Agrometeorological Forecasts
Agrometeorological Forecasts
predictions of the principal agrometeorological conditions affecting the growth, development, and ripening of agricultural crops. Agrometeorological forecasts are based on assessment of the biological peculiarities of plants and on the results of meteorological observations. On the basis of these forecasts are determined tilling, sowing, and harvesting schedules, phases of crop development, expected yield, and the gross harvest of the various agricultural products.
A distinction is made between superlong-term and long-term forecasts. Superlong-term agrometeorological forecasts for a given crop are made before planting. The purpose of this forecast is to decide upon particular agricultural practices to be followed for the crop under the conditions of a particular year; the forecast is made for a period of three to four months. The long-term agrometeorological forecast is a prediction of the harvest in a particular district for a period of one to three months. The significance of the long-term forecast increases in proportion to the need to know where and in what volume one can count on above-plan purchases of agricultural produce. In checking the agrometeorological forecasts, their degree of reliability is established. Data from these forecasts are used by agricultural organs, individual farms, and such groups of specialists as agronomists, zootechnicians, veterinarians, entomologists, and plant pathologists.
Sbornik metodicheskikh ukazanii po analizu i otsenke slozhivshikhsia i ozhidaemykh agrometeorologicheskikh uslovii. Leningrad, 1957.Ulanova, E. S. Metody agrometeorologicheskikh prognozov. Leningrad, 1959.
Rukovodstvo po sostavleniiu agrometeorologicheskikh prognozov. Leningrad, 1962.