Acronym | Definition |
GPA➣Grade Point Average |
GPA➣Gestation pour Autrui (French: Surrogacy) |
GPA➣Global Political Agreement (Zimbabwean reform agreement) |
GPA➣Greyhound Pets of America |
GPA➣Government Procurement Agreement (World Trade Organization) |
GPA➣Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten (Vienna, Austria) |
GPA➣Graduate Program Advisor (various schools) |
GPA➣Group Personal Accident (insurance) |
GPA➣Gaelic Players Association (Ireland) |
GPA➣Gas Processors Association |
GPA➣GNU Privacy Assistant (computing) |
GPA➣Guam Power Authority |
GPA➣General Purpose Application |
GPA➣Google Point Average |
GPA➣Guest Physical Address |
GPA➣Grid Processor Architecture |
GPA➣General Plan Amendment |
GPA➣General Purpose Architecture (computing) |
GPA➣Gigapascal |
GPA➣Gallons Per Acre |
GPA➣Grosse Pointe Academy (Michigan) |
GPA➣General Purpose Amplifier |
GPA➣General Practitioners Association (various locations) |
GPA➣Glycophorin A |
GPA➣Gentle Persuasive Approach (healthcare) |
GPA➣Global Programme on AIDS |
GPA➣Great Path Academy (Manchester, CT) |
GPA➣Global Property Advisors (various locations) |
GPA➣Graphics Performance Accelerator |
GPA➣Global Program of Action (for the Protection of the Marine Environment Land basesd Activities) |
GPA➣Georgia Press Association (Atlanta, GA) |
GPA➣Gibraltar Pool Association |
GPA➣Greater Pittsburgh Area |
GPA➣German Press Agency (est. 1949) |
GPA➣Government Purchasing Alliance |
GPA➣Golden Plains Area (Colorado) |
GPA➣Guyana Press Association |
GPA➣Generic Pharmaceutical Association |
GPA➣Gross Production Average (baseball statistic) |
GPA➣Green Party of Aotearoa (New Zealand) |
GPA➣Guardian Princess Alliance |
GPA➣Gladstone Port Authority (QLD Australia) |
GPA➣Gold Prospectors Association |
GPA➣Government Property Administrator |
GPA➣General Power of Appointment (asset management) |
GPA➣Gas Producers Association |
GPA➣Gosport Pool Arena (Gosport, UK; pool hall) |
GPA➣Gas Purchase Agreement |
GPA➣Golf Physiotherapy Association (Netherlands) |
GPA➣Gay Pilots Association |
GPA➣Glycogen Phosphorylase A |
GPA➣Graduation Promise Act (education) |
GPA➣Governmental and Public Affairs |
GPA➣Global Project Authorization (JSF project) |
GPA➣Grand Prix Association |
GPA➣Group Psychological Abuse Scale |
GPA➣General Public Agency (UK) |
GPA➣General Purpose Analysis |
GPA➣Georgia Perinatal Association |
GPA➣Graduate Pledge Alliance |
GPA➣General Partitioning Algorithm |
GPA➣Gravida Para Aborta |
GPA➣Green Point Average |
GPA➣Guidance Platform Assembly |
GPA➣Georgia Association of Planetariums |
GPA➣Geophysical Altimeter |
GPA➣Growth Premium Analysis (trading theory) |