Acronym | Definition |
GSsA➣Groupe pour une Suisse sans Armée (Switzerland) |
GSsA➣Geological Society of South Africa |
GSsA➣Georgia School Superintendents Association |
GSsA➣Gay-Straight Student Alliance |
GSsA➣Georgia State Soccer Association |
GSsA➣Grassland Society of Southern Africa |
GSsA➣Generic Security Service Algorithm |
GSsA➣Georgia Sport Shooting Association |
GSsA➣Genealogical Society of South Africa |
GSsA➣General Supply Support Area (US DoD) |
GSsA➣Georgia Youth Soccer Association |
GSsA➣Golden State Spirit Association |
GSsA➣Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association |
GSsA➣Garden State Seafood Association |
GSsA➣Garden State Sighthound Association |
GSsA➣Global Standard Stratigraphic Age |
GSsA➣Gay Sport South Africa |
GSsA➣Generalized State Space Averaging |
GSsA➣Greater Sacramento Softball Association (California) |
GSsA➣General Sales and Service Agents |
GSsA➣Guernsey Social Security Authority |
GSsA➣Graduate Student Service Appointments |
GSsA➣Greater Sycamore Soccer Association |
GSsA➣Granite State Swimming Association |
GSsA➣gated static single assignment |
GSsA➣Greedy Single Switch Algorithm |
GSsA➣Graduate Student Sociology Association |
GSsA➣Gold Skull of St. Andrew (award) |
GSsA➣Georgia Science Supervisors Association |
GSsA➣Gauteng Schools Sports Association |
GSsA➣Georgia Self Storage Association |
GSsA➣Garden State Sikh Association, Inc. |
GSsA➣General Support Supply Activity |
GSsA➣Guaranteed Share Scanner Algorithm |
GSsA➣General Sunday School Association (Universalist Church) |
GSsA➣Global Security and Stability Agency |
GSsA➣Guild for the Study of Spatial Anomalies |
GSsA➣Graduate Students Study Abroad |
GSsA➣gross specific surface area(s) |
GSsA➣Greater Sacramento Staging Association (California) |
GSsA➣Global Singers and Songwriters Association |