IAOFraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation
IAOIt's All Over (various organizations)
IAOInternational Affairs Office (various organizations)
IAOIn And Out
IAOInformation Awareness Office
IAOInput Analysis Output
IAOIndian Astronomical Observatory
IAOInformation Awareness Office (US DARPA)
IAOInformation Assurance Officer
IAOIncorporated Association of Organists (UK)
IAOIndividual Artists of Oklahoma (Oklahoma City, OK)
IAOInternational Astronomy Olympiad
IAOInternational Accreditation Organization
IAOIndividual Assistance Officer
IAOIsis Apophis Osiris (alchemical formula)
IAOInformation Asset Owner (UK)
IAOInternational Association for Orthodontics
IAOIsomerized Alpha Olefin (oil)
IAOInternational Affairs Organization (various locations)
IAOIndustry Alliances Office
IAOInstituto Agronomico per l'Oltremare (Italy)
IAOInternational Announcement of Opportunity
IAOI Am Outtahere
IAOIrish Association of Orthoptists (vision; Ireland)
IAOImprovise, Adapt, Overcome
IAOInstitute for Archaeological Oceanography
IAOInstitutional Affairs Office
IAOInformation Activities Office(r)
IAOInterim Approval to Operate
IAOIndustrial Applications Office
IAOInter-Agency Committee on Oceanography
IAOIndependent Artists of Oklahoma
IAOI Am Online
IAOIntegrated Operations Architecture
IAOInformation and Computer Science (ICS) Alumni Organization (University of California, Irvine)