grub around

grub around

1. To search for someone or something. I'm in the art closet, grubbing around for some old paints for the kids to use. The pigs are always grubbing around for scraps.2. To wear unattractive clothing that is old, shabby, and possibly dirty. It's a Sunday afternoon, so I'm just grubbing around in some old sweatsSee also: around, grub

grub around (in something)

to wear old or "grubby" clothes around. I was grubbing around in my jeans when Alice showed up. I was wearing my jeans and just sort of grubbing around when she came.See also: around, grub

grub around

(for someone or something) to search around for someone or something. I went to the attic and grubbed around for my old uniform. The guys went out and grubbed around for another soccer player.See also: around, grub