释义 |
ileoileostomy ileoileostomy [il″e-o-il″e-os´tah-me] surgical anastomosis between two parts of the ileum.il·e·o·il·e·os·to·my (il'ē-ō-il'ē-os'tŏ-mē), 1. Anastomosis between two segments of the ileum. 2. The opening so established. [ileum + ileum + G. stoma, mouth] ileoileostomy (ĭl′ē-ō-ĭl′ē-ŏs′tə-mē)n. Surgical construction of an opening between two segments of the ileum.il·e·o·il·e·os·to·my (il'ē-ō-il-ē-os'tŏ-mē) 1. Establishment of a communication between two segments of the ileum. 2. The opening so established. [ileum + ileum + G. stoma, mouth] |