Henry Melson Stommel

Stommel, Henry Melson


Born Sept. 27, 1920, in Wilmington, Del. American oceanographer. Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.

Stommel graduated from Yale University in 1942. He was a research associate at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution from 1944 to 1960. He became a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1959, moved to Harvard University in 1960, and returned to MIT in 1963. Stommel’s principal works deal with the theory of ocean currents and with theoretical models of the oceanic thermocline, Rossby waves, and large-scale turbulence.

Stommel became a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1976.


In Russian translation:
Gol’fstrim: Fizicheskoe i dinamicheskoe opisanie. Moscow, 1963.