Acronym | Definition |
IAP➣International Airport |
IAP➣In-App Purchase |
IAP➣ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) Analyst Performance Program |
IAP➣Institute of Atmospheric Physics |
IAP➣Investigacion Accion Participativa (Spanish: Participatory Action Research) |
IAP➣Imprenditori Agricoli Professionali (Italian: Professional Agricultural Contractors) |
IAP➣Information Age Publishing |
IAP➣Intrapartum Antibiotic Prophylaxis |
IAP➣Incident Action Plan (US DOT) |
IAP➣Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins |
IAP➣Instituto Ambiental do Paraná |
IAP➣Indoor Air Pollution |
IAP➣Impact Assessment and Planning |
IAP➣Independent Activities Period (MIT) |
IAP➣Internet Access Provider |
IAP➣In-Application Programming (remote updating of equipment by way of the Internet) |
IAP➣Integrin-Associated Protein |
IAP➣Instrument Approach Procedure |
IAP➣Interface for Application Portability |
IAP➣Intel Anypoint |
IAP➣in Application Programming |
IAP➣Intranet Application Platform |
IAP➣Internet Action Plan |
IAP➣Integrated Archive Platform |
IAP➣Intra-Abdominal Pressure |
IAP➣In-Application Purchase (Nokia) |
IAP➣Immunization Action Plan |
IAP➣Instituto dos Advogados do Paraná (Portuguese: Lawyers Institute of Paraná; Paraná, Brazil) |
IAP➣International Academy of Pathology |
IAP➣Islamic Association for Palestine |
IAP➣Individual Action Plan |
IAP➣Intelligent Access Point |
IAP➣Insurance Assistance Program (various locations) |
IAP➣Institut für Allgemeine Physik (Vienna, Austria) |
IAP➣Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase |
IAP➣Indian Academy of Pediatrics |
IAP➣Anti-Apoptotic Protein |
IAP➣Integrated Archive Platform (Hewlett Packard) |
IAP➣International Awareness Promotion (BMW) |
IAP➣International Association of Prosecutors |
IAP➣Immigration Advisory Program |
IAP➣International Association of Pancreatology |
IAP➣Istituto dell'Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria (advertising self-regulation; Italy) |
IAP➣Invasive Aquatic Plants (various organizations) |
IAP➣Investment Advisory Panel (various organizations) |
IAP➣Information Access Platform (software; various companies) |
IAP➣Institution of Analysts and Programmers |
IAP➣Immunosuppressive Acidic Protein |
IAP➣In All Probability |
IAP➣Internet Application Platform (software) |
IAP➣International Agricultural Programs (various locations) |
IAP➣Incentive Awards Program |
IAP➣Ion Activity Product(s) |
IAP➣Institut Algerien du Petrole (French: Algerian Petroleum Institute) |
IAP➣Internet Access Plus |
IAP➣Interuniversity Attraction Poles (Belgium) |
IAP➣Intercept Access Point |
IAP➣Integrated Action Plan |
IAP➣Installation Action Plan |
IAP➣Institute of Architects Pakistan |
IAP➣Industrial Animal Production |
IAP➣International Academy of Periodontology |
IAP➣Indian Association of Physiotherapists |
IAP➣Immunise Australia Program (vaccination program) |
IAP➣International Adoption Program (various organizations) |
IAP➣International Airline Program (American Express) |
IAP➣Indie Acoustic Project (Boulder, CO) |
IAP➣Institute of Arthropodology and Parasitology |
IAP➣Interacademy Panel for International Issues |
IAP➣Ink and Paper (editing) |
IAP➣Insurance Association of Pakistan |
IAP➣Inland AIDS Project (est. 1983) |
IAP➣Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas (Argentine Petroleum and Gas Institute) |
IAP➣Inter-America and Pacific (Peace Corps) |
IAP➣Innovation Acceleration Partnership (US NSF) |
IAP➣Initial Assessment Period (Canadian Forces) |
IAP➣Information Asset Protection (data objects protection) |
IAP➣Integrated Access Point |
IAP➣Inferior Articular Process (vertebrae) |
IAP➣Infrastructure Assurance Program |
IAP➣Integrated Applications Promotion Programme (European Space Agency) |
IAP➣Interim Assistance Program |
IAP➣Imaging Application Platform |
IAP➣Integrated Air Picture |
IAP➣Interactive Application Processor |
IAP➣Independent Assessment Program |
IAP➣Interfaces for Application Portability |
IAP➣Integrated Actuation Package |
IAP➣Initial Accumulation Point |
IAP➣Illinois Action Project |
IAP➣Institute for Astrophysics of Paris |
IAP➣In Assignment Processing |
IAP➣Industry Assistance Program |
IAP➣International Association for Paratuberculosis, Inc. |
IAP➣Independent Assessment Plan |
IAP➣Initial Approach Point |
IAP➣Integrated Armor Package |
IAP➣Information Assurance Panel |
IAP➣Institute for Atomic Physics (Russia) |
IAP➣Integrated Architectures Panel |
IAP➣Intelligent Agent Platform (scalable cluster computing) |
IAP➣Information Architecture Plan |
IAP➣Inter-Array Processor/Processing |
IAP➣Information Access Package (GSMinside) |
IAP➣Improved Accuracy Program |
IAP➣Inter-Active Payment |
IAP➣Interim Authority Process |
IAP➣International Army Program |
IAP➣Impact Artist Promotions, Inc (Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania) |
IAP➣ISDN Adjunct Processor |
IAP➣International Apostolic Ministries |
IAP➣Index of Administrative Publications |
IAP➣Industrial-Academic Partnership |
IAP➣Internal Auditing Procedures |
IAP➣Initial Approved Plan |
IAP➣Ingénieurs À Paris |
IAP➣Interagency Airspace Protection |