释义 |
oligohydramnios [ol″ĭ-go-hi-dram´ne-os] deficiency in the amount of amniotic fluid, defined as 500 mL or less at term and smaller amounts at earlier gestational ages.ol·i·go·hy·dram·ni·os (ol'i-gō-hī-dram'nē-os), The presence of an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid (less than 300 mL at term). Synonym(s): hypamnion, hypamnios, oligamnios, oligoamnios [oligo- + G. hydōr, water, + amnion] hypamnios (hip-am'ne-os, hi?pam') [ hypo- + amnion, caul of a lamb] A deficiency in the amount of amniotic fluid. See: oligohydramnios |