Acronym | Definition |
GSA➣General Services Administration (US government) |
GSA➣Google Search Appliance |
GSA➣Geological Society of America |
GSA➣Graduate Student Association (Rice University; Houston, Texas) |
GSA➣Global Semiconductor Alliance (formerly Fabless Semiconductor Association) |
GSA➣Genetics Society of America |
GSA➣Gerontological Society of America |
GSA➣Gay-Straight Alliance Network (since 1998) |
GSA➣Guided Self Assessment (various organizations) |
GSA➣Glasgow School of Art |
GSA➣General Sales Agent |
GSA➣Geological Society of Australia |
GSA➣Government Services Administration |
GSA➣Graduate School of Architecture (various schools) |
GSA➣Group Security Association |
GSA➣GNSS Supervisory Authority (European Satellite Navigation Agency, Brussels, Belgium) |
GSA➣General State Aid (Illinois) |
GSA➣Gene Set Analysis |
GSA➣Gaming Standards Association (Fremont, CA) |
GSA➣German Speakers Association (various locations) |
GSA➣Geological Survey of Alabama |
GSA➣Gms System Agent |
GSA➣Global Security Alliance |
GSA➣Global Services Administration |
GSA➣Group Security Associations |
GSA➣General Services Administration |
GSA➣Gigabit Server Adapter |
GSA➣Global Strategic Alliance (various locations) |
GSA➣Geographic Service Area (various businesses) |
GSA➣Georgia Strait Alliance |
GSA➣General Security Agreement |
GSA➣Governor's School for the Arts |
GSA➣Green Schools Alliance |
GSA➣Giornalisti Specializzati Associati (Italian: Specialized Associated Press) |
GSA➣GameSpy Arcade (multi-player gaming service) |
GSA➣Genetic Sexual Attraction (adoption-related syndrome) |
GSA➣Global Security Alliance (various organizations) |
GSA➣Government Sponsored Agency |
GSA➣Government Services Agency |
GSA➣Gold Star Award (various organizations) |
GSA➣Ground Support Aircraft (gaming) |
GSA➣Grower-Shipper Association (California) |
GSA➣Germany, Switzerland, Austria (licensing) |
GSA➣Gas Supply Agreement |
GSA➣General Services Agreement |
GSA➣General Support Artillery (US DoD) |
GSA➣German Sociological Association |
GSA➣Gundam SEED Astray (gaming) |
GSA➣George Stevens Academy (Blue Hill, ME) |
GSA➣Grove Street Advisors (Wellesley, MA) |
GSA➣Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv |
GSA➣General Service Agency |
GSA➣Guest Services Agent |
GSA➣General Somatic Afferent (nerve) |
GSA➣Glass-Steagall Act of 1932 |
GSA➣Gwinnett Soccer Association (Lilburn, Georgia) |
GSA➣Game Sprite Archives (video games) |
GSA➣Gay Student Alliance |
GSA➣Great Salinity Anomalies |
GSA➣Granny Smith Apple |
GSA➣Gainesville Soccer Alliance (Florida) |
GSA➣Gas Station Advertising (Plymouth, MN) |
GSA➣GameShark Advance (game hacking device) |
GSA➣Gold Standard Accreditation (various organizations) |
GSA➣Gross Sellable Area |
GSA➣Game Spy Arcade (game utility) |
GSA➣Giardia Specific Antigen (test for diagnosing giardiasis) |
GSA➣Gravity Sports Association (various locations) |
GSA➣Global Security Architecture |
GSA➣Gateway Security Appliance (Symantec) |
GSA➣Graduate Staff Assistant (university position) |
GSA➣Generadora San Andrés (Guatemalan power generating corporation) |
GSA➣Global Sim Alliance (gaming clan) |
GSA➣Gas Suspension Absorber (part of CFB power plant) |
GSA➣Government Supply Agency |
GSA➣General Structural Analysis |
GSA➣Greater Shadow Armor (Asheron's Call game) |
GSA➣Guest Service Attendant (various businesses) |
GSA➣Georgia Society of Anesthesiologists |
GSA➣Game Show America |
GSA➣Grover Search Algorithm (quantum searching of databases) |
GSA➣Garden Seed Association |
GSA➣Greater Shadow Amuli |
GSA➣Gale-Shapley Algorithm (input/output queuing) |
GSA➣Group Services Agreement |
GSA➣General Somatic Afferents |
GSA➣Goldfish Society of America (Fort Lauderdale, FL) |
GSA➣Good Shepard Academy |
GSA➣Galvanised Steel Armour |
GSA➣Global Software Application |
GSA➣General Survey Act of 1824 (authorized the president to use Army engineers to survey road & canal) |
GSA➣Guest Signature Activation |
GSA➣Generalized Significant Adiposity |
GSA➣Gender Studies in Agriculture (Netherlands) |