GSNGame Show Network
GSNGrants for Student Needs (Canada)
GSNGovernment Security News
GSNGigabyte System Network
GSNGlobal Services Network
GSNGprs Support Node
GSNGCOS Surface Network
GSNGPRS Support Node (3GPP)
GSNGreen Suppliers Network
GSNGround Station Network (University Space Engineering Consortium)
GSNGlobal School Net (est. 1984)
GSNGlobal Seismic Network
GSNGeneral Surgery News (publication)
GSNGigabyte System Network (CERN)
GSNGeneral Software Note
GSNGeological Survey of Namibia
GSNGrocery Shopping Network (Minnesota)
GSNGlobal Services Network (Washington, DC)
GSNGlobal Sisterhood Network
GSNGoal Structuring Notation
GSNGundam Seed Net (anime forum)
GSNGuatemala Solidarity Network
GSNGeneric Sequence Number
GSNGoshen Junction (Amtrak station code; Goshen Junction, CA)
GSNGreen Spider Network
GSNGeodesic Sensor Net
GSNGlobal Subscriber Number
GSNGrayson Space Navy (Honor Harrington science fiction novels)
GSNGlobal Seamless Network (Deutsche Telekom AG)
GSNGPRS Serving Node
GSNGlobal Shippers' Network
GSNGateway Services for Netware
GSNGet Smart Network
GSNGlobal Settlement Network (UK)
GSNGovernment Serial Number
GSNGovernment Satellite Network
GSNGerman Society of Neurogenetics
GSNGovernment Secure Network (Saudi Arabia)
GSNGeneral Structural Notes (construction, structural engineering)
GSNGrowler Secure Network