Iakubovich, Aleksandr
Iakubovich, Aleksandr Ivanovich
Born 1792; died Sept. 3 (15), 1845, in Eniseisk. Decembrist.
A member of the nobility, Iakubovich was educated at the Boarding School for the Nobility at Moscow University. He entered the Uhlan Life Guards Regiment in 1813 and was transferred to the Caucasus in 1818. In 1825 he went to St. Petersburg for medical treatment.
Iakubovich became friendly with members of the Northern Society of Decembrists and volunteered for the assassination of Emperor Alexander I. He took part in conferences of the society’s leaders held at K. F. Ryleev’s apartment. On the day of the Decembrist uprising he was supposed to take command of the Izmailovskii Regiment and the Naval Life Guards, seize the Winter Palace, and arrest the royal family. At 6 A.M. on Dec. 14, 1825, however, he refused to carry out his assignment, thereby upsetting the plans of the rebels.
While in prison, Iakubovich submitted to Emperor Nicholas I a memorandum containing his thoughts on the condition of Russia. Iakubovich was condemned to death; his sentence, however, was commuted to hard labor, initially for life and then for a term of 20 years. In 1839, after a period of hard labor at Petrovskii Zavod and the Nerchinsk mines, Iakubovich became a penal settler in the village of Malaia Razvodnaia near Irkutsk.
“Pis’mo k imperatoru Nikolaiu Pavlovichu.” In Iz pisem i pokazanii dekabristov. St. Petersburg, 1906.REFERENCES
Vosstanie dekabristov, vol. 2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1926.Azadovskii, M. K. “O literaturnoi deiatel’nosti A. I. Iakubovicha.” In Literaturnoe nasledstvo, vol. 60, book 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1956.