释义 |
Henle tubules Hen·le tu·bules (hen'lĕ), the straight portions of the nephron that form the nephronic, or Henle loop, distinguished as the descending thin and ascending thin tubules of Henle.Henle tubulesThe portion of the nephron following the proximal tubule. See: nephronSee also: Henle, Friedrich G. J.Henle, Friedrich Gustar Jacob, German anatomist, pathologist, and histologist, 1809-1885. crypts of Henle - infoldings of conjunctiva.Hassall-Henle bodies - see under HassallHenle ampulla - the dilation of the ductus deferens where it approaches its contralateral partner before it is joined by the duct of the seminal vesicle. Synonym(s): ampulla of ductus deferensHenle ansa - Synonym(s): nephronic loopHenle fenestrated elastic membrane - Synonym(s): elastic laminae of arteriesHenle fiber layer - the layer of inner cone fibers in the central area of the retina.Henle fissures - minute spaces filled with connective tissue between the muscular fasciculi of the heart.Henle glands - accessory lacrimal glands. Synonym(s): Baumgarten glandsHenle layer - the outer layer cells of the inner root sheath of the hair follicle.Henle ligamentHenle loop - Synonym(s): nephronic loopHenle membrane - the transparent inner layer of the choroid in contact with the pigmented layer of the retina. Synonym(s): lamina basalis choroideaeHenle nervous layer - the layer of the retina from the outer plexiform to the nerve fiber layer inclusive. Synonym(s): entoretinaHenle reaction - dark brown staining of the medullary cells of the adrenal bodies when treated with the salts of chromium, the cortical cells remaining unstained.Henle sheath - the delicate connective tissue enveloping individual nerve fibers within a peripheral nerve. Synonym(s): endoneuriumHenle sphincterHenle spine - small bony prominence anterior to the supramastoid pit at the posterosuperior margin of the bony external acoustic meatus. Synonym(s): suprameatal spineHenle tubules - the straight portions of the uriniferous tubules that form Henle loop, distinguished as the descending and ascending tubules of Henle.Henle warts - Synonym(s): Hassall-Henle bodies |