Hopeville Pond State Park

Hopeville Pond State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Connecticut
Location:3 miles east of Jewett City on Route 201, off Exit 86 of Route 52.
Facilities:80 wooded campsites, 16 open sites, bathrooms (é), showers, concessions, picnic tables (é), boat launch ramp.
Activities:Camping (seasonal, from mid-April to October 1), boating, pond fishing, swimming, hiking, bicycling, field sports.
Special Features:Park was developed in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corpsaround a former woolen mill pond. Pachaug State Forest (see separateentry) is nearby.
Address:193 Roode Rd
Jewett City, CT 06351

Web: www.dep.state.ct.us/stateparks/parks/hopeville.htm
Size: 554 acres.

See other parks in Connecticut.