IGSPInstitute for Genome Sciences and Policy (Genomics Institute)
IGSPInfluenza Genome Sequencing Project (Institute for Genomic Research)
IGSPIntercollegiate Graduate Statistics Program
IGSPIntergovernmental Solutions Program
IGSPIndependent Gateway Service Provider
IGSPIntegrated Graphical Simulation Platform
IGSPInternational Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
IGSPInteractive Gambling Service Provider
IGSPInteressengemeinschaft für Sozialpsychiatrie (Zurich, Switzerland)
IGSPInteressengemeinschaft für Sozialpsychiatrie Zürich (Zurich, Switzerland)
IGSPInternational and Global Studies Program
IGSPInter-Gateway Switching Protocol
IGSPInternational Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program
IGSPInternational Group of Solution Providers
IGSPInfranet Global Security Pack
IGSPInternational Greenland Sea Project
IGSPImproved type Gas Sampling Pipe
IGSPIntergalactic Stellar Population
IGSPInicial de Penalización Social Gadje
IGSPInfinite Global Solutions Provider
IGSPInstitut für Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Personalforschung eK
IGSPInterval Graph Sandwich Problem
IGSPInternet Gaming Service Provider
IGSPInternet Gateway Service Provider