growth hormone-releasing hormone


(sō'mă-tō-lib'ĕr-in), A decapeptide released by the hypothalamus, which induces the release of human growth hormone (somatotropin). Compare: growth hormone-releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone/follicle-stimulating hormone-releasing hormone. Synonym(s): growth hormone-releasing factor, growth hormone-releasing hormone, somatocrinin, somatotropin-releasing factor, somatotropin-releasing hormone [somatotropin + L. libero, to free, + -in]


(sō'mă-tō-lib'ĕr-in) A decapeptide released by the hypothalamus, which induces the release of human growth hormone (somatotropin).
Compare: bioregulator
Synonym(s): growth hormone-releasing factor, growth hormone-releasing hormone, somatotropin-releasing factor, somatotropin-releasing hormone.
[somato- + L. libero, to free, + -in]

growth hormone-releasing hormone

Abbreviation: GH-RH
A hormone from the hypothalamus that stimulates the release of growth hormone. Synonym: somatotropin-releasing hormoneSee also: hormone