Acronym | Definition |
IAO➣Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation |
IAO➣It's All Over (various organizations) |
IAO➣International Affairs Office (various organizations) |
IAO➣In And Out |
IAO➣Information Awareness Office |
IAO➣Input Analysis Output |
IAO➣Indian Astronomical Observatory |
IAO➣Information Awareness Office (US DARPA) |
IAO➣Information Assurance Officer |
IAO➣Incorporated Association of Organists (UK) |
IAO➣Individual Artists of Oklahoma (Oklahoma City, OK) |
IAO➣International Astronomy Olympiad |
IAO➣International Accreditation Organization |
IAO➣Individual Assistance Officer |
IAO➣Isis Apophis Osiris (alchemical formula) |
IAO➣Information Asset Owner (UK) |
IAO➣International Association for Orthodontics |
IAO➣Isomerized Alpha Olefin (oil) |
IAO➣International Affairs Organization (various locations) |
IAO➣Industry Alliances Office |
IAO➣Instituto Agronomico per l'Oltremare (Italy) |
IAO➣International Announcement of Opportunity |
IAO➣I Am Outtahere |
IAO➣Irish Association of Orthoptists (vision; Ireland) |
IAO➣Improvise, Adapt, Overcome |
IAO➣Institute for Archaeological Oceanography |
IAO➣Institutional Affairs Office |
IAO➣Information Activities Office(r) |
IAO➣Interim Approval to Operate |
IAO➣Industrial Applications Office |
IAO➣Inter-Agency Committee on Oceanography |
IAO➣Independent Artists of Oklahoma |
IAO➣I Am Online |
IAO➣Integrated Operations Architecture |
IAO➣Information and Computer Science (ICS) Alumni Organization (University of California, Irvine) |