Hung Sheng

Hung Sheng


Born 1645 (?) in Hangchou; died 1704, in Wuhsing, Chekiang Province. Chinese dramatist.

Hung Sheng gained success with The Palace of Eternal Life (staged 1689), a musical drama (ch’uan-ch’i) in 50 scenes on the popular theme of the tragic love of the T’ang emperor Ming Huang and his concubine Yang Kuei-fei. The author condemned the luxury and corruption of the elite and sympathized with the people. The play’s poetic sung passages are lyrical and stylistically perfect. Hung Sheng’s play The Four Beauties and three poetry collections have also been preserved.


Ch’ang sheng tien. Peking, 1962.
In Russian translation:
In Klassicheskaia drama Vostoka. Moscow, 1976.


Malinovskaia, T. A. “Khun Shen i ego epokha.” In the collection Issledovaniia po filologii stran Azii i Afriki. Leningrad, 1966.