hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
hem·or·rhag·ic dis·ease of the new·born
hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
A neonatal condition caused by vitamin K deficiency, the combined result of a lack of unbound maternal vitamin K, immaturity of the fetal liver and lack of vitamin K-producing bacteria in the infant colon Clinical Abrupt early postpartum onset with spontaneous nasogastric or intracranial hemorrhage, affecting up to 1/1000 neonates and carrying a 5-30% mortality, if untreated; the condition may be more common in breast-fed infants and is more severe and of earlier onset in infants of mothers receiving anticonvulsives–antagonistic to warfarin during pregnancy Lab ↑ PT due to extrinsic factor depletion, ↑ clotting time, ↓ liver-dependent coagulation factors. Cf Hemolytic disease of the newborn.hem·or·rhag·ic dis·ease of the new·born
(HDN) (hem'ŏr-aj'ik di-zēz' nū'bōrn)Synonym(s): haemorrhagic disease of the newborn.