Acronym | Definition |
BGN➣Bulgarian Lev (currency code) |
BGN➣Begin |
BGN➣Board on Geographic Names |
BGN➣Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe (German: Association for Food and Hospitality Industry) |
BGN➣Bridge Group Name |
BGN➣British Gurkhas Nepal (UK) |
BGN➣Busch Grand National (NASCAR division) |
BGN➣Blessed George Napier (UK) |
BGN➣Believe the Good News (ministry) |
BGN➣Boekhandels Groep Nederland (Dutch: Bookstores Group Netherlands) |
BGN➣Background Noise |
BGN➣Business Growth Network (various locations) |
BGN➣Blumengrossmarkt Nordbayern (German: Wholesale Flower Market Northern Bavaria) |
BGN➣Bridgend Railway Station (UK) |
BGN➣Boldly Going Nowhere |
BGN➣Brain Gain Network (Philippines) |
BGN➣Blog Geral de Notícias (Portuguese: General Blog News) |
BGN➣Bare Grolleau Nivault (French metal construction company) |
BGN➣Bush Garden Nursery (est. 1988; Australia) |
BGN➣Badrika Gita Narantaka (Indonesian marching band) |
BGN➣Blizzard Gaming Night |
BGN➣BFT (Blue Force Tracking) Global Network (US DoD) |
BGN➣Business Golfers Network (DeSilva Communications, Inc.) |
BGN➣Big Giant Network (Thailand) |
BGN➣Business, Government, Nonprofit |
BGN➣Betriebsgewöhnliche Nutzungsdauer (German: average useful life) |
BGN➣Bridge Group Name (Cisco) |
BGN➣Basilos Grampositivos (Spanish: Basilos-Positive) |
BGN➣Banca General Spa (Italy) |
BGN➣Beary Good News (Bourbon Central Elementary; Paris, KY) |
BGN➣Biocom Golf Network (San Diego, CA) |
BGN➣Bowles Gauteng North (South Africa) |