

A widely expressed member of the ADAMs family of proteins encoded by ADAM10 on chromosome 15q2|15q22.
Activity Controls proteolytic processing of Notch, mediates lateral inhibition in neurogenesis, cleaves pro-TNF-alpha, myelin basic protein, and type IV collagen. It is responsible for the proteolytic release of other cell-surface proteins, including heparin-binding epidermal growth-like factor, ephrin-A2 and for constitutive and regulated alpha-secretase cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP). ADAM 10 contributes to the normal cleavage of the cellular prion protein. Involved in the cleavage of the adhesion molecule L1 at the cell surface and in released membrane vesicles, suggesting a vesicle-based protease activity. ADAM 10 is inhibited by TIMP-1 and TIMP-3.