

单词 see


UK /siː/

Word Forms


  1. 1
    an area that a bishop or archbishop is responsible for
    Synonyms and related words

    Church councils and districts


US /si/

Word Forms


  1. 1
    an area for which a bishop or archbishop is responsible
    Synonyms and related words

    Church councils and districts


UK /siː/

Word Forms

present tense
present participleseeing
past tensesaw
past participleseen

  1. 1
    transitive never progressiveto notice someone or something using your eyes

    She laughed when she saw the expression on his face.

    see what/where/who:

    Did you see who it was?

    see (that):

    I could see she was upset.

    see someone/something doing something:

    Didn’t you see him talking to her earlier?

    Synonyms and related words

    To see or not see someone or something
    1. 1a
      intransitive/transitive to be able to use your eyes to notice and recognize things

      If the operation is successful, he will be able to see again.

      see to do something:

      It was too dark to see to read.

      can’t see a thing:

      She can’t see a thing without her contact lenses.

      Synonyms and related words

      To see or not see someone or something
      Synonyms and related words

      What the eyes can do
    2. 1b
      transitive to watch something such as a film or television programme

      We saw Hamlet at the National Theatre last week.

      Have you seen the film American Beauty?

      Synonyms and related words

      Television and radio audiences and what they do
    3. 1c
      transitive to look at something in order to check it

      The border guard asked to see her passport.

      Synonyms and related words

      General words meaning to look or not look
  2. 2
    transitive to meet or visit someone who you know by arrangement

    Are you seeing Jane tomorrow?

    see you (=I’ll meet you):

    See you at the station at 6 o’clock.

    Synonyms and related words

    To meet, or to introduce people
    Synonyms and related words

    To visit a person or place, or to be visited by someone
    1. 2a
      transitive never progressiveto meet someone who you know by accident

      I saw David in town the other day.

      Synonyms and related words

      To meet, or to introduce people
    2. 2b
      transitive to have a business or professional meeting with someone

      When can Mr Martin see me?

      see someone about something:

      She’s seeing the doctor about her leg tomorrow.

      Synonyms and related words

      To do business and relating to doing business
    3. 2c
      transitive to spend time with a friend or member of your family

      We still see each other a couple of times a month.

      see more​/​less​/​a lot of someone:

      I’ve been seeing a lot of my sister recently.

      Synonyms and related words

      To spend time with friends
    4. 2d
      transitive to be visited by someone

      Peter still isn’t well enough to see anyone.

      Synonyms and related words

      To visit a person or place, or to be visited by someone
  3. 3
    transitive always in imperativeused for saying where you can find more information

    See chapter 12.

    see above​/​below (=nearer the beginning​/​end):

    This contributed to the success of the Republicans (see above).

    Synonyms and related words

    Referring to parts of documents or pieces of writing
  4. 4
    intransitive/transitive never progressiveto understand something

    I think I see the problem here.

    see why/what/who/how:

    I see why you’re angry.

    see (that):

    No one could see he was to blame.

    can’t​/​don’t see why​/​what​/​that:

    I can’t see that it matters who does it.

    He didn’t see what all the fuss was about.

    see what someone means:

    ‘It’s not fair to go without him.’ ‘Yes, I see what you mean.’

    Synonyms and related words

    To understand something
  5. 5
    transitive to consider someone or something in a particular way
    see someone/something as something:

    This was seen as an attempt to fool the voters.

    He seems to see me as a threat.

    see things differently (from someone):

    A scientist sees things differently from an artist.

    Synonyms and related words

    To think about someone or something in a particular way
  6. 6
    transitive never progressiveto imagine someone or something
    see someone as something:

    Can you really see her as the president?

    see someone​/​something doing something:

    I just can’t see them winning the game.

    see yourself:

    Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

    Synonyms and related words

    To imagine, or to use your imagination
  7. 7
    intransitive/transitive never progressiveto find something out

    As we saw in Chapter 2, the reasons for the war were complex.

    see (that):

    If you read his report, you’ll see that he recommends a cautious approach.

    see who/what/why:

    I’ll go and see what he wants.

    see if/whether:

    He went back to see whether they needed any help.

    Synonyms and related words

    To find out information
  8. 8
    transitive never progressiveto experience something

    This little girl has seen so much misery in her time.

    Synonyms and related words

    To experience something
  9. 9
    transitive if a place or a period of time sees an event, the event happens in that place or during that time

    The region has seen some of the fiercest fighting in the war.

    Synonyms and related words

    General words meaning to happen
  10. 10
    transitive to go with someone because you want to make sure that they arrive somewhere
    see someone home:

    Can I see you home?

    see someone across the road:

    I’ll see him across the road.

    see someone to the door (=when they leave a building):

    My secretary will see you to the door.

    Synonyms and related words

    To go somewhere with someone or something
  11. 11
    transitive in a card game, to bet the same amount of money as another player

    I’ll see your 20 dollars.

    Synonyms and related words

    To perform an action in a card game
    Synonyms and related words

    To gamble money
    1. 11a
      to bet the same money as another player and to make them show their cards
      Synonyms and related words

      To perform an action in a card game
      Synonyms and related words

      To gamble money
  12. 12

    see what I did there?

    used as a way of drawing attention to something clever and funny that you have just said or written
    If you’ve been living under a bush for the last few years (see what I did there?) Ray is the down-to-earth survivalist, bushcraft expert, author, photographer ...
    Submitted by:
    Kerry from United Kingdom on 06/10/2017


as/the way someone sees it
be seeing someone
be seeing things
be seen to be doing something
have seen it all before
I don’t see why not
(I’ll) be seeing you
I’ll/we’ll have to see
I see
let me see
not see beyond the end of your nose
now I’ve seen everything/it all
see the back of someone
see both sides
see something coming (a mile off)
see someone coming (a mile off)
see someone/something for something
see for yourself
see how it goes/things go
see if/whether you can do something
see the last of someone/something
see the light
see reason/sense
see someone right
see that someone does something/that something is done
see your way (clear) to do something
see what someone is (really) made of
see what you can do
see you
see you later
seen against something
we’ll see
you see
you’ll see

phrasal verbs

see about
see around
see in
see off
see out
see over
see through
see to


US /si/

Word Forms

present tense
present participleseeing
past tensesaw
past participleseen

  1. 1
    transitive never progressiveto notice someone or something using your eyes

    She laughed when she saw the expression on his face.

    see what/where/who:

    Did you see who it was?

    see (that):

    I could see she was upset.

    see someone/something doing something:

    Didn’t you see him talking to her earlier?

    Synonyms and related words

    To see or not see someone or something
    1. 1a
      transitive to look at something in order to check it

      The border guard asked to see her passport.

      Synonyms and related words

      General words meaning to look or not look
    2. 1b
      intransitive/transitive to be able to use your eyes to notice and recognize things

      If the operation is successful, he will be able to see again.

      can’t see a thing:

      She can’t see a thing without her contact lenses.

      see to do something:

      It was too dark to see to read.

      Synonyms and related words

      To see or not see someone or something
      Synonyms and related words

      What the eyes can do
    3. 1c
      transitive to watch something such as a movie or television program

      We saw Hamlet performed by the University Dramatic Society last week.

      Have you seen the movie American Beauty?

      Synonyms and related words

      Television and radio audiences and what they do
  2. 2
    transitive to meet or visit someone who you know by arrangement

    Are you seeing Jane tomorrow?

    see you (=I’ll meet you):

    See you at the station at 6 o’clock.

    Synonyms and related words

    To meet, or to introduce people
    Synonyms and related words

    To visit a person or place, or to be visited by someone
    1. 2a
      transitive never progressiveto meet someone who you know by accident

      I saw David in town the other day.

      Synonyms and related words

      To meet, or to introduce people
    2. 2b
      transitive to have a business or professional meeting with someone

      When can Mr. Martin see me?

      see someone about something:

      She’s seeing the doctor about her leg tomorrow.

      Synonyms and related words

      To do business and relating to doing business
    3. 2c
      transitive to spend time with a friend or member of your family

      We still see each other a couple of times a month.

      see more​/​less​/​a lot of someone:

      I’ve been seeing a lot of my sister recently.

      Synonyms and related words

      To spend time with friends
    4. 2d
      transitive to be visited by someone

      Peter still isn’t well enough to see anyone.

      Synonyms and related words

      To visit a person or place, or to be visited by someone
  3. 3
    transitive always in imperativeused for saying where you can find more information

    See chapter 12.

    see above​/​below (=nearer the beginning​/​end):

    This contributed to the success of the Republicans (see above).

    Synonyms and related words

    Referring to parts of documents or pieces of writing
  4. 4
    intransitive/transitive never progressiveto understand something

    I think I see the problem here.

    see (that):

    No one could see he was to blame.

    see why/what/who/how:

    I see why you’re angry.

    see what someone means:

    “It’s not fair to go without him.” “Yes, I see what you mean.”

    can’t​/​don’t see why​/​what​/​that:

    I can’t see that it matters who does it.

    He didn’t see what all the fuss was about.

    Synonyms and related words

    To understand something
  5. 5
    transitive to consider someone or something in a particular way
    see things differently (from someone):

    A scientist sees things differently from an artist.

    see someone/something as something:

    This was seen as an attempt to fool the voters.

    He seems to see me as a threat.

    Synonyms and related words

    To think about someone or something in a particular way
  6. 6
    transitive never progressiveto imagine someone or something
    see someone as something:

    Can you really see her as the president?

    see someone​/​something doing something:

    I just can’t see them winning the game.

    see yourself:

    Where do you see yourself in five years’?

    Synonyms and related words

    To imagine, or to use your imagination
  7. 7
    intransitive/transitive never progressiveto find something out

    As we saw in Chapter 2, the reasons for the war were complex.

    see (that):

    If you read his report, you’ll see that he recommends a cautious approach.

    see who/what/why:

    I’ll go and see what he wants.

    see if/whether:

    He went back to see whether they needed any help.

    Synonyms and related words

    To find out information
  8. 8
    transitive never progressiveto experience something

    This little girl has seen so much misery in her time.

    Synonyms and related words

    To experience something
  9. 9
    transitive if a place or a period of time sees an event, the event happens in that place or during that time

    The region has seen some of the fiercest fighting in the war.

    Synonyms and related words

    General words meaning to happen
  10. 10
    transitive to go with someone because you want to make sure that they arrive somewhere
    see someone across the street:

    I’ll see him across the street.

    see someone home:

    Can I see you home?

    see someone to the door (=when they leave a building):

    My secretary will see you to the door.

    Synonyms and related words

    To go somewhere with someone or something
  11. 11
    transitive in a card game, to bet the same amount of money as another player

    I’ll see your 20 dollars.

    Synonyms and related words

    To perform an action in a card game
    Synonyms and related words

    To gamble money
    1. 11a
      to bet the same money as another player and to make them show their cards
      Synonyms and related words

      To perform an action in a card game
      Synonyms and related words

      To gamble money
  12. 12

    see what I did there?

    used as a way of drawing attention to something clever and funny that you have just said or written
    If you’ve been living under a bush for the last few years (see what I did there?) Ray is the down-to-earth survivalist, bushcraft expert, author, photographer ...
    Submitted by:
    Kerry from United Kingdom on 06/10/2017


as/the way someone sees it
be seeing someone
be seeing things
be seen to be doing something
have seen it all before
I don’t see why not
(I’ll) be seeing you
I’ll/we’ll have to see
I see
let me see
not see beyond the end of your nose
now I’ve seen everything/it all
see the back of someone
see both sides
see something coming (a mile away)
see someone/something for something
see for yourself
see how it goes/things go
see if/whether you can do something
see the last of someone/something
see the light
see reason/sense
see that someone does something/that something is done
see what someone is (really) made of
see what you can do
see you
see you later
see your way (clear) to do something
seen against something
we’ll see
you see
you’ll see

phrasal verbs

see about
see around
see in
see off
see out
see through
see to





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