Iakov Tsypkin
Tsypkin, Iakov Zalmanovich
Born Sept. 19, 1919, in Dnepropetrovsk. Soviet specialist in automatic control. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1974).
After his graduation from the Moscow Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications in 1941, Tsypkin worked at scientific research institutes. He served in the Soviet Army in 1942 and 1943. In 1950 he became a research worker and a laboratory head at the Institute of Problems of Control. Tsypkin taught at the Moscow Institute of Aviation in 1947 and 1948, at the All-Union Correspondence Electrical Engineering Institute from 1948 to 1965, and at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute from 1965 to 1972. In 1972, he assumed a teaching position at the Moscow Physicotechnical Institute. He was made a professor in 1949.
Tsypkin’s principal works deal with the theory of time-delay systems, relay systems, pulse systems, and systems with a digital computer in the control circuit. He has also made important contributions to the study of adaptive and learning systems.
Tsypkin received the Lenin Prize in 1960 and has been awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and various medals.
Adaptatsiia i obuchenie v avtomaticheskikh sistemakh. Moscow, 1968.Osnovy teorii obuchaiushchikhsia sistem. Moscow, 1970.
Teoriia nelineinykh impul’snykh sistem. Moscow, 1973. (With Iu. S. Popkov.)
Releinye avtomaticheskie sistemy. Moscow, 1974.