocut and paste
  6. 6



    cut off

    transitive to stop the supply of something, or to stop something working

    The accident had cut the oxygen to her brain.

    All lines of communication had been cut.

    Could you cut the engine for a minute?

    Synonyms and related words

    To stop something from continuing or developing
    Synonyms and related words

    To make a machine or piece of machinery stop working
  7. 7
    transitive to make something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a film, or a broadcast shorter by removing parts from it

    You need to cut your speech by about 10 minutes.

    Synonyms and related words

    Editing, adapting and proofreading
    1. 7a



      cut out

      to remove parts from something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a film, or a broadcast, especially because they are not suitable

      They have cut some sex scenes from the film.

      Synonyms and related words

      Editing, adapting and proofreading
  8. 8
    intransitive cinemato move quickly from one scene of a film to another
    cut (from something) to something:

    The scene cuts to the interior of a large mansion.

    The camera jumps around cutting from reaction shot to reaction shot.

    We cut away to another close-up.

    This meaning is based on one submitted to the Open Dictionary by: Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 19/11/2015
    Synonyms and related words

    Film-making and theatre production
  9. 9
    intransitive/transitive to divide a set of playing cards into two piles
    Synonyms and related words

    To perform an action in a card game
  10. 10
    transitive to divide an area into two or more parts

    The River Danube cuts Budapest in two.

    Synonyms and related words

    To separate an object or area into parts
  11. 11
    transitive musicif a musician or band cuts a record, they record it
    Synonyms and related words

    Playing, performing and arranging music
  12. 12
    transitive to reduce the strength or effectiveness of something by mixing it with something else
    Synonyms and related words

    To become, or to make something weaker
    Synonyms and related words

    To mix things, or to become mixed
  13. 13



    cut across

    transitive to pass through or across something

    the place where Kings Road cuts the High Street

    Synonyms and related words

    To move through an area or object


cut and run
cut both ways
cut class/school
cut your coat according to your cloth
cut corners
cut a dash
cut someone dead
cut a deal
cut a fine/ridiculous etc figure
cut the ground from under someone’s feet
cut it
cut it fine
cut loose
cut your losses
cut no ice/not cut any ice (with someone)
cut your own throat
cut someone short
cut something short
cut your teeth on something
cut someone to the bone/heart/quick
cut to the chase
cut a tooth
not cut the mustard

phrasal verbs

cut across
cut away
cut back
cut down
cut in
cut into
cut off
cut out
cut over
cut through
cut up


US /kʌt/

Word Forms

present tense
present participlecutting
past tensecut
past participlecut

  1. 1
    transitive to use a knife, pair of scissors, or other sharp tool to divide something into two or more pieces

    I’m going to cut the cake now.

    The telephone wires had been cut.

    cut something in half/two:

    The apples had been cut in half.

    cut something into pieces/quarters/three etc.:

    Cut the pepper into small pieces.

    Synonyms and related words

    Cutting, cuts and relating to cutting
    Synonyms and related words

    To use a tool
    1. 1a
      to use a sharp tool to remove a piece from something

      I cut a slice of bread.

      cut someone something:

      Will you cut me a slice of pizza?

      cut something from/off something:

      You should cut that broken branch off the tree.

      cut something in/through something:

      Firemen had to cut a hole in the car roof to get him out.

      Synonyms and related words

      Remove by cutting
      Synonyms and related words

      To use a tool
    2. 1b
      to use a sharp tool to make something shorter

      You need to cut your toenails.

      It’s Ken’s turn to cut the grass.

      have/get your hair cut:

      I’m going to have my hair cut tomorrow.

      Synonyms and related words

      To change the length of something
      Synonyms and related words

      To use a tool
  2. 2
    intransitive to be capable of cutting in a particular way

    These scissors don’t cut very well.

    Synonyms and related words

    Cutting, cuts and relating to cutting
    1. 2a
      transitive to be able to cut a particular substance

      a tool that cuts metal easily

      Synonyms and related words

      Cutting, cuts and relating to cutting
  3. 3
    transitive to injure a part of your body with something sharp that cuts the skin

    Be careful not to cut your finger.

    He cut himself shaving.

    Her face was badly cut by flying glass.

    Synonyms and related words

    To injure yourself or someone else
  4. 4
    transitive to reduce something such as the amount or level of something

    Supermarkets are drastically cutting prices.

    We have cut our spending by 33%.

    Synonyms and related words

    To reduce something
  5. 5
    transitive to reduce the strength or effectiveness of something by mixing it with something else
    Synonyms and related words

    To become, or to make something weaker
    Synonyms and related words

    To mix things, or to become mixed
  6. 6
    transitive computingto remove a part of a computer document, especially in order to paste it into another place or document
    Synonyms and related words

    To use or program a computer
    See alsocut and paste
  7. 7



    cut off

    transitive to stop the supply of something, or to stop something working

    The accident had cut the oxygen to her brain.

    All lines of communication had been cut.

    Could you cut the engine for a minute?

    Synonyms and related words

    To stop something from continuing or developing
    Synonyms and related words

    To make a machine or piece of machinery stop working
  8. 8
    transitive to make something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast shorter by removing parts from it

    You need to cut your speech by about 10 minutes.

    Synonyms and related words

    Editing, adapting and proofreading
    1. 8a



      cut out

      to remove parts from something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast, especially because they are not suitable

      They have cut some scenes from the film.

      Synonyms and related words

      Editing, adapting and proofreading
  9. 9
    intransitive cinemato move quickly from one scene of a movie to another
    cut (from something) to something:

    The scene cuts to the interior of a large mansion.

    The camera jumps around cutting from reaction shot to reaction shot.

    We cut away to another close-up.

    This meaning is based on one submitted to the Open Dictionary by: Boris Marchenko from Russian Federation on 19/11/2015
    Synonyms and related words

    Movie-making and theater production
  10. 10
    intransitive/transitive to divide a set of playing cards into two piles
    Synonyms and related words

    To perform an action in a card game
  11. 11
    transitive to divide an area into two or more parts

    The Danube cuts Budapest in two.

    Synonyms and related words

    To separate an object or area into parts
  12. 12
    transitive musicif a musician or band cuts a record, they record it
    Synonyms and related words

    Playing, performing and arranging music
  13. 13



    cut across

    transitive to pass through or across something

    the place where Broadway cuts 42nd Street

    Synonyms and related words

    To move through an area or object
  14. 14



    cut in line

    intransitive Americanto take a place near the front of a line of people rather than going to the back
    Synonyms and related words

    To wait in a queue


cut and run
cut both ways
cut a check
cut the cheese
cut class/school
cut corners
cut someone dead
cut a deal
cut a fine/ridiculous etc. figure
cut the ground from under someone’s feet
cut it
cut it close
cut loose
cut your losses
cut no ice/not cut any ice (with someone)
cut your own throat
cut someone short
cut something short
cut your teeth on something
cut to the chase
cut someone to the quick
cut a tooth
not cut the mustard

phrasal verbs

cut across
cut away
cut back
cut down
cut in
cut into
cut off
cut out
cut over
cut through
cut up





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