

单词 api



(word root) beeExamples of words with the root api-: apiary


abbr.1. application programming interface2. Asian and Pacific Islander


abbreviation for application programming interface


Asian or Pacific Islander.



(navigation) air-position indicator (computer science) application program interface


Application Program Interface


(Application Programming Interface) A language and message format used by an application program to communicate with the operating system or some other control program such as a database management system (DBMS) or communications protocol. APIs are implemented by writing function calls in the program, which provide the linkage to the required subroutine for execution. Thus, an API implies that a driver or program module is available in the computer to perform the operation or that software must be linked into the existing program to perform the tasks.

Plenty of API Programming Is Done
Understanding an API is a major part of what a programmer does. Except for writing the business logic that performs the actual data processing, all the rest of the programming is writing the code to communicate with the functions in the operating system and other system software.

The APIs for operating systems can be daunting, especially the calls to the user interface routines to display the menus, buttons and windows on the screen. There are more than a thousand API calls in a full-blown operating system such as Windows, Mac or Unix, and the APIs in one platform are very different from another platform. See IDE, function and interface.

APIs Become Obsolete
Operating system vendors are upgrading their capabilities all the time with new functions in the latest OS version. However, after many years, in order to streamline their software, they discontinue support for older functions, which means those APIs in an existing app no longer work when run in the newer version of the OS.

The only choice programmers have is to update their apps to communicate with the new routines (new APIs). In the case of business applications, an organization can put off installing a newer OS version, at least for a while. However, with commercial apps, developers have little choice but to update their programs because they do not control their users' environment. In the case of mobile apps, unless they update their code, developers will be unable to deploy the app to the online store.



A gene on chromosome 17p13 that encodes alpha-2-antiplasmin, a serine protease inhibitor (serpin). SERPINF2 inhibits plasmin, which degrades fibrin and other proteins, and thus plays a cental role in regulating coagulation.
Molecular pathology
SERPINF2 mutations result in alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor deficiency, which is characterised by severe haemorrhagic diathesis.


Abbreviation for active pharmaceutical ingredient.
FinancialSeeApplication Program Interface


APIApplication Programming Interface
APIAcademic Performance Index
APIActive Pharmaceutical Ingredient
APIAmerican Petroleum Institute
APIApplication Program Interface
APIAjax Paving Industries (various locations)
APIAudio Products International (various locations)
APIApplication Interface (Department of State)
APIAsian Pacific Islander (club)
APIAmerican Pacific Industries (Valencia, CA)
APIAdvanced Photonix, Inc. (various locations)
APIAsian and Pacific Islander (US Census usage)
APIAtmospheric Pressure Ionization
APIAssociated Press International
APIA Positive Image (various organizations)
APIApplication Programmer Interface (less common)
APIArab Peace Initiative
APIAlabama Polytechnic Institute
APIAcademic Programs International (Austin, TX)
APIAllocation de Parent Isolé (French: Single Parent Allowance)
APIAnalytical Profile Index (microbiology)
APIAmerican Products, Inc. (Florida)
APIAnnée Polaire Internationale (French: International Polar Year; research project)
APIApplication Platform Interface (software)
APIArmor-Piercing Incendiary (ammunition)
APIAutomated Processes, Inc. (est. 1968)
APIArab Planning Institute (Kuwait)
APIAmerican Press Institute
APIAustralian Property Institute (professional body)
APIAustralian Pipeline Industry
APIAsian Public Intellectuals
APIAssociation of Play Industries
APIAlaska Psychiatric Institute
APIAttachment Parenting International
APIAnimal Protection Institute
APIAdvanced Passenger Information
APIAccess Preamble Indicator
APIAdobe Printing Inks
APIAssociate in Personal Insurance (insurance)
APIAmerican Professional Institute (Georgia)
APIAir Pollution Index
APIAlphabet Phonétique International (French: International Phonetic Alphabet)
APIAnnual Physical Inventory
APIAmerican Paper Institute
APIAnnual Price Increase
APIAppleton Papers, Inc. (Appleton, WI)
APIAvian and Pandemic Influenza
APIAdministración Portuaria Integral (Mexico)
APIAnnual Premium Income
APIAlpha Processor, Inc. (Samsung)
APIAngus Productions Inc.
APIAssociazione Piccole e medie Industrie
APIAdvanced Product Information (various businesses)
APIAlliance for the Polyurethanes Industry
APIApplication Process Integration
APIApple Learning Interchange
APIAthabasca Potash, Inc. (Petaluma, CA)
APIAsia Pacific Initiative (various organizations)
APIAsset Priority Index
APIAthletes' Performance Institute (Tempe, AZ)
APIAmerican Pain Institute
APIAssistant Principal for Instruction
APIArchitectural Publications Index
APIAssociation of Professional Investigators
APIA Pressen Interaktiv (Norwegian: Digital Media)
APIAccelerated Performance Improvement
APIAntecedent Precipitation Index
APIAsosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia (Indonesian Textile Association)
APIAviation Preflight Indoctrination
APIAnsal Properties Infrastructure (India)
APIAnti-Poverty Initiative (various locations)
APIAssociation of Physicians of India
APIAustralian Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
APIAustralian Public Intellectual Network (non-profit publisher)
APIAir Photo Interpretation
APIAssociation Psychanalytique Internationale (International Psychoanalytical Association)
APIAnonima Petroli Italiana SpA (Rome, Italy)
APIAircraft Platform Interface
APIAmerican Prepaid Legal Services Institute
APIAscendant Partners, Inc.
APIAge Participation Index (UK)
APIActive Pharma Ingredient
APIAnderson Packaging, Inc. (Rockford, IL)
APIA Pleasing Interface
APIAlagus Printer Installer (software)
APIAnnouncement of Public Interest
APIAlice Paul Institute (Mount Laurel, NJ, USA)
APIAsset Performance Inc. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
APIAerial Photographic Interpretation (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)
APIAir Position Indicator
APIAsylum Policy Instruction (UK)
APIAdvanced Polygraph Institute (Australia)
APIAverage Price Index (describes growth rate, related to inflation measurements)
APIAromatic Polyimide Insulation
APIAlt Preset Insane (MP3 encoder preset)
APIAnkle Pressure Index
APIAcquisition Program Integration
APIApplied Planning International Inc.
APIAgricultural Price Index
APIAssociated Press of India
APIAutomation & Process Industriel (French: Industrial Automation & Process)
APIAdvanced Pharmaceutical Ingredients
APIAssociation des Parents Indépendants (French: Independent Association of Parents)
APIAfter Project Initiation
APIAmerican Pirate Industries
APIAuthenticity Probability Index
APIAbsolute Position Indication
APIApplications, Programs and Indentures
APIAircrew Position Indicator (USAF)
APIAxial Power Indicator
APIArithmetic Polynomial Interpolation
APIApplication Programmers Initiative
APIApplication Process Instruction
APIArab Payments and Securities Settlement Initiative
APIAccountable Property Inventory
APIAutomation Proficiency Improvement (US Postal Service)
APIAutomated Physical Inventory
APIAnnual Plan for Instruction
APIAdvertisers Product Index
APIAgfa and Picker International
APIAlert Process Improvement (Sprint)
APIAssassinPokémon Initiative (Anti-Pokemon Organization)
APIAssistent Project Ingenieur (Dutch: Assistant Project Engineer)
APIAvailability Priority Index
APIAtlantic Paratrans of NYC, Inc
APIAssociation of Physicians in Industry
APIAutomating Peripherals Incorporated
APIAutomated Pellet Inspection
APIAisne Plastique Industrie (French: Aisne Plastic Industry; Aisne, France)
APIAsociación Pueblos Indios (Spanish: Indian Peoples' Association; Costa Rica)




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