Acronym | Definition |
GTI➣Gas Technology Institute |
GTI➣Grid-Tie Inverter (electronic device) |
GTI➣Global Taxonomy Initiative |
GTI➣Gasoline Turbo Injection |
GTI➣Global Translation Institute (Portland, OR) |
GTI➣Gateway Terminals India (joint venture) |
GTI➣Good Time Interval |
GTI➣Grand Turk Island |
GTI➣Gordon Trucking, Inc. (Pacific, WA) |
GTI➣Genital Tract Infection |
GTI➣Guelph Turfgrass Institute |
GTI➣Global Taekwondo International (martial arts) |
GTI➣Global Threat Intelligence |
GTI➣Green Theme International |
GTI➣Global Temperature Increase (climate) |
GTI➣Government Training Institute, Inc. (Idaho) |
GTI➣Growing Through It (Coos Bay, OR) |
GTI➣Galway Technical Institute |
GTI➣Guilford Transportation Industries |
GTI➣Gordon Training International |
GTI➣Groundwater Technology Inc |
GTI➣Georgia Transportation Institute |
GTI➣Grand Touring Injection |
GTI➣Global Trade Information Services, Inc |
GTI➣Gires Tournois Interferometer |
GTI➣Ground Transport Interchange (airports) |
GTI➣Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg) |
GTI➣German Travel International (German travel agency) |
GTI➣Global Title Indicator (SS7 SCCP) |
GTI➣Go Traffic Interactive (Sacramento, CA) |
GTI➣Garantie de Temps d'Intervention (French: Guaranteed Response Time) |
GTI➣Group Travel Insurance |
GTI➣Government Technology International |
GTI➣Group Term Insurance |
GTI➣Ground Test Instrumentation |
GTI➣Grounded Theory Institute (Mill Valley, CA, USA) |
GTI➣Groep Technische Installaties (Dutch company) |
GTI➣Government Telecommunications, Incorporated |
GTI➣General Telemarketing International Inc (Denton, Texas) |
GTI➣GPS Timing Interfaces (Sprint) |
GTI➣Genotoxic Impurity |
GTI➣Ground Test Instruction (aircraft) |