释义 |
1 no longer aliveThe police don’t know whether she’s alive or dead. He is grieving for his dead father. I raked up the dead leaves. a dead body: Rescue workers are still pulling dead bodies out of the rubble. leave someone dead: The shootings left 14 people dead. leave someone for dead (=leave them to die): He was beaten and left for dead by a gang of teenagers. be feared/presumed dead: Three people are still missing, presumed dead. clinically dead (=according to medical standards): Doctors pronounced him clinically dead two days later. more dead than alive (=very ill, weak, or badly injured): They staggered down the mountain, more dead than alive. dead and gone: All of that generation are now dead and gone. long dead (=dead for a long time): By the time I had my children, Grandma was long dead. Synonyms and related words 1a the deadpeople who are deadthe dead and injured: Fifteen of her relatives were among the dead and injured. the dead and dying: The bridge was soon blocked with the dead and dying. bury the/your dead: The people of the town now want to be left alone to bury their dead. Synonyms and related words
A dead body or dead person or people
2 a piece of equipment that is dead is no longer working or able to receive an electrical signalThe battery was completely dead. go dead: The phone suddenly went dead. Synonyms and related words
Describing machines and pieces of equipment all-singing, all-dancing analog analogue 3 a place, time, or situation that is dead is not very interesting because very little happens in itThe street seems dead without all the bustle of the children. Winter is traditionally a dead time of year in the fashion business. be far from dead: Eleven minutes of this game remaining, and it’s far from dead! Synonyms and related words
Not interesting or exciting 4 no longer considered useful, relevant, or likely to be successfulThe idea of self-government for the area is now effectively dead. be dead and buried (=have failed completely): A government spokesman acknowledged that the peace process is dead and buried. Synonyms and related words
Not effective or useful and not working correctly useless ineffective inefficient Synonyms and related words
Not relevant or appropriate irrelevant inappropriate unimportant 5 dead or half deadnever before nouninformalvery tired, weak, or illdead on your feet (=very tired but still standing): By the time we had finished we were all dead on our feet. Synonyms and related words
Feeling and being unhealthy or ill Synonyms and related words 6 if a part of your body is dead, you cannot feel it or move it normallygo dead: My legs had gone completely dead. Synonyms and related words 7 if someone’s eyes are dead, or if their voice is dead, they feel or show no emotionShe turned to him with her strange dead eyes. Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe someone’s voice adenoidal appealing a voice like a foghorn Synonyms and related words
Describing the appearance of someone’s eyes 8 usually before nouna dead language such as Latin is no longer used by people in their ordinary lives Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe language agglutinative classical cognate 9 only before nouncompletedead silence: She finished speaking, and there was dead silence in the room. dead centre: The bullet hit the target dead centre (=exactly in the centre). a dead stop: The truck suddenly came to a dead stop. in a dead faint (=completely unconscious): She fell forward and hit the floor in a dead faint. Synonyms and related words 10 a place that is dead has no living plants or animals in it Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe dry, barren and empty areas of land 11 a ball is dead in some games if it is outside the area on which the game is played, so that the game stops for a short time Synonyms and related words
Relating to the ball in sports and games 12 Britishinformala dead glass or bottle is one that you have finished drinking from Synonyms and related words
Empty of people or things 12a a dead match has already been used and is now useless Synonyms and related words
Not effective or useful and not working correctly useless ineffective inefficient
13 never before nouninformalin serious troubleIf Louise catches you going through her purse, you’re dead! Synonyms and related words
In a difficult situation pressed oppressed deadlocked 14 dead and buriedfinished or ended completelyThat idea about extending the house is dead and buried. Submitted by: Emran khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 30/12/2018 15 play deadto pretend that you are deadI played dead during the assault. Submitted from: United Kingdom on 26/10/2017 16 would rather be dead in a ditchan emphatic way of saying you will never do somethingI would rather be dead in a ditch than ask that man for anything! Submitted from: United Kingdom on 05/09/2019 17 dead from the neck upvery foolish or stupidSometimes my friend is dead from the neck up. Submitted by: Caleb Judy from United States on 25/03/2016
a dead cert be in dead trouble/be dead meat dead in the water dead to the world over my dead body rise from/come back from the dead someone wouldn’t be seen/caught dead
1 no longer aliveThe police don’t know whether she’s alive or dead. He is grieving for his dead father. I raked up the dead leaves. a dead body: Rescue workers are still pulling dead bodies out of the rubble. be feared/presumed dead: Three people are still missing, presumed dead. leave someone dead: The shootings left 14 people dead. leave someone for dead (=leave them to die): He was beaten and left for dead by a gang of teenagers. long dead (=dead for a long time): By the time I had my children, Grandma was long dead. dead and gone: All of that generation are now dead and gone. more dead than alive (=very sick, weak, or badly injured): They staggered down the mountain, more dead than alive. Synonyms and related words 1a the deadpeople who are deadthe dead and injured: Fifteen of her relatives were among the dead and injured. the dead and dying: The bridge was soon blocked with the dead and dying. bury the/your dead: The people of the town now want to be left alone to bury their dead. Synonyms and related words
A dead body or dead person or people
2 a piece of equipment that is dead is no longer working or able to receive an electrical signalThe battery was completely dead. go dead: The phone suddenly went dead. Synonyms and related words
Describing machines and pieces of equipment analog at the touch of a button automatic 3 a place, time, or situation that is dead is not very interesting because very little happens in itThe street seems dead without all the bustle of the children. Winter is traditionally a dead time of year in the fashion business. Synonyms and related words
Not interesting or exciting 4 no longer considered useful, relevant, or likely to be successfulThe idea of self-government for the area is now effectively dead. be dead and buried (=have failed completely): A government spokesman acknowledged that the peace process is dead and buried. Synonyms and related words
Not effective or useful and not working correctly useless pointless ineffective Synonyms and related words
Not relevant or appropriate irrelevant inappropriate unimportant 5 dead or half deadnever before nouninformalvery tired, weak, or sickdead on your feet (=very tired but still standing): By the time we had finished we were all dead on our feet. Synonyms and related words
Feeling and being unhealthy or ill Synonyms and related words 6 if a part of your body is dead, you cannot feel it or move it normallygo dead: My legs had gone completely dead. Synonyms and related words 7 if someone’s eyes are dead, or if their voice is dead, they feel or show no emotionShe turned to him with her strange dead eyes. Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe someone’s voice adenoidal appealing a voice like a foghorn Synonyms and related words
Describing the appearance of someone’s eyes 8 usually before nouna dead language such as Latin is no longer used by people in their ordinary lives Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe language agglutinative classical cognate 9 only before nouncompletedead silence: She finished speaking, and there was dead silence in the room. dead center: The bullet hit the target dead center (=exactly in the center). a dead stop: The truck suddenly came to a dead stop. in a dead faint (=completely unconscious): She fell forward and hit the floor in a dead faint. Synonyms and related words 10 a ball is dead in some games if it is outside the area on which the game is played, so that the game stops for a short time Synonyms and related words
Relating to the ball in sports and games 11 a place that is dead has no living plants or animals in it Synonyms and related words
Words used to describe dry, barren and empty areas of land 12 Britishinformala dead glass or bottle is one that you have finished drinking from Synonyms and related words
Empty of people or things 12a a dead match has already been used and is now useless Synonyms and related words
Not effective or useful and not working correctly useless pointless ineffective
13 never before nouninformalin serious troubleIf Louise catches you going through her purse, you’re dead! Synonyms and related words
In a difficult situation pressed oppressed deadlocked 14 dead and buriedfinished or ended completelyThat idea about extending the house is dead and buried. Submitted by: Emran khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 30/12/2018 15 play deadto pretend that you are deadI played dead during the assault. Submitted from: United Kingdom on 26/10/2017 16 would rather be dead in a ditchan emphatic way of saying you will never do somethingI would rather be dead in a ditch than ask that man for anything! Submitted from: United Kingdom on 05/09/2019 17 dead from the neck upvery foolish or stupidSometimes my friend is dead from the neck up. Submitted by: Caleb Judy from United States on 25/03/2016
be in dead trouble/be dead meat dead in the water dead to the world over my dead body rise from/come back from the dead someone wouldn’t be seen/caught dead
1 completelystop dead (in your tracks) (=completely and suddenly): Rachel stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me with Andy. be dead (set) against (doing) something (=oppose it completely): My parents are dead against the idea of me going to South America. be dead set on (doing) something (=be determined to do something despite opposition): The director is dead set on this location. dead on time (=at exactly the time arranged or expected): The package arrived dead on time. dead on target: Most of his shots were dead on target. Synonyms and related words
Completely and thoroughly completely thoroughly fully 2 veryThat lesson was dead boring! dead easy: Replacing the battery in the iPhone is dead easy. dead tired: I’m dead tired, but I can’t miss this meeting. Synonyms and related words 3 directlydead ahead: I can see the station dead ahead. Synonyms and related words
1 completelystop dead (in your tracks) (=completely and suddenly): Rachel stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me with Andy. be dead set against (doing) something (=oppose it completely): My parents are dead set against the idea of me going to South America. be dead set on (doing) something (=be determined to do something despite opposition): The director is dead set on this location. Synonyms and related words
Completely and thoroughly completely thoroughly fully 2 directlydead ahead: I can see the service station dead ahead. Synonyms and related words 3 verydead tired: I’m dead tired, but I can’t miss this meeting. Synonyms and related words