Acronym | Definition |
GSRA➣Graduate Student Research Assistant(ship) |
GSRA➣Group Supplemental Retirement Annuity |
GSRA➣Genetic Suppression Relief Antidotes (Digital Underground band) |
GSRA➣Graduate Student Research Awards |
GSRA➣Glenwood Springs Resource Area (Colorado) |
GSRA➣Georgia Shorthand Reporters Association |
GSRA➣Greater Sandy Run Area (North Carolina) |
GSRA➣Georgia Street Rod Association |
GSRA➣Gas Supply Realignment Adjustment |
GSRA➣Gateway Slot Racing Association |
GSRA➣Guernsey Squash Rackets Association |
GSRA➣Government Security Resources Act |
GSRA➣German Shepherd Rescue and Adoptions (Raleigh, NC) |
GSRA➣Groupe Spéléologique et Radiesthésique de l'Attert |
GSRA➣Guillen, Sandoval, Ramos y Asociados |
GSRA➣Graduate Service Recognition Awards |
GSRA➣Go Sports Racing Association |
GSRA➣Governor’s Special Recognition Award (Texas) |
GSRA➣Global Seismic Risk Assessment |
GSRA➣General Support Repairable Activity (US Army) |
GSRA➣Group Secretary Representative Alternate |
GSRA➣Global State Recording Algorithm |
GSRA➣German Street Rod Association eV (Germany) |
GSRA➣Galactic Socialist Republic of Arenumberg |
GSRA➣Gem State Rabbit Association |
GSRA➣Generalized Set Relation Algebras |
GSRA➣general secure resource agent |