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ATSynonyms and related words
View the pronunciation for AT. at
preposition strongUK /æt/ weakUK /ət/ 1 used for stating where someone or something is 1a in a particular placeThere’s a telephone box at the crossroads. I’ll meet you at the main entrance. She’s staying at the Clarence Hotel. We live at 23 Brookfield Avenue. at someone’s (=at their house): I’m babysitting at Sally’s tomorrow night. at home: He wants to spend more time at home with his family. at work (=in the place where someone works): Dad should be at work by now. at the doctor’s/dentist’s/hairdresser’s etc: Trevor’s at the doctor’s – he’ll be back soon. Synonyms and related words 1b used for saying where you stop on a journeyDoes this train stop at Newport? The ship called in at Bombay and Singapore. Synonyms and related words 1c sitting or standing close to something, especially in order to do somethingLambert was seated at the piano. She was standing at the window, staring out across the garden. Synonyms and related words
Next to, near to and not far away 1d in a particular part of a process, activity, programme, or bookAt some point in the process things started to go wrong. Synonyms and related words
2 used for stating what someone is doing 2a used for saying that someone is doing something or taking part in an activity somewhereat a party/concert/meeting etc: We were at a party last night when you called. at school/college etc (=studying at an educational institution): Has Karen graduated, or is she still at college? Synonyms and related words 2b used for stating what state or situation someone or something is inat rest/war/peace etc: The country was at war and life was difficult for everyone. Synonyms and related words
3 used for stating when something happens 3a used for stating the exact time when something happensThe match starts at 3 o’clock. There’s a train at 11.42. Synonyms and related words
Telling the time by a clock 0900/1300 etc hours about advanced 3b used for saying when a particular situation existsat present/at the moment (=now): Everyone’s busy with exams at present. I can’t give you any more information at the moment. at the time (=when something happened in the past): Monica was born in 1972. We were living in Edinburgh at the time. at the beginning/start/end of something: It’s a style that was popular at the beginning of the 20th century. Synonyms and related words
General prepositions of time 3c during a particular periodWhat are you doing at the weekend? My wife’s parents came to stay with us at Christmas. at night (=during any night): At night temperatures sometimes fall to 30 degrees below zero. Synonyms and related words
During a particular period of time 3d when someone is a particular ageMozart was already composing music at the age of five. Synonyms and related words
General words for age and describing someone’s age a 3-year-old/10-month-old etc age age
4 used for stating what makes someone react in a particular wayAudiences still laugh at his jokes. She was annoyed at being disturbed in the middle of the night. Synonyms and related words 5 used for showing the level of prices, temperatures, speeds etcTickets are now on sale at £12 each. His Ferrari crashed at 120 miles an hour. The plastic pipes will melt at high temperatures. Synonyms and related words 6 used for stating the direction in which you look, point, or aim somethingArmed gangs were shooting at police cars. Why are you staring at me like that? Synonyms and related words
General words for the position or direction of an object 7 used for stating what someone is trying to catch, hold, or hitHe grabbed at my sleeve, but I pulled away. She struggled, hitting out at her attackers. Synonyms and related words 8 used for showing that you repeat an action many times with small movements but without doing it completelyI muttered to myself, sipping at my coffee. Stop picking at the scab, or it won’t heal. Synonyms and related words 9 used for stating the activity or subject that someone is skilful or not skilful inBrownstein is an expert at cooking. good/bad at something: I’ve never been very good at sports. Synonyms and related words 10 Americanused for stating the phone number where someone can be reached. The British word is onYou can reach us at 555–3964. Synonyms and related words
Telephone numbers 000 0800 number 0845 number
at all at someone’s/something’s best/worst/strongest etc at lunch/dinner/breakfast etc at someone’s request/suggestion/invitation etc be at it while you’re at it at
preposition strongUS /æt/ weakUS /ət/ 1 used for stating where someone or something is 1a in a particular placeThere’s a pay phone at the gas station. I’ll meet you at the main entrance. She’s staying at the Clarence Hotel. We live at 23 Brookfield Avenue. at someone’s (=at their house): I’m babysitting at Sally’s tomorrow night. at home: He wants to spend more time at home with his family. at work (=in the place where someone works): Dad should be at work by now. at the doctor’s/dentist’s/hairdresser’s etc.: Andy’s at the doctor’s – he’ll be back soon. Synonyms and related words 1b used for saying where you stop on a tripDoes this train stop at Newport? The ship docked at Bombay and Singapore. Synonyms and related words 1c sitting or standing close to something, especially in order to do somethingLambert was seated at the piano. She was standing at the window, staring out across the yard. Synonyms and related words
Next to, near to and not far away 1d in a particular part of a process, activity, program, or bookAt some point in the process things started to go wrong. Synonyms and related words
2 used for stating what someone is doing 2a used for saying that someone is doing something or taking part in an activity somewhereat a party/concert/meeting etc.: We were at a party last night when you called. at school/college etc. (=studying at an educational institution): Has Karen graduated, or is she still at college? Synonyms and related words 2b used for stating what state or situation someone or something is inat rest/war/peace etc.: The country was at war and life was difficult for everyone. The tail markings are less visible when the bird is at rest. Synonyms and related words
3 used for stating when something happens 3a used for stating the exact time when something happensThe game starts at 3 o’clock. There’s a flight at 11:40. Synonyms and related words
Telling the time by a clock 0900/1300 etc. hours about advanced 3b used for saying when a particular situation existsat present/at the moment (=now): Everyone’s busy with exams at present. I can’t give you any more information at the moment. at the time (=when something happened in the past): Monica was born in 1972. We were living in Atlanta at the time. at the beginning/start/end of something: It’s a style that was popular at the beginning of the 20th century. Synonyms and related words
General prepositions of time 3c during a particular periodMy wife’s parents came to stay with us at Christmas. at night (=during any night): At night temperatures sometimes fall to 30 degrees below zero. Synonyms and related words
During a particular period of time 3d when someone is a particular ageMozart was already composing music at the age of five. Synonyms and related words
General words for age and describing someone’s age a 3-year-old/10-month-old etc. age age
4 used for stating what makes someone react in a particular wayAudiences still laugh at his jokes. She was annoyed at being disturbed in the middle of the night. Synonyms and related words 5 used for showing the level of prices, temperatures, speeds, etc.Tickets are now on sale at $15 apiece. His Ferrari crashed at 120 miles an hour. The plastic pipes will melt at high temperatures. Synonyms and related words 6 used for stating the direction in which you look, point, or aim somethingArmed gangs were shooting at police cars. Why are you staring at me like that? Synonyms and related words
General words for the position or direction of an object 7 used for stating what someone is trying to catch, hold, or hitHe grabbed at my sleeve, but I pulled away. She struggled, hitting out at her attackers. Synonyms and related words 8 used for showing that you repeat an action many times with small movements but without doing it completelyI muttered to myself, sipping at my coffee. Stop picking at the scab, or it won’t heal. Synonyms and related words 9 used for stating the activity or subject that someone is skillful or not skillful inBrownstein is an expert at cooking. good/bad at something: I’ve never been very good at sports. Synonyms and related words 10 Americanused for stating the phone number where someone can be reached. The British word is onYou can reach us at 555–3964. Synonyms and related words
at all at someone’s/something’s best/worst/strongest etc. at lunch/dinner/breakfast etc. at someone’s request/suggestion/invitation etc. be at it while you’re at it |