androgenic alopecia

an·dro·gen·ic al·o·pe·ci·a

Avoid the incorrect word androgenetic alopecia.gradual decrease of scalp hair density in adults with transformation of terminal to vellus hairs, which become lost as a result of familial increased susceptibility of hair follicles to androgen secretion following puberty. Two areas of the scalp are commonly affected in men, the frontal and coronal; when it occurs in women it is associated with other evidence of excessive androgen activity, such as hirsutism. Autosomal dominant inheritance. See: female pattern alopecia, male pattern alopecia. Synonym(s): common baldness

an·dro·gen·ic al·o·pe·ci·a

(an'drō-jen'ik al'ō-pē'shē-ă) Gradual decrease of scalp hair density in adults as a result of familial increased susceptibility of hair follicles to androgen secretion following puberty.
See also: female pattern alopecia, male pattern alopecia
Synonym(s): alopecia hereditaria, patterned alopecia.

androgenic alopecia

Male-pattern baldness in a woman caused by abnormal male sex hormone output from congenital adrenal hyperplasia or other causes.