

单词 hbs
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An antibody which reacts with a mesothelial cell membrane antigen located in microvilli. Whilst HBME1 has a low specificity in differentiating mesotheliomas from adenocarcinomas, it is often positive in papillary carcinoma of the thyroid.


HBSHarvard Business School
HBSHepatitis B Surface
HBSHans-Böckler-Stiftung (Düsseldorf, Germany)
HBSHeinrich Boell Stiftung (German Political Foundation)
HBSHousehold Budget Survey
HBSHigh Bass System
HBSHue Brightness and Saturation
HBSHybrid Braking System
HBSHydraulic Braking System
HBSHemoglobin S
HBSHotel Booking System (software)
HBSHighmark Blue Shield (insurance)
HBSHydrodynamically Balanced System (drugs)
HBSHenry Bradshaw Society (UK)
HBSHeritage Building Society
HBSHitachi Building Systems (Japan)
HBSHeilbronn Business School (Germany)
HBSHenry Barnard School (Providence, RI)
HBSHome Business System
HBSHogere Burgerschool
HBSHome Based School
HBSHawaii Biological Survey (Bishop Museum)
HBSHarry Benjamin Syndrome (transsexualism)
HBSHot Buttered Soul (Isaac Hayes album)
HBSHyder Business Services
HBSHeart Beat Sensor (Rainbow Six game tool)
HBSHarbor Boat Service (US Navy)
HBSHole-Burning Spectroscopy
HBSHenrietta Barnett School (UK)
HBSHitchin Boys' School (Hertfordshire, England)
HBSHalobacterium Sp. NRC-1
HBSHarvest Billing System (forest industry)
HBSHealth and Behavior Studies (university program)
HBSHrvatski Biciklisticki Savez (Croatian Cycling Federation)
HBSHoboken Shore Railroad
HBSHrvatski Badmintonski Savez (Croatian Badminton Association)
HBSHealth and Biological Sciences
HBSHeatpipe Bimodal System
HBSHigh Burnup Structure
HBSHrvatski Biljarski Savez (Croatian Billiards Association)
HBSHardware Breakdown Structure
HBSHrvatski Baseball Savez (Croatian Baseball Association)
HBSHrvatski Bridge Savez (Croatian Bridge Federation)
HBSHrvatski Bocarski Savez (Croatian Bowls Federation)
HBSHeart Beat Signal (Broadband internet connection, Australia)
HBSHrvatski Boksacki Savez (Croatian Boxing Federation)
HBSHardness Brinell Steel Indenter
HBSHold Baggage Scanner/Scanning (airport baggage scanning)
HBSHydrogen Burn Survivability




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