Acronym | Definition |
IGSP➣Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy (Genomics Institute) |
IGSP➣Influenza Genome Sequencing Project (Institute for Genomic Research) |
IGSP➣Intercollegiate Graduate Statistics Program |
IGSP➣Intergovernmental Solutions Program |
IGSP➣Independent Gateway Service Provider |
IGSP➣Integrated Graphical Simulation Platform |
IGSP➣International Graduate School of Psychoanalysis |
IGSP➣Interactive Gambling Service Provider |
IGSP➣Interessengemeinschaft für Sozialpsychiatrie (Zurich, Switzerland) |
IGSP➣Interessengemeinschaft für Sozialpsychiatrie Zürich (Zurich, Switzerland) |
IGSP➣International and Global Studies Program |
IGSP➣Inter-Gateway Switching Protocol |
IGSP➣International Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program |
IGSP➣International Group of Solution Providers |
IGSP➣Infranet Global Security Pack |
IGSP➣International Greenland Sea Project |
IGSP➣Improved type Gas Sampling Pipe |
IGSP➣Intergalactic Stellar Population |
IGSP➣Inicial de Penalización Social Gadje |
IGSP➣Infinite Global Solutions Provider |
IGSP➣Institut für Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Personalforschung eK |
IGSP➣Interval Graph Sandwich Problem |
IGSP➣Internet Gaming Service Provider |
IGSP➣Internet Gateway Service Provider |