

单词 hang up

hang up


H0048200 (hăng)v. hung (hŭng), hang·ing, hangs v.tr.1. To fasten from above with no support from below; suspend: hung the hat on a peg.2. To suspend or fasten so as to allow free movement at or about the point of suspension: hang a door.3. past tense and past participle hanged (hăngd) a. To execute by hanging: They hanged the prisoner at dawn.b. Used to express exasperation or disgust: I'll be hanged! Hang it all!4. To alter the hem of (a garment) so as to fall evenly at a specified height.5. To furnish, decorate, or appoint by suspending objects around or about: hang a room with curtains.6. To hold or incline downward; let droop: hang one's head in sorrow.7. Informal To make (a turn in a specific direction): At the next intersection, hang a right.8. a. To attach to a wall: hang wallpaper.b. To display by attaching to a wall or other structure: hung four new paintings in the foyer.9. Informal To give (a nickname or label) to someone.10. To deadlock (a jury) by failing to render a unanimous verdict.11. Baseball To throw (a pitch) in such a manner as to fail to break.12. Computers To cause (a computer system) to halt so that input devices, such as the keyboard or the mouse, do not function.v.intr.1. To be attached from above with no support from below.2. To die as a result of hanging.3. To remain suspended or poised over a place or an object; hover: rain clouds hanging low over the corn fields.4. To attach oneself as a dependent or an impediment; cling.5. To incline downward; droop.6. To depend: Everything hangs on the committee's decision.7. To pay strict attention: a student who hangs on the professor's every word.8. To remain unresolved or uncertain: His future hung in the balance.9. To fit the body in loose lines: a dress that hangs well.10. To be on display, as in a gallery.11. Baseball To fail to break or move in the intended way, as a curve ball.12. To be imminent; loom: the threat hanging over us.13. To be or become burdensome: Time hung heavy on my hands.14. Computers To be halted, as a computer system, so that input devices do not function: The power surge caused my computer to hang, so I had to reboot it.15. Slang a. To spend one's free time in a certain place. Often used with around or out: liked to hang out at the pool hall.b. To pass time idly; loiter. Often used with around or out: spent the evening hanging at home; hung out for an hour before going to the play.c. To keep company; see socially. Often used with around or out: hangs around with kids from a different school.n.1. The way in which something hangs.2. A downward inclination or slope.3. Particular meaning or significance.4. Informal The proper method for doing, using, or handling something: finally got the hang of it.5. A suspension of motion; a slackening.Phrasal Verbs: hang back To be averse; hold back. hang in Informal To persevere: decided to hang in despite his illness. hang off To hold back; be averse. hang on1. To cling tightly to something.2. To continue persistently; persevere: We'll finish if we can just hang on.3. To keep a telephone connection open.4. To wait for a short period of time. hang together1. To stand united; stick together: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately" (Benjamin Franklin).2. To constitute a coherent totality: diverse plot lines that did not hang together. hang up1. To suspend on a hook or hanger.2. a. To replace (a telephone receiver) on its base or cradle.b. To end a telephone conversation.3. To delay or impede; hinder: Budget problems hung up the project for months.4. To become halted or snagged: The fishing line hung up on a rock.5. Informal To have or cause to have emotional difficulties or inhibitions.Idioms: give/care a hang To be concerned or anxious: I don't give a hang what you do. hang fire1. To delay: "They are people who hung fire even through the bloody days of the Hungarian Revolution" (Mark Muro).2. To be slow in firing, as a gun. hang in there Informal To persevere despite difficulties; persist: She hung in there despite pressure to resign. hang it up Informal To give up; quit. hang loose Slang To stay calm or relaxed. hang (one's) hat To settle oneself; take up residence: hung my hat in Chicago. hang on to To hold firmly; keep fast: Hang on to your money. hang (someone) out to dry Informal To leave (someone) in a difficult situation, especially in taking blame for a failure or an act of wrongdoing. hang tough Informal To remain firmly resolved: "We are going to hang tough on this" (Donald T. Regan). let it all hang out Slang 1. To be completely relaxed.2. To be completely candid.
[Middle English hongen, from Old English hangian, to be suspended, and from hōn, to hang; see konk- in Indo-European roots.]
hang′a·ble adj.Usage Note: Hanged, as a past tense and a past participle of hang, is used in the sense of "to put to death by hanging," as in Frontier courts hanged many a prisoner after a summary trial. In our 2008 survey, some 71 percent of the Usage Panel objected to hung used in this sense. The Panel's opposition to this usage has remained strong since balloting began in the 1960s. In all other senses, hung is the preferred form as past tense and past participle, as in I hung my child's picture above my desk.

hang up

vb (adverb) 1. (tr) to put on a hook, hanger, etc: please hang up your coat. 2. (Telecommunications) to replace (a telephone receiver) on its cradle at the end of a conversation, often breaking a conversation off abruptly3. informal (usually foll by: on) to cause to have an emotional or psychological preoccupation or problem: he's really hung up on his mother. n 4. an emotional or psychological preoccupation or problem 5. a persistent cause of annoyance
Verb1.hang up - put a telephone receiver back in its cradleput back, replace - put something back where it belongs; "replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it"; "please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them"
2.hang up - cause to be hanging or suspended; "Hang that picture on the wall"hangfasten, fix, secure - cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man"suspend - hang freely; "The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them"hang - be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall"sling - hang loosely or freely; let swing
3.hang up - interrupt a telephone conversationbreak off, break short, cut short - interrupt before its natural or planned end; "We had to cut short our vacation"


verb1. To fasten or be fastened at one point with no support from below:dangle, depend, sling, suspend, swing.2. To execute by suspending by the neck:gibbet.Informal: string up.Slang: swing.3. To remain stationary over a place or object:hover, poise.phrasal verb
hang around1. To visit regularly:frequent, haunt, repair, resort.Slang: hang out.2. To be with as a companion:associate, consort, fraternize, hobnob, run (around), troop.Slang: hang out.Idiom: rub elbows.phrasal verb
hang on1. To be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable:depend on (or upon), hang upon, hinge on (or upon), rest on (or upon), turn on, turn upon.2. To continue without halting despite difficulties or setbacks:carry on, go on, keep on, persevere, persist.Idioms: hang in there, keep going , keep it up.phrasal verb
hang out1. Slang. To visit regularly:frequent, hang around, haunt, repair, resort.2. Slang. To be with as a companion:associate, consort, fraternize, hang around, hobnob, run (around), troop.Idiom: rub elbows.phrasal verb
hang overTo be imminent:brew, impend, loom, lower, menace, overhang, threaten.phrasal verb
hang upTo cause to be later or slower than expected or desired:delay, detain, hold up, lag, retard, set back, slow (down or up), stall.phrasal verb
hang uponTo be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable:depend on (or upon), hang on, hinge on (or upon), rest on (or upon), turn on, turn upon.nounInformal. The proper method for doing, using, or handling something:feel, knack, trick.


(hӕŋ) past tense, past participle hung (haŋ) verb1. to put or fix, or to be put or fixed, above the ground eg by a hook. We'll hang the picture on that wall; The picture is hanging on the wall. 懸掛 悬挂2. to fasten (something), or to be fastened, at the top or side so that it can move freely but cannot fall. A door hangs by its hinges. 裝設 安装3. (past tense, past participle hanged) to kill, or to be killed, by having a rope put round the neck and being allowed to drop. Murderers used to be hanged in the United Kingdom, but no-one hangs for murder now. 絞死 绞死4. (often with down or out) to be bending, drooping or falling downwards. The dog's tongue was hanging out; Her hair was hanging down. 下垂 下垂5. to bow (one's head). He hung his head in shame. 低(頭) 垂下ˈhanger noun (usually ˈcoat-hanger) a shaped metal, wooden or plastic frame with a hook on which jackets, dresses etc are hung up. 掛鉤 挂钩ˈhanging noun the (act of) killing a criminal by hanging. 絞死 绞死ˈhangings noun plural curtains or material hung on walls for decoration. 簾幕或牆壁掛飾 悬挂物,壁饰 ˈhangman noun a man whose job it is to hang criminals. 執行絞刑者 执行绞刑者ˈhangover noun the unpleasant after effects of having had too much alcohol. He woke up with a hangover. 宿醉 宿醉get the hang of to learn or begin to understand how to do (something). It may seem difficult at first, but you'll get the hang of it after a few weeks. 掌握(某事的)做法 得知 ... 的要领,学会 ... 的窍门 hang about/around1. to stand around, doing nothing. I don't like to see all these youths hanging about (street-corners). 閒盪 闲荡2. to be close to (a person) frequently. I don't want you hanging around my daughter. 經常和某人廝混 经常和某人厮混hang back to hesitate or be unwilling. The soldiers all hung back when the sergeant asked for volunteers. 猶豫,不情願 犹豫,退缩 hang in the balance to be in doubt. The success of this project is hanging in the balance. 懸而未決 成败未定,结果未定 hang on1. to wait. Will you hang on a minute – I'm not quite ready. 稍候 等待2. (often with to) to hold. Hang on to that rope. 抓著 紧握着3. to keep; to retain. He likes to hang on to his money. 保留 保留hang together to agree or be consistent. His statements just do not hang together. 內容一致 符合,一致 hang up1. to hang (something) on something. Hang up your coat in the cupboard. 掛起 把...挂起来2. (often with on) to put the receiver back after a telephone conversation. I tried to talk to her, but she hung up (on me). 掛斷(電話) 挂断(电话)
She hung the picture up.
The murderer was hanged.

hang up


hang up

hang up

1. verb To disconnect a phone call. The term is often used to mean to end the call in the middle of the conversation, but it can also mean to disconnect the call when it is finished. Don't you dare hang up on me, I'm not done issuing my complaint! I can't hear you anymore, it must be a bad signal. I'm going to hang up now, so call me back if you can hear this.2. noun A phone call disconnected by someone, typically the caller. Usually hyphenated. The phone's been ringing all day, but it's just been a bunch of hang-ups. I think someone's pranking us.3. noun An impediment of some kind, usually an emotional or psychological insecurity, that prevents a person from making progress in a situation. Usually hyphenated. Jeff's personal hang-up is that he always felt like his parents supported his brother more than they supported him.See also: hang, up

hang something up

to return the telephone receiver to its cradle. (See also hang it up.) Please hang this up when I pick up the other phone. Please hang up the phone.See also: hang, up

hang up

 (on someone or something) 1. and hang up (in someone's ear) to end a telephone call by returning the receiver to the cradle while the other party is still talking. She hung up on me! I had to hang up on all that rude talk. 2. to give up on someone or something; to quit dealing with someone or something. Finally, I had to hang up on Jeff. I can't depend on him for anything. We hung up on them because we knew we couldn't make a deal.See also: hang, up

hang up

 . 1. [for a machine or a computer] to grind to a halt; to stop because of some internal complication. Our computer hung up right in the middle of printing the report. I was afraid that my computer would hang up permanently. 2. to replace the telephone receiver after a call; to terminate a telephone call. I said good-bye and hung up. Please hang up and place your call again.See also: hang, up

hung up (on someone or something)

obsessed with someone or something; devoted to someone or something. John is really hung up on Mary. She's hung up, too. See how she smiles at him.See also: hung, up

hang up

1. Suspend on a hook or hanger, as in Let me hang up your coat for you. [c. 1300] 2. Also, hang up on. Replace a telephone receiver in its cradle; end a phone conversation. For example, She hung up the phone, or He hung up on her. [Early 1900s] 3. Delay or hinder; also, become halted or snagged, as in Budget problems hung up the project for months, or Traffic was hung up for miles. [Second half of 1800s] 4. Have or cause to have emotional difficulties, as in Being robbed at gunpoint can hang one up for years to come. [Slang; early 1900s] 5. hung up on. Obsessed with, as in For years the FBI was hung up on Communist spies. [First half of 1900s] 6. hang up one's sword or gloves or fiddle . Quit, retire, as in He's hanging up his sword next year and moving to Florida. The noun in these expressions refers to the profession one is leaving- sword for the military, gloves for boxing, and fiddle for music-but they all are used quite loosely as well, as in the example. 7. hang up one's hat. Settle somewhere, reside, as in "Eight hundred a year, and as nice a house as any gentleman could wish to hang up his hat in" (Anthony Trollope, The Warden, 1855). See also: hang, up

hung up

see under hang up. See also: hung, up

hang up

v.1. To suspend something on a hook or hanger: Please hang your jacket up in the closet. I hung up my bathrobe on the hook.2. To replace a telephone receiver on its base or cradle: I hung up the phone and returned to my chores. Will you hang that phone up and get back to your homework?3. To end a telephone conversation: I said goodbye to my mother and hung up.4. To delay or impede something; hinder something: Budget problems hung up the project for months. Squabbling hung the contract talks up for weeks.5. To become snagged or hindered: The fishing line hung up on a rock.6. To stop doing or participating in some activity: They are planning to hang up their law practice after 40 years. Trying to find your keys in the snow is a lost cause—you might as well hang it up.7. Slang To have emotional difficulties or inhibitions. Used passively: If you weren't so hung up about your job, you'd be more fun to be around.8. Slang To be obsessed or consumed with something. Used passively: I'm still hung up on that sale I missed last week.See also: hang, up

hang up

1. n. a problem or concern; an obsession. (Usually hang-up.) She’s got some serious hang-ups about cats. 2. in. to say no; to cancel out of something. If you don’t want to do it, just hang up. I’ll understand. See also: hang, up

hang up

hang up

i. The failure of any external or internal stores to be released from an aircraft when so commanded. The failure of a gun, cannon, or rocket to fire or a bomb to be released constitutes a hang up.
ii. The failure of a gas turbine engine to build up self-sustaining RPM when being started. Also known as a hung start.
MedicalSeehangSee HUP
See H/U

hang up

  • verb

Synonyms for hang up

verb put a telephone receiver back in its cradle

Related Words

  • put back
  • replace

verb cause to be hanging or suspended


  • hang

Related Words

  • fasten
  • fix
  • secure
  • suspend
  • hang
  • sling

verb interrupt a telephone conversation

Related Words

  • break off
  • break short
  • cut short




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