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immunitybeing unaffected by something; a resistance to disease: The vaccine gave the children immunity to polio.; a legally established condition: The court granted the witness immunity from prosecution. Not to be confused with:impunity – exemption from punishment or harm: He carried out his evil act with impunity.im·mu·ni·ty I0050900 (ĭ-myo͞o′nĭ-tē)n. pl. im·mu·ni·ties 1. The quality or condition of being immune: "His above-average size during adolescence did not purchase immunity from the depredations of school bullies" (Stephen S. Hall).2. Immunology Inherited, acquired, or induced resistance to infection by a specific pathogen.3. Law a. Exemption from certain generally applicable requirements of law or from certain liabilities, granted to special groups of people to facilitate the performance of their public functions: diplomatic immunity; judicial immunity.b. Exemption from prosecution granted to a witness to compel him or her to give potentially self-incriminating testimony that otherwise could not be compelled because of the constitutional right against self-incrimination.c. Exemption from being sued: sovereign immunity; charitable immunity.4. A condition conferred upon a contestant that prevents him or her from being eliminated from a competition for a certain time period: The winner of the challenge was given immunity for the following challenge.immunity (ɪˈmjuːnɪtɪ) n, pl -ties1. (Biology) the ability of an organism to resist disease, either through the activities of specialized blood cells or antibodies produced by them in response to natural exposure or inoculation (active immunity) or by the injection of antiserum or the transfer of antibodies from a mother to her baby via the placenta or breast milk (passive immunity). See also acquired immunity, natural immunity2. freedom from obligation or duty, esp exemption from tax, duty, legal liability, etc3. any special privilege granting immunity4. (Law) the exemption of ecclesiastical persons or property from various civil obligations or liabilitiesim•mu•ni•ty (ɪˈmyu nɪ ti) n., pl. -ties. 1. the state of being immune from a particular disease or the like. 2. the condition that permits either natural or acquired resistance to disease. 3. the ability of a cell to react immunologically in the presence of an antigen. 4. exemption from any natural or usual liability. 5. exemption from obligation, service, duty, liability, or prosecution. syn: See exemption. im·mu·ni·ty (ĭ-myo͞o′nĭ-tē) Resistance of the body to infection by a disease-causing agent, such as a bacterium or virus. Immunity is usually provided by the body's own immune system, which is determined by the action of one's genes. It may also be brought about by having had a disease or infection in the past and recovering from it. Immunity can also be induced artificially, especially by vaccination.immunity1. Resistance to disease.2. The body’s effective resistance against a diseasecausing organism. Immunity can be innate or acquired by producing antibodies. See antibodies, antigens.ThesaurusNoun | 1. | immunity - the state of not being susceptible; "unsusceptibility to rust"unsusceptibilitycondition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"exemption, freedom - immunity from an obligation or duty | | 2. | immunity - (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist diseaseresistancemedical specialty, medicine - the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniquescondition, status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"immunogenicity - the property of eliciting an immune responseacquired immunity - immunity to a particular disease that is not innate but has been acquired during life; immunity can be acquired by the development of antibodies after an attack of an infectious disease or by a pregnant mother passing antibodies through the placenta to a fetus or by vaccinationinnate immunity, natural immunity - immunity to disease that occurs as part of an individual's natural biologic makeup | | 3. | immunity - the quality of being unaffected by something; "immunity to criticism"invulnerability - the property of being invulnerable; the property of being incapable of being hurt (physically or emotionally) | | 4. | immunity - an act exempting someone; "he was granted immunity from prosecution"granting immunity, exemptionwaiver, discharge, release - a formal written statement of relinquishmentfix - an exemption granted after influence (e.g., money) is brought to bear; "collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers"official immunity - personal immunity accorded to a public official from liability to anyone injured by actions that are the consequence of exerting official authoritysovereign immunity - an exemption that precludes bringing a suit against the sovereign government without the government's consent; "the doctrine of sovereign immunity originated with the maxim that the king can do no wrong"testimonial immunity, use immunity - an exemption that displaces the privilege against self-incrimination; neither compelled testimony or any fruits of it can be used against the witness who therefore can no longer fear self-incrimination |
immunitynoun1. exemption, amnesty, indemnity, release, freedom, liberty, privilege, prerogative, invulnerability, exoneration The police are offering immunity to witnesses who can help them.2. (with to) resistance to, protection from, resilience to, inoculation against, immunization from immunity to airborne bacteria resistance to exposure to, susceptibility to, liability to, vulnerability to, openness to, proneness toimmunitynounThe capacity to withstand:imperviousness, insusceptibility, resistance, unsusceptibility.Translationsimmune (iˈmjuːn) adjective (with to or from) protected against, or naturally resistant to, eg a disease. immune to measles; immune from danger. 有免疫力的,免於…的 有免疫力的,免除的 imˈmunity noun 免疫力,豁免權 免除,免疫性,豁免 ˈimmunize, ˈimmunise (ˈimju-) verb to make immune to a disease, especially by an injection of a weak form of the disease. 使具有免疫力 使免疫ˌimmuniˈzation, ˌimmuniˈsation noun 免疫 免疫See immunity
immunity, ability of an organism to resist disease by identifying and destroying foreign substances or organisms. Although all animals have some immune capabilities, little is known about nonmammalian immunity. Mammals are protected by a variety of preventive mechanisms, some of them nonspecific (e.g., barriers, such as the skin), others highly specific (e.g., the response of antibodies). Nonspecific Defenses Nonspecific defenses include physical and chemical barriers, the inflammatory response, and interferons. Physical barriers include the intact skin and mucous membranes. These barriers are aided by various antimicrobial chemicals in tissue and fluids. An example of such a substance is lysozyme, an enzyme present in tears that destroys the cell membranes of certain bacteria. Inflammatory Response Another line of defense is the inflammatory response, in which white blood cells called monocytes and granulocytes (e.g., basophils and neutrophils) reach an injured area. Basophils release histaminehistamine , organic compound derived in the body from the amino acid histidine by the removal of a carboxyl group (COOH). Although found in many plant and animal tissues, histamine is specifically important in human physiology because it is one of the chemicals released from ..... Click the link for more information. , which results in increased local blood flow and increased permeability of the capillaries and allows phagocytizing cells, such as neutrophils and monocytes (macrophages), into the area. The same response sometimes results in fever. Leakage of the clotting protein fibrinogen and other substances into the injured area results in blockage of tissue by clots, which wall off the injured area to retard the spread of bacteria or their toxins. Interferons Interferons are proteins released by a virus-invaded cell that prompt surrounding cells to produce enzymes that interfere with viral replication. They are the reason that, in most instances, infection with one virus precludes infection by a second virus. Nonsusceptibility Nonsusceptibility is the inability of certain disease-carrying organisms to grow in a particular host species. Nonsusceptibility may be caused by such conditions as lack of availability of particular growth substances needed by the infecting microorganism or body temperature unsuitable for the invading microorganism. For example, chickens are nonsusceptible to anthrax because the bacteria cannot grow at the body temperature normal for that animal. The Immune Response The principal parts of the immune system are the bone marrow, thymus, lymphatic systemlymphatic system , network of vessels carrying lymph, or tissue-cleansing fluid, from the tissues into the veins of the circulatory system. The lymphatic system functions along with the circulatory system in absorbing nutrients from the small intestines. ..... Click the link for more information. , tonsilstonsils, name commonly referring to the palatine tonsils, two ovoid masses of lymphoid tissue situated on either side of the throat at the back of the tongue. The pharyngeal tonsils, or adenoids, are masses of similar tissue located in the nasopharynx, and the lingual tonsils ..... Click the link for more information. , and spleenspleen, soft, purplish-red organ that lies under the diaphragm on the left side of the abdominal cavity. The spleen acts as a filter against foreign organisms that infect the bloodstream, and also filters out old red blood cells from the bloodstream and decomposes them. ..... Click the link for more information. . The lymph nodes, tonsils, and spleen act to trap and destroy antigens from the lymph, air, and blood, respectively. Antigens are molecules that the body reacts to by producing antibodies, highly specific proteins also known as immunoglobulins. Antigens include bacteria and their toxins, viruses, malignant cells, foreign tissues, and the like. Their destruction is accomplished by white blood cells (lymphocytes and the granulocytes and monocytes mentioned above), which are produced and constantly replenished by the stem cells of the bone marrow. The two types of lymphocytes are called B lymphocytes (B cells) and T lymphocytes (T cells). B cells are responsible for production of antibodies in what is called "humoral" immunity after the ancient medical concept of the body humorshumor, according to ancient theory, any of four bodily fluids that determined human health and temperament. Hippocrates postulated that an imbalance among the humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) resulted in pain and disease, and that good health was achieved ..... Click the link for more information. . B Lymphocytes The presence of antigens in contact with receptor sites on the surface of a B lymphocyte stimulates the lymphocyte to divide and become a cloneclone, group of organisms, all of which are descended from a single individual through asexual reproduction, as in a pure cell culture of bacteria. Except for changes in the hereditary material that come about by mutation, all members of a clone are genetically identical. ..... Click the link for more information. (a line of descendant cells), with each cell of the clone specific for the same antigen. Some cells of the clone, called plasma cells, secrete large quantities of antibody; others, called memory cells, enter a resting state, remaining prepared to respond to any later invasions by the same antigen. Antibody secretion by lymphocytes can be stimulated or suppressed by such variables as the concentration of antigens, the way the antigen fits the lymphocyte's receptor regions, the age of the lymphocyte, and the effect of other lymphocytes. According to the modified clonal selection theory originally postulated by the Australian immunologist Sir Macfarlane BurnetBurnet, Sir Macfarlane, 1899–1985, Australian virologist and physician. He was resident pathologist (1923–24) at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and a Beit fellow (1926–27) at the Lister Institute, London. ..... Click the link for more information. (for which he was awarded the 1960 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine), a lymphocyte is potentially able to secrete one particular, specific humoral, or free-circulating, antibody molecule. It is believed that early in life lymphocytes are formed to recognize thousands of different antigens, including a group of autoimmune lymphocytes, i.e., cells recognizing antigens of the organism's own body. The immune system is self-tolerant; i.e., it does not normally attack molecules and cells of the organism's own body, because those lymphocytes that are autoimmune are inactivated or destroyed early in life, and the cells that remain, the majority, recognize only foreign antigens. Burnet's theory was confirmed with the development of monoclonal antibodiesmonoclonal antibody, an antibody that is mass produced in the laboratory from a single clone and that recognizes only one antigen. Monoclonal antibodies are typically made by fusing a normally short-lived, antibody-producing B cell (see immunity) to a fast-growing cell, such as ..... Click the link for more information. . Antibodies The antibodies produced by B cells are a type of globulinglobulin, any of a large family of proteins of a spherical or globular shape that are widely distributed throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. Many of them have been prepared in pure crystalline form. ..... Click the link for more information. protein called immunoglobulins. There are five classes of immunoglobulins designated IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM; gamma globulin (IgG) predominates. Antibody molecules are able to chemically recognize surface portions, or epitopes, of large molecules that act as antigens, such as nucleic acids, proteins, and polysaccharides. About 10 amino acid subunits of a protein may compose a single epitope recognizable to a specific antibody. The fit of an epitope to a specific antibody is analogous to the way a key fits a specific lock. The amino acid sequence and configuration of an antibody were determined in the 1960s by the biochemists Gerald Edelman, an American, and R. R. Porter, an Englishman; for this achievement they shared the 1972 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. The antibody molecule consists of four polypeptide chains, two identical heavy (i.e., long) chains and two identical light (i.e., short) chains. All antibody molecules are alike except for certain small segments that, varying in amino acid sequence, account for the specificity of the molecules for particular antigens. In order to recognize and neutralize a specific antigen, the body produces millions of antibodies, each differing slightly in the amino acid sequence of the variable regions; some of these molecules will chemically fit the invading antigen. Antibodies act in several ways. For example, they combine with some antigens, such as bacterial toxinstoxin, poison produced by living organisms. Toxins are classified as either exotoxins or endotoxins. Exotoxins are a diverse group of soluble proteins released into the surrounding tissue by living bacterial cells. Exotoxins have specific reaction sites in the host; e.g. ..... Click the link for more information. , and neutralize their effect; they remove other substances from circulation in body fluids; and they bind certain bacteria or foreign cells together, a process known as agglutination. Antibodies attached to antigens on the surfaces of invading cells activate a group of at least 11 blood serum proteins called complement, which cause the breakdown of the invading cells in a complex series of enzymatic reactions. Complement proteins are believed to cause swelling and eventual rupture of cells by making holes in the lipid portion of the cell's membrane. T Lymphocytes After their production in the bone marrow, some lymphocytes (called T lymphocytes or T cells) travel to the thymus, where they differentiate and mature. The T cells interact with the body's own cells, regulating the immune response and acting against foreign cells that are not susceptible to antibodies in what is termed "cell-mediated immunity." Three classes of T lymphocytes have been identified: helper T cells, suppressor T cells, and cytotoxic T cells. Each T cell has certain membrane glycoproteins on its surface that determine the cell's function and its specificity for antigens. One type of function-determining membrane glycoprotein exists in two forms called T4 or T8 (CD4 or CD8 in another system of nomenclature); T4 molecules are on helper T cells, T8 molecules are on suppressor and cytotoxic T cells. Another type of membrane glycoprotein is the receptor that helps the T cell recognize the body's own cells and any foreign antigens on those cells. These receptors are associated with another group of proteins, T3 (CD3), whose function is not clearly understood. T cells distinguish self from nonself with the help of antigens naturally occurring on the surface of the body's cells. These antigens are, in part, coded by a group of genes called the major histocompatibility complex (MCH). Each person's MCH is as individual as a fingerprint. When a cytotoxic T lymphocyte recognizes foreign antigens on the surface of a cell, it again differentiates, this time into active cells that attack the infected cells directly or into memory cells that continue to circulate. The active cytotoxic T cells can also release chemicals called lymphokines that draw macrophages. Some (the "killer T cells") release cell-killing toxins of their own; some release interferon. Helper T cells bind to active macrophages and B lymphocytes and produce proteins called interleukins, which stimulate production of B cells and cytotoxic T cells. Although poorly understood, suppressor T cells appear to help dampen the activity of the immune system when an infection has been controlled. Active and Passive Immunity Naturally acquired active immunity occurs when the person is exposed to a live pathogen, develops the disease, and becomes immune as a result of the primary immune response. Artificially acquired active immunity can be induced by a vaccine, a substance that contains the antigen. A vaccine stimulates a primary response against the antigen without causing symptoms of the disease (see vaccinationvaccination, means of producing immunity against pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, by the introduction of live, killed, or altered antigens that stimulate the body to produce antibodies against more dangerous forms. ..... Click the link for more information. ). Artificially acquired passive immunity is a short-term immunization by the injection of antibodies, such as gamma globulin, that are not produced by the recipient's cells. Naturally acquired passive immunity occurs during pregnancy, in which certain antibodies are passed from the maternal into the fetal bloodstream. Immunologic tolerance for foreign antigens can be induced experimentally by creating conditions of high-zone tolerance, i.e., by injecting large amounts of a foreign antigen into the host organism, or low-zone tolerance, i.e., injecting small amounts of foreign antigen over long periods of time. Undesirable Immune Responses and Conditions Immunity has taken on increased medical importance since the mid-20th cent. For instance, the ability of the body to reject foreign matter is the main obstacle to the successful transplantationtransplantation, medical, surgical procedure by which a tissue or organ is removed and replaced by a corresponding part, usually from another part of the body or from another individual. ..... Click the link for more information. of certain tissues and organs. In blood transfusions the immune response is the cause of severe cell agglutination or rupture (lysis) when the blood donor and recipient are not matched for immunological compatibility (see blood groupsblood groups, differentiation of blood by type, classified according to immunological (antigenic) properties, which are determined by specific substances on the surface of red blood cells. ..... Click the link for more information. ). An immune reaction can also occur between a mother and baby (see Rh factorRh factor, protein substance present in the red blood cells of most people, capable of inducing intense antigenic reactions. The Rh, or rhesus, factor was discovered in 1940 by K. Landsteiner and A. S. ..... Click the link for more information. ). Allergyallergy, hypersensitive reaction of the body tissues of certain individuals to certain substances that, in similar amounts and circumstances, are innocuous to other persons. Allergens, or allergy-causing substances, can be airborne substances (e.g. ..... Click the link for more information. , anaphylaxisanaphylaxis , hypersensitive state that may develop after introduction of a foreign protein or other antigen into the body tissues. When an anaphylactic state exists, a second dose of the same protein (commonly an antibiotic such as penicillin, or certain insect venoms) will ..... Click the link for more information. , and serum sicknessserum sickness, hypersensitive response that occurs after injection of a large amount of foreign protein. The condition is named for the serum taken from horses or other animals immunized against a particular disease, e.g., tetanus or diphtheria. ..... Click the link for more information. are all manifestations of undesirable immune responses. Many degenerative disorders of aging, e.g., arthritisarthritis, painful inflammation of a joint or joints of the body, usually producing heat and redness. There are many kinds of arthritis. In its various forms, arthritis disables more people than any other chronic disorder. ..... Click the link for more information. , are thought to be disorders of the immune system. In autoimmune diseasesautoimmune disease, any of a number of abnormal conditions caused when the body produces antibodies to its own substances. In rheumatoid arthritis, a group of antibody molecules called collectively RF, or rheumatoid factor, is complexed to the individual's own gamma globulin ..... Click the link for more information. , such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupuslupus , noninfectious chronic disease in which antibodies in an individual's immune system attack the body's own substances. In lupus, known medically as lupus erythematosus, antibodies are produced against the individual's own cells, causing tissue inflammation and cell damage. ..... Click the link for more information. , individuals produce antibodies against their own proteins and cell components. Combinations of foreign proteins and their antibodies, called immune complexes, circulating through the body may cause glomerulonephritis (see nephritisnephritis , inflammation of the kidney. The earliest finding is within the renal capillaries (glomeruli); interstitial edema is typically followed by interstitial infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, and a small number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. ..... Click the link for more information. ) and Bright's disease (a kidney disease). Circulating immune complexes following infection by the hepatitis virus may cause arthritis. At an extreme end of the spectrum of undesirable conditions is the lack of immunity itself. As a childhood condition, this absence can result from a congenital inability to produce antibodies or from severe disorders of the immune system, which leave individuals unprotected from disease. Such children usually die before adulthood. AIDSAIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, fatal disease caused by a rapidly mutating retrovirus that attacks the immune system and leaves the victim vulnerable to infections, malignancies, and neurological disorders. It was first recognized as a disease in 1981. ..... Click the link for more information. (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), which ultimately destroys the immune system, is caused by a retrovirus called the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which was identified in 1981. It infects the helper T cells, thereby disabling the immune system and leaving the person subject to a vast number of progressive complications and death. Bibliography See I. Cohen et al., ed., Auto-Immunity (1986); S. Sell, Immunology, Immunopathology, and Immunity (1987); R. Langman, The Immune System (1989); E. Sercarz, ed., Antigenic Determinants and Immune Regulation (1989); J. Kreier, Infection, Resistence, and Immunity (1990) Immunity A state of resistance to an agent, the pathogen, that normally produces an infection. Pathogens include microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, as well as larger parasites. The immune response that generates immunity is also responsible in some situations for allergies, delayed hypersensitivity states, autoimmune disease, and transplant rejection. See Allergy, Autoimmunity, Transplantation biology Immunity is engendered by the host immune system, reacting in very specific ways to foreign components (such as proteins) of particular parasites or infective agents. It is influenced by many factors, including the environment, inherited genes, and acquired characteristics. Reaction to a pathogen is through a nonadaptive or innate response as well as an adaptive immune response. The innate response is not improved by repeated encounters with the pathogen. An adaptive response is characterized by specificity and memory: if reinfection occurs, the host will mount an enhanced response. The components of the pathogen that give rise to an immune response, to which antibodies are generated, are called antigens. There are two types of specific responses to an antigen, antibodies and the cellular response. Antibodies help to neutralize the infectious agent by specifically binding it. A series of proteins in the blood (called complement) act in conjunction with antibodies to destroy pathogenic bacteria. In the cellular response, cytotoxic T cells are recruited to kill cells infected with intracellular agents such as viruses. Helper T cells may also be generated, which influence B cells to produce appropriate antibodies. Inflammatory responses and activation of other kinds of cells, such as macrophages, in conjunction with lymphocytes, is another important aspect of the immune response, as in delayed hypersensitivity. This kind of response seems to be common in certain chronic infections. See Antibody, Antigen, Complement Complex immune systems (antibody and specific cellular responses) have been demonstrated in mammals, birds, amphibians, and fish, and are probably restricted to vertebrates. Natural or innate immunity There are natural barriers to infection, both physical and physiological, which are known collectively as innate immunity, and include the effects of certain cells (macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells) and substances such as serum proteins, cytokines, complement, lectins, and lipid-binding proteins. The skin or mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are obvious barriers and may contain bacteriostatic or bactericidal agents (such as lysozyme and spermine) that delay widespread infection until other defenses can be mobilized. If organisms manage to enter tissues, they are often recognized by molecules present in serum and by receptors on cells. Bacterial cell walls, for example, contain substances such as lipopolysaccharides that activate the complement pathway or trigger phagocytic cells. Host range is dramatic in its specificity. Animals and plants are generally not susceptible to each other's pathogens. Within each kingdom, infectious agents are usually adapted to affect a restricted range of species. For example, mice are not known to be susceptible to pneumococcal pneumonia under natural conditions. The health of the host and environmental conditions may also make a difference to susceptibility. This is readily apparent in fish that succumb to fungal infections if their environment deteriorates. Genetic factors have an influence on susceptibility. Some of these genes have been identified, in particular the genes of the major histocompatibility complex which are involved in susceptibility to autoimmune diseases as well as some infectious disorders. See Histocompatibility Once parasites gain entry, phagocytic cells attack them. They may engulf and destroy organisms directly, or they may need other factors such as antibody, complement, or lymphokines, secreted by lymphocytes, which enhance the ability of the phagocytes to take up antigenic material. In many cases these cells are responsible for alerting cells involved in active immunity so there is two-way communication between the innate and adaptive responses. See Phagocytosis Adaptive immune response Adaptive immunity is effected in part by lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are of two types: B cells, which develop in the bone marrow or fetal liver and may mature into antibody-producing plasma cells, and T cells, which develop in the thymus. T cells have a number of functions, which include helping B cells to produce antibody, killing virus-infected cells, regulating the level of immune response, and controlling the activities of other effector cells such as macrophages. Each lymphocyte carries a different surface receptor that can recognize a particular antigen. The antigen receptor expressed by B cells consists of membrane-bound antibody of the specificity that it will eventually secrete; B cells can recognize unmodified antigen. However, T cells recognize antigen only when parts of it are complexed with a molecule of the major histocompatibility complex. The principle of the adaptive immune response is clonal recognition: each lymphocyte recognizes only one antigenic structure, and only those cells stimulated by antigen respond. Initially, in the primary response, there are few lymphocytes with the appropriate receptor for an antigen, but these cells proliferate. If the antigen is encountered again, there will be a proportionally amplified and more rapid response. Primed lymphocytes either differentiate into immune effector cells or form an expanded pool of memory cells that respond to a secondary challenge with the same antigen. The acquired or adaptive immune response is characterized by exquisite specificity such that even small pieces of foreign proteins can be recognized. This specificity is achieved by the receptors on T cells and B cells as well as antibodies that are secreted by activated B cells. The genes for the receptors are arranged in multiple small pieces that come together to make novel combinations, by somatic recombination. Each T or B cell makes receptors specific to a single antigen. Those cells with receptors that bind to the foreign protein and not to self tissues are selected out of a large pool of cells. For T cells, this process takes place in the thymus. The extreme diversity of T- and B-cell receptors means that an almost infinite number of antigens can be recognized. It has been calculated that potentially about 3 × 1022 different T-cell receptors are made in an individual. Even if 99% of these are eliminated because they bind to self tissues, 3 × 1020 would still be available. Inflammation takes place to activate immune mechanisms and to eliminate thoroughly the source of infection. Of prime importance is the complement system, which consists of tens of serum proteins. A variety of cells are activated, including mast cells and macrophages. Inflammation results in local attraction of immune cells, increased blood supply, and increased vascular permeability. See Cellular immunology Autoimmunity The immune system is primed to react against foreign antigens while avoiding responses to self tissue by immunological tolerance. Although most T cells which might activate against host proteins are deleted in the thymus, these self-reactive cells are not always destroyed. These exceptions to self tolerance are frequently associated with disease, the autoimmune diseases, which are widespread pathological conditions, including Addison's disease, celiac disease, Goodpasture's syndrome, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, pemphigus vulgaris, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus. In these diseases, antibodies or T cells activate against self components. See Autoimmunity Immunization Adaptive immunity is characterized by the ability to respond more rapidly and more intensely when encountering a pathogen for a second time, a feature known as immunological memory. This permits successful vaccination and prevents reinfection with pathogens that have been successfully repelled by an adaptive immune response. Mass immunization programs have led to the virtual eradication of several very serious diseases, although not always on a worldwide scale. Living attenuated vaccines against a variety of agents, including poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, yellow fever, and bubonic plague, have been used effectively. Nonliving vaccines are commonly used for prevention of bacterial diseases such as pertussis, typhoid, and cholera as well as some viral diseases such as influenza and bacterial toxins such as diphtheria and tetanus. See Vaccination Passive immunization Protective levels of antibody are not formed until some time after birth, and to compensate for this there is passive transfer of antibody across the placenta. Alternatively, in some animals antibody is transferred in the first milk (colostrum). Antibody may also be passively transferred artificially, for example, with a concentrated preparation of human serum gamma globulin containing antibodies against hepatitis. Protection is temporary. Horse serum is used for passive protection against snake venom. Serum from the same (homologous) species is tolerated, but heterologous serum is rapidly eliminated and may produce serum sickness. On repeated administration, a sensitized individual may experience anaphylactic shock, which in some cases is fatal. Cellular immunity can also be transferred, particularly in experimental animal situations when graft and host reactions to foreign tissue invariably occur unless strain tissue types are identical. Immunity (in history) in medieval Europe, privileges of large landowners, consisting of the possession of rights of political power over the population of an estate. Immunity took shape through royal grants, which gave magnates the rights to conduct justice (as a rule, within the scope of the lowest jurisdiction), collect taxes and other requisitions, and exercise police and military-administrative functions within the boundaries of their possessions (and sometimes over a more extensive area as well), while barring state officials from the immune territory. Immunity became widespread as early as the time of the Frankish state (the first deeds of immunity that have come down to us date to the mid-seventh century). The institution of immunity fell into decay in the process of political centralization. The specific character of feudal relations in various countries influenced the nature of immunity. Thus, in Germany, where immunity reached full bloom during the reign of the Saxon dynasty (tenth and 11th centuries), the development of immunity led in a number of instances to the formation of compact immune holdings, and this was highly significant in the formation of territorial principalities. In England, where it was chiefly the legislative immunity that developed during the Anglo-Saxon period, immunity as a whole was not strongly expressed. In Byzantium, excussia, which was close to the Frankish immunity, was in the nature of tax exemptions. Immunity played a large role in the development of feudal property. In realizing the rights granted to them, the holders of immune estates brought under their power peasants who still retained their freedom. In appropriating taxes and other requisitions (which had been collected previously for the benefit of the state), feudal lords—the possessors of the rights of immunity— increased the magnitude of feudal exploitation. An attribute of large-scale feudal landed property, immunity was a factor of the greatest importance in the process of the formation of the system of extraeconomic constraint. REFERENCESDanilov, A. I. “Osnovnye cherty immuniteta i fogtstva na tserkovnykh zemliakh v Germanii X-XII vv.” In the collection Doklady i soob-shcheniia istoricheskogo f-ta MGU, issue 7. Moscow, 1948. Gutnova, E. V. “K voprosu ob immunitete v Anglii XIII v.” In the collection Srednie veka, issue 3. Moscow, 1951. Gramenitskii, D. S. “K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii i soderzhanii frankskogo immuniteta.” Ibid., issue 2. Moscow, 1946.IA. D. SEROVAISKII
Immunity insusceptibility to infectious agents and foreign substances of antigenic nature (substances bearing foreign genetic information). Insusceptibility to infectious diseases is the most frequent manifestation of immunity. Congenital (nonspecific, constitutional, species) immunity is insusceptibility caused by the innate biological (hereditarily fixed) characteristics of the organism—for example, man’s immunity to canine or cattle plague or the immunity of animals to gonorrhea and leprosy. The various individuals within a single species may also differ in degree of resistance to the same disease (individual immunity characteristics). Acquired (specific) immunity is the insusceptibility to infectious diseases that develops during the life of the organism. Natural and artificial acquired immunity are distinguished. Both forms may be active (the organism itself manufactures antibodies after having had a disease or after active immunization) and passive (caused by preformed antibodies artificially introduced by passive immunization, such as in the injection of anti-diphtheritic serum or in the penetration by the antibodies to the fetus from the mother through the placenta or to the infant through the mother’s milk). Active immunity is more stable and longer lasting. In some diseases, such as smallpox, it lasts a lifetime; in others, such as measles and scarlet fever, the immunity lasts many years but is not transmitted by heredity. Passive immunity begins to develop several hours after the injection of antibodies and lasts from two or three weeks to several months. Immunity is subdivided into antimicrobial (the body’s defenses are directed against the causative agent itself) and antitoxic (the defenses are directed against the toxins manufactured by the causative agent), sterile (existing even after the causative agent disappears from the body) and nonsterile. Nonsterile immunity develops and exists only in the presence of the infectious principle in the body. This form of immunity is seen in tuberculosis. Acquired immunity in all its forms is generally relative. It can be overcome by a massive infection, although the course of the disease is milder in such cases. The characteristics of the immunological reactivity of individual tissues and organs to a given infection were the basis for establishing the concept of local immunity (A. M. Bezredka, 1925). The development of such immunity is invariably accompanied by the appearance of some degree of general immunity. An example of immunity to a principle other than infection is the immunity that develops after grafting tissue, or so-called transplantation immunity, in which immune lymphocytes are the main factor. Mechanisms of immunity. Intact skin and mucous membranes, which possess bactericidal properties, act as a barrier to most microbes. These bactericidal properties are believed to be due chiefly to lactic and fatty acids secreted by the sweat and sebaceous glands. These acids kill most pathogenic bacteria. For example, the causative agents of typhoid die after 15 minutes of contact with healthy human skin. Equally destructive of bacteria and pathogenic fungi are discharges of the external auditory meatus; smegma; lysozyme, present in the discharges of many mucous membranes; mucin, which covers the mucous membranes; hydrochloric acid; enzymes; and bile in the digestive tract. The mucous membranes of some organs are capable of mechanically removing particles that come into contact with them. For example, the movements of the cilia of mucosal epithelium help to remove bacteria and dust particles from the respiratory passages. The internal environment of mammals is sterile under normal conditions. Any agent that increases the permeability of skin or mucosa lowers the resistance to infections. If an infection is massive and the microbes are highly virulent, the cutaneous and mucous barriers are inadequate and the microbes penetrate to the deeper tissues. In most cases this leads to inflammation, which prevents the microbes from spreading beyond the site of penetration. Normal and immune antibodies and phagocytosis play an important role in fixing and destroying microorganisms at the focus of inflammation. Cells of local mesenchymal tissue and cells from the blood vessels participate in phagocytosis. Causative agents that are not destroyed at the focus of inflammation are phagocytized by cells of the reticuloendothelial system in the lymph nodes. The fixing function of the lymph nodes increases in the process of immunization. Microbes and foreign substances that penetrate the barriers are subjected to the properdin system, which is present in blood plasma and tissue fluids and consists of complement, or alexin, properdin, and magnesium salts. Lysozyme and certain peptides (spermine) and lipids liberated from leukocytes are also capable of killing bacteria. Neuraminic acid and mucoproteins of erythrocytes and bronchial epithelial cells play a special role in nonspecific antiviral immunity. When a virus or microbe penetrates the body the cells secrete a protective protein called interferon. The acid reaction of the tissue medium, caused by the presence of organic acids, also inhibits the reproduction of microbes. A high oxygen content in the tissues inhibits the reproduction of anaerobic microorganisms. This group of factors is nonspecific; it exerts a bactericidal effect on many bacterial species. Antibody formation is the principal form of specific immunological response to the introduction of foreign substances and infection. Depending on their action, antibodies are called agglutinins, precipitins, bacteriolysins, antitoxins, and opsonins. They induce the agglutination and lysis of microbes and the precipitation of antigen; they also neutralize toxins and prepare microbes for phagocytosis. Autoantibodies, antibodies directed at the body’s own tissues and cells and the cause of autoimmune diseases, may be formed in certain cases. The body’s ability to synthesize antibodies of a particular specificity and to create specific immunity is determined by its genotype. Most antibodies are synthesized in the plasma cells and in the cells of the lymph nodes and spleen. Immunological reconstruction takes place after the introduction of antigen; this occurs in two phases. In the first, or latent, phase, which lasts several days, adaptive morphological and biochemical changes take place in the lymphoid organs. The antigen is treated in this phase by the reticuloendothelial cells, and fragments of it come into selective contact with the appropriate leukocytes. Specific antibodies are formed in the second, or productive, phase. The antibodies are manufactured in plasma cells formed from undifferentiated reticular cells and, to a lesser extent, in lymphocytes. “Long-lived” lymphocytes, carriers of the so-called immunological “memory,” appear in the second phase. The repeated introduction of a very small dose of antigen may cause these cells to reproduce and give rise to plasma cells that again form antibodies. Preservation of the immunological “memory” by the organism is the basis of potential immunity. Thus, after vaccination with diphtheria toxoid, an infant will remain resistant to the disease despite the disappearance of the corresponding antibodies from the bloodstream, since even very small doses of diphtheria toxin can stimulate intensive antibody formation. Such antibody formation is called the secondary, anamnestic, or revaccinal response. A very large dose of antigen, however, can kill the cells that carry the immunological “memory.” As a result, antibody formation will be prevented and the introduction of antigen will not be challenged—that is, a state of specific immunological tolerance will arise. Immunological tolerance is an especially important factor in organ and tissue transplantation. Immunological reconstruction of the organism following the introduction of antigen or infection may result in increased cellular and tissue sensitivity to the corresponding antigens—that is, in allergy—in addition to the formation of protective antibodies. Immediate and delayed types of increased sensitivity are distinguished among the allergic reactions, depending on the time necessary for the appearance of the symptoms of injury after the repeated introduction of antigens (allergens). Increased sensitivity of the immediate type is caused by special antibodies (reagins) that are found either circulating in the blood or fixed in the tissues. Increased sensitivity of the delayed type is caused by the specific reactivity of the lymphocytes and macrophages carrying the so-called cellular antibodies. Many bacterial infections and several vaccines raise the level of sensitivity of the delayed type; this can be shown in the skin reaction to the corresponding antigen. Increased sensitivity of the delayed type is the basis of the body’s reaction to foreign cells and tissues, that is, the basis of transplantation immunity, antitumor immunity, and a number of autoimmune diseases. Specific cellular immunity may develop simultaneously with increased sensitivity of the delayed type. It is manifested by the inability of a given causative agent to reproduce in the cells of the immunized organism. Increased sensitivity of the delayed type and related cellular and transplantation immunities can be transferred to a nonim-munized animal by live lymphocytes from an immunized animal of the same line and thereby create adoptive immunity in the recipient. REFERENCESPetrov, R. V. Vvedenie v neinfektsionnuiu immunologiiu. Novosibirsk, 1968. Fontalin, L. N. Immunologicheskaia reaktivnost’ limfoidnykh organov i kletok. Leningrad, 1967. Nezlin, R. S. Biokhimiia antitel. Moscow, 1966. Zil’ber, L. A. Osnovy immunologii 3rd ed. Moscow, 1958. Zdrodovskii, P. F. Problemy infektsii, immuniteta i allergii, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1969. Burnet, F. M. Kletochnaia immunologiia. Moscow, 1971. (Translated from English.)A. KH. KANCHURIN and N. V. MEDUNITSYN immunity[i′myü·nəd·ē] (immunology) The condition of a living organism whereby it resists and overcomes an infection or a disease. (metallurgy) The ability of metal to resist corrosion as a result of thermodynamic stability. immunity1. the ability of an organism to resist disease, either through the activities of specialized blood cells or antibodies produced by them in response to natural exposure or inoculation (active immunity) or by the injection of antiserum or the transfer of antibodies from a mother to her baby via the placenta or breast milk (passive immunity) 3. the exemption of ecclesiastical persons or property from various civil obligations or liabilities immunity
immunity [ĭ-mu´nĭ-te] the condition of being immune" >immune; the protection against infectious disease conferred either by the immune response" >immune response generated by immunization or previous infection or by other nonimmunologic factors. It encompasses the capacity to distinguish foreign material from self, and to neutralize, eliminate, or metabolize that which is foreign (nonself) by the physiologic mechanisms of the immune response. The mechanisms of immunity are essentially concerned with the body's ability to recognize and dispose of substances which it interprets as foreign and harmful to its well-being. When such a substance enters the body, complex chemical and mechanical activities are set into motion to defend and protect the body's cells and tissues. The foreign substance, usually a protein, is called an antigen, that is, one that generates the production of an antagonist. The most common response to the antigen is the production of antibody. The reaction" >antigen--antibody reaction is an essential component of the overall immune response. A second type of activity, cellular response, is also an essential component. The various and complex mechanisms of immunity are basic to the body's ability to protect itself against specific infectious agents and parasites, to accept or reject cells and tissues from other individuals, as in blood transfusions and organ transplants, and to protect against cancer, as when the immune system recognizes malignant cells as not-self and destroys them. There has been extensive research into the body's ability to differentiate between cells, organisms, and other substances that are self (not alien to the body), and those that are nonself and therefore must be eliminated. A major motivating force behind these research efforts has been the need for more information about growth and proliferation of malignant cells, the inability of certain individuals to develop normal immunological responses (as in immunodeficiency conditions), and mechanisms of failure of the body to recognize its own tissues (as in autoimmune diseases).Immunological Responses. Immunological responses in humans can be divided into two broad categories: humoral immunity, which takes place in the body fluids (humors) and is concerned with antibody and complement activities; and cell-mediated or cellular immunity, which involves a variety of activities designed to destroy or at least contain cells that are recognized by the body as alien and harmful. Both types of responses are instigated by lymphocytes that originate in the bone marrow as stem cells and later are converted into mature cells having specific properties and functions. The two kinds of lymphocytes that are important to establishment of immunity are lymphocytes" >T lymphocytes (T cells) and lymphocytes" >B lymphocytes (B cells). (See under lymphocyte.) The T lymphocytes differentiate in the thymus and are therefore called thymus-dependent. There are several types involved in cell-mediated immunity, delayed hypersensitivity, production of lymphokines, and the regulation of the immune response of other T and B cells. The B lymphocytes are so named because they were first identified during research studies involving the immunologic activity of the bursa of Fabricius, a lymphoid organ in the chicken. (Humans have no analogous organ.) They mature into plasma cells that are primarily responsible for forming antibodies, thereby providing humoral immunity.Humoral Immunity. At the time a substance enters the body and is interpreted as foreign, antibodies are released from plasma cells and enter the body fluids where they can react with the specific antigens for which they were formed. This release of antibodies is stimulated by antigen-specific groups (clones) of B lymphocytes. Each B lymphocyte has IgM immunoglobulin receptors that play a major role in capturing its specific antigen and in launching production of the immunoglobulins (which are antibodies) that are capable of neutralizing and destroying that particular type of antigen. Most of the B lymphocytes activated by the presence of their specific antigen become plasma cells, which then synthesize and export antibodies. The activated B lymphocytes that do not become plasma cells continue to reside as “memory” cells in the lymphoid tissue, where they stand ready for future encounters with antigens that may enter the body. It is these memory cells that provide continued immunity after initial exposure to the antigens. There are two types of humoral immune response: primary and secondary. The primary response begins immediately after the initial contact with an antigen; the resulting antibody appears 48 to 72 hours later. The antibodies produced during this primary response are predominantly of the IgM class of immunoglobulins. A secondary response occurs within 24 to 48 hours. This reaction produces large quantities of immunoglobulins that are predominantly of the IgG class. The secondary response persists much longer than the primary response and is the result of repeated contact with the antigens. This phenomenon is the basic principle underlying consecutive immunizations. The ability of the antibody to bind with or “stick to” antigen renders it capable of destroying the antigen in a number of ways; for example, agglutination and opsonization. Antibody also “fixes” or activates complement, which is the second component of the humoral immune system. Complement is the name given a complex series of enzymatic proteins which are present but inactive in normal serum. When complement fixation takes place, the antigen, antibody, and complement become bound together. The cell membrane of the antigen (which usually is a bacterial cell) then ruptures, resulting in dissolution of the antigen cell and a leakage of its substance into the body fluids. This destructive process is called lysis.Cellular Immunity. This type of immune response is dependent upon T lymphocytes, which are primarily concerned with a delayed type of immune response. Examples of this include rejection of transplanted organs, defense against slowly developing bacterial diseases that result from intracellular infections, delayed hypersensitivity reactions, certain autoimmune diseases, some allergic reactions, and recognition and rejection of self cells undergoing alteration, for example, those infected with viruses, and cancer cells that have tumor-specific antigens on their surfaces. These responses are called cell-mediated immune responses. The T lymphocyte becomes sensitized by its first contact with a specific antigen. Subsequent exposure to the antigen stimulates a host of chemical and mechanical activities, all designed to either destroy or inactivate the offending antigen. Some of the sensitized T lymphocytes combine with the antigen to deactivate it, while others set about to destroy the invading organism by direct invasion or the release of chemical factors. These chemical factors, through their influence on macrophages and unsensitized lymphocytes, enhance the effectiveness of the immune response. Among the more active chemical factors are lymphokines, which are potent and biologically active proteins; their names are often descriptive of their functions: Ones that directly affect the macrophages are the factor" >macrophage chemotactic factor, which attracts macrophages to the invasion site; factor" >migration inhibitory factor, which causes macrophages to remain at the invasion site; and factor" >macrophage-activating factor, which stimulates the metabolic activities of these large cells and thereby improves their ability to ingest the foreign invaders. Another factor, a protein called interferon, is produced by the body cells, especially T lymphocytes, following viral infection or in response to a wide variety of inducers, such as certain nonviral infectious agents and synthetic polymers. A portion of the population of T lymphocytes is transformed into killer cells by the factor" >lymphocyte-transforming factor (blastogenic factor). These activated lymphocytes produce a lymphotoxin or cytotoxin that damages the cell membranes of the antigens, causing them to rupture. In order to ensure an ample supply of T lymphocytes, two factors are at work: factor" >lymphocyte-transforming factor stimulates lymphocytes that have already undergone conversion to sensitized T lymphocytes, so that they increase their numbers by repeated cell division and clone formation; in the absence of antigens, factor" >transfer factor takes over the task of sensitizing those lymphocytes that have not been exposed to antigen. It is apparent that the immune response brings about intensive activity at the site of invasion; it is not only the pathogen that is destroyed, but invariably, there is death or damage to some normal tissues.Interactions Between the Two Systems. There are several areas in which the cellular and humoral systems interact and thereby improve the efficiency of the overall immune response. For example, a by-product of the enzymatic activity of the complement system acts as a chemotactic factor, attracting T lymphocytes and macrophages to the invasion site. In another example, although T lymphocytes are not required for the production of antibody, there is optimal antibody production after interaction between T and B lymphocytes. For a discussion of abnormalities of the immune response system, see immune response.Types of Immunity. An individual may be naturally immune to certain pathological conditions or may acquire immunity through either active or passive means.Natural immunity is a genetic characteristic of an individual and is due to the particular species and race to which one belongs, to one's sex, and to one's individual ability to produce immune bodies. All humans are immune to certain diseases that affect animals of the lower species; males are more resistant to some disorders than are females, and vice versa. Persons of one race are more susceptible to some diseases than those of another race that has had exposure to the infectious agents through successive generations. One's individual ability to produce immune bodies, and thereby ward off pathogens, is influenced by one's state of physical health, one's nutritional status, and one's emotional response to stress. In order for an individual to acquire immunity one's body must be stimulated to produce its own immune response components (active immunity) or these substances must be produced by other persons or animals and then passed on to the person (passive immunity). Active immunity can be established in two ways: by having the disease or by receiving modified pathogens and toxins. When an individual is exposed to a disease and the pathogenic organisms enter the body, the production of antibody is initiated. After recovery from the illness, memory cells remain in the body and stand ready as a defense against future invasion. It is possible, through the use of vaccines, bacterins, and modified toxins (toxoids), to stimulate the production of specific antibodies without having an attack of the disease. These are artificial means by which an individual can acquire active immunity. Sometimes it is desirable to provide “ready-made” immune bodies, as in cases in which the patient has already been exposed to the antigen, is experiencing the symptoms of the disease, and needs reinforcements to help mitigate its harmful effects. Examples of conditions for which an individual may be given such passive immunity include tetanus, diphtheria, and a venomous snake bite. The patient is given immune serum, which contains gamma globulin, antibodies (including antitoxin) produced by the animal from which the serum was taken. It is not always necessary that the patient actually suffer from the disease and exhibit its symptoms before passive immunity is provided. In some instances in which exposure to an infectious agent is suspected, immune bodies may be given to ward off a full-blown attack or at least to lessen its severity. Another way in which immunity can be passively acquired is across the placental barrier from fetus to mother. The maternal antibody thus acquired serves as protection for the newborn until he can actively establish immunity on his own. Although humoral immunity can be acquired in this way, cellular immunity cannot. Cell-mediated immunity. From Applegate, 2000.acquired immunity specific immunity attributable to the presence of antibody and to a heightened reactivity of antibody-forming cells, specifically immune lymphoid cells (responsible for cell-mediated immunity), and of phagocytic cells, following prior exposure to an infectious agent or its antigens, or passive transfer of antibody or immune lymphoid cells (adoptive immunity).adoptive immunity passive immunity of the cell-mediated type conferred by the administration of sensitized lymphocytes from an immune donor.artificial immunity acquired (active or passive) immunity produced by deliberate exposure to an antigen, such as a vaccine.im·mu·ni·ty (i-myū'ni-tē), 1. The status or quality of being immune (1). 2. Protection against infectious disease. Synonym(s): insusceptibility [L. immunitas (see immune)] immunity (ĭ-myo͞o′nĭ-tē)n. pl. immuni·ties Immunology Inherited, acquired, or induced resistance to infection by a specific pathogen.immunity 1. A state in which a host is not susceptible to infection or disease.2. The mechanisms by which this is achieved. Immunity is achieved by an individual through one of three routes: natural or innate immunity genetically inherited or acquired through maternal antibody, acquired immunity conferred after contact with a disease, and artificial immunity after a successful vaccination Also termed specific immunity, resistance or specific resistance, specific immunity is divided into cellular immunity, acting via the direct involvement of T cells and humoral immunity involving antibodies and B cells. See Acquired immunity, Active immunity, Adoptive immunity, Allograft immunity, Cell-mediated immunity, Herd immunity, Maternal immunity, Mucosal immunity, Natural immunity, Passive immunity, Sterilizing immunity, Superinfection immunity.im·mu·ni·ty (i-myū'ni-tē) The status or quality of being immune (1). Synonym(s): insusceptibility. [L. immunitas]immunity (im-u'nit-e) [L. immunitas, exemption] Protection from diseases, esp. from infectious diseases. See: immune response; immune system; immunization; vaccineacquired immunityImmunity owing to exposure to an antigen or to the passive injection of immunoglobulins.active immunityImmunity resulting from the development within the body of antibodies or sensitized T lymphocytes that neutralize or destroy the infective agent. This may result from the immune response to an invading organism or from inoculation with a vaccine containing a foreign antigen. See: immune response; vaccinationadaptive immunityThe component of immunity that is pathogen-specific and creates memory. It consists of the mechanisms of cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity. See: innate immunityB-cell–mediated immunityHumoral immunity. CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITYcell-mediated immunity Abbreviation: CMI. The regulatory and cytotoxic activities of T cells during the specific immune response. This process requires about 36 hr to reach its full effect. Synonym: T-cell–mediated immunity See: illustration; humoral immunityUnlike B cells, T cells cannot recognize foreign antigens on their own. Foreign antigens are recognized by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) such as macrophages, which engulf them and display part of the antigens on the APC's surface next to a histocompatibility or “self-” antigen (macrophage processing). The presence of these two markers, plus the cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) secreted by the APCs activates CD4 helper T cells (TH cells), which regulate the activities of other cells involved in the immune response. CMI includes direct lysis of target cells by cytotoxic T cells, creation of memory cells that trigger a rapid response when a foreign antigen is encountered for the second time, and delayed hypersensitivity to tissue and organ transplants. T cells also stimulate the activity of macrophages, B cells, and natural killer cells. These functions are controlled largely by the secretion of lymphokines such as the interleukins, interferons, and colony-stimulating factors. Lymphokines facilitate communication and proliferation of the cells in the immune system. cellular immunityT-cell–mediated immune functions requiring cell interactions, e.g., graft rejection or destruction of infected cells. See: cellular immunitycocoon immunityVaccination of all the household contacts of an infant against those infectious diseases that he or she might contract. It is designed to protect disease-naive newborns from potentially fatal contagious illnesses. Synonym: cocoon strategy. community immunityHerd immunity.congenital immunityImmunity present at birth. It may be natural or acquired, the latter depending on antibodies received from the mother's blood. herd immunityThe ability of a community to resist epidemic disease. Herd immunity may develop naturally in a society as a result of widespread exposure to disease, or it may be stimulated artificially by mass vaccination programs. Patient careMembers of every region or community should be alerted to local or widespread communicable diseases for which vaccination is available. Offering public immunization sessions through local health departments, schools, colleges and places of business, as well as public and private health care agencies will increase the percentage of persons who are vaccinated and will decrease risk of communicable disease epidemics. Synonym: community immunity HUMORAL IMMUNITYhumoral immunityThe protective activities of antibodies against infection or reinfection by common organisms, e.g., streptococci and staphylococci. B lymphocytes with receptors to a specific antigen react when they encounter that antigen by producing plasma cells (which produce antigen-specific antibodies) and memory cells (which enable the body to produce these antibodies quickly in the event that the same antigen appears later). B-cell differentiation also is stimulated by interleukin-2 (IL-2) secreted by CD4+ T cells and foreign antigens processed by macrophages. Antibodies produced by plasma B cells, found mainly in the blood, spleen, and lymph nodes, neutralize or destroy antigens in several ways. They kill organisms by activating the complement system; neutralize viruses and toxins released by bacteria; coat the antigen (opsonization) or form an antigen-antibody complex to stimulate phagocytosis; promote antigen clumping (agglutination); and prevent the antigen from adhering to host cells. Synonym: B-cell–mediated immunity See: illustration; cell-mediated immunity; immunoglobulininnate immunityThose immune defenses against infection and cancer that are not determined by the specific responses of B or T lymphocytes. Innate immunity is not pathogen-specific and does not create immunological memory. It includes the actions of adhesion molecules; cellular chemotaxis; the secretion of cytokines; cytotoxicity; the activities of dendritic and natural killer cells; inflammation; and phagocytosis. Synonym: innate immune systemlocal immunityImmunity limited to a given area or tissue of the body.natural immunityImmunity that is genetically determined in specific species, populations, or families. Some pathogens cannot infect certain species because the cells do not provide suitable environments. For example, the measles virus cannot reproduce in canine cells and therefore dogs have natural immunity to measles. passive immunityImmunity acquired by the introduction of preformed antibodies into an unprotected individual. This can occur through intravenous infusion of immune globulin or from antibodies that pass from the mother to the fetus through the placenta in utero. Newborns also may acquire immunity through breastfeeding. T-cell–mediated immunityCell-mediated immunity.waning immunityThe progressive loss of protective antibodies against an antigen or disease that occurs with the passage of time. It is a crucial factor in vaccination. Booster doses of a vaccine are given when the immune response to an antigen drops below protective levels. immunity The relative ability to resist infection or the effects of any toxic or dangerous substance. Immunity may be inherent or acquired as a result of prior infection or immunization. Active immunity involves the production of ANTIBODIES. Passive immunity is that conferred by antibodies derived from another person or animal and injected or received across the placenta or in the breast milk. Passive immunity is much less persistent than active immunity.immunity resistance to foreign ANTIGENS such as a virus. Immunity can be either active, in which the body produces its own IMMUNE RESPONSE after exposure to a pathogen or a vaccine, or passive in which ready-made antibodies are supplied in a serum (or obtained naturally from the mother).im·mu·ni·ty (i-myū'ni-tē) Status or quality of being immune. [L. immunitas]Patient discussion about immunityQ. What can I do to build muscle and develop immunity? I'm Mickey, 21. My height is 5’5” and I weigh 176 lbs. I love out door games especially soccer. I have poor immunity that I get sick very often. What can I do to build muscle and develop immunity?A. You must keep your GI tract healthy. Eat plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber every day minimum of 25 grams, but gradually shoot up to 35 grams. Include yogurt or encapsulated probiotics in your daily diet. The more robust your GI tract, the more available nutrients such as glutamine is for anabolic muscle metabolism. Another nutrient is ImmunoLin, a purified source of immunoglobin G (IgG), which fights off viruses that may enter the body through the GI tract. Research has shown that IgG not only improves get immune health, which helps you to stay healthy, but also helps people who suffer from various allergies. Do exercise regularly. If you follow the above tips, I am sure you will get the desired results. More discussions about immunityimmunity Related to immunity: immunology, immune system, innate immunity, natural immunity, acquired immunityImmunityExemption from performing duties that the law generally requires other citizens to perform, or from a penalty or burden that the law generally places upon other citizens. Sovereign Immunity Sovereign Immunity prevents a sovereign state or person from being subjected to suit without its consent. The doctrine of sovereign immunity stands for the principle that a nation is immune from suit in the courts of another country. It was first recognized by U.S. courts in the case of The Schooner Exchange v. M'Faddon, 11 U.S. (7 Cranch) 116, 3 L. Ed. 287 (1812). At first, courts espoused a theory that provided absolute immunity from the jurisdiction of a U.S. court for any act by a foreign state. But beginning in the early 1900s, courts relied on the political branches of government to define the breadth and limits of sovereign immunity. In 1952, the U.S. State Department reacted to an increasing number of commercial transactions between the United States and foreign nations by recognizing foreign immunity only in noncommercial or public acts, and not in commercial or private acts. However, it was easily influenced by foreign diplomats who requested absolute sovereign immunity, and the application of sovereign immunity became inconsistent, uncertain, and often unfair. Complaints about inconsistencies led to the passage of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 (28 U.S.C.A. §§ 1 note, 1330, 1332, 1391, 1441, 1602–1611). By that act, Congress codified the theory of sovereign immunity, listing exceptions for certain types of acts such as commercial acts, and granted the exclusive power to decide sovereign immunity issues to the courts, rather than to the State Department. Indian tribes have been granted sovereign immunity status by the United States, and therefore they generally cannot be sued without the consent of either Congress or the tribe. This immunity is justified by two considerations: First, historically, with more limited resources and tax bases than other governments, Indian tribes generally are more vulnerable in lawsuits than are other governments. Second, granting sovereign nation status to tribes is in keeping with the federal policy of self-determination for Indians. Indian tribes are immune from suit whether they are acting in a governmental or a proprietary capacity, and immunity is not limited to acts conducted within a reservation. However, individual members of a tribe do not receive immunity for their acts; only the tribe itself is immune as a sovereign nation. Governmental Tort Immunity Sovereign immunity may also apply to federal, state, and local governments within the United States, protecting these governments from being sued without their consent. The idea behind domestic sovereign immunity—also called governmental tort immunity—is to prevent money judgments against the government, as such judgments would have to be paid with taxpayers' dollars. As an example, a private citizen who is injured by another private citizen who runs a red light generally may sue the other driver for Negligence. But under a strict sovereign immunity doctrine, a private citizen who is injured by a city employee driving a city bus has no Cause of Action against the city unless the city, by ordinance, specifically allows such a suit. Governmental tort immunity is codified at the federal level by the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C.A. § 1291 [1946]), and most states and local governments have similar statutes. Courts and legislatures in many states have greatly restricted, and in some cases have abolished, the doctrine of governmental tort immunity. Official Immunity The doctrine of sovereign immunity has its roots in the law of feudal England and is based on the tenet that the ruler can do no wrong. Public policy grounds for granting immunity from civil lawsuits to judges and officials in the Executive Branch of government survive even today. Sometimes known as official immunity, the doctrine was first supported by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1871 case of Bradley v. Fisher, 80 U.S. 335, 20 L. Ed. 646. In Bradley, an attorney attempted to sue a judge because the judge had disbarred him. The Court held that the judge was absolutely immune from the civil suit because the suit had arisen from his judicial acts. The Court recognized the need to protect judicial independence and noted that malicious or improper actions by a judge could be remedied by Impeachment rather than by litigation. Twenty-five years later, in Spalding v. Vilas, 161 U.S. 483, 16 S. Ct. 631, 40 L. Ed. 780 (1896), the Court expanded the doctrine to include officers of the federal Executive Branch. In Spalding, an attorney brought a Defamation suit against the U.S. postmaster general, who had circulated a letter that criticized the attorney's motives in representing local postmasters in a salary dispute. At that time, the postmaster general was a member of the president's cabinet. The Court determined that the proper administration of public affairs by the Executive Branch would be seriously crippled by a threat of civil liability and granted the postmaster general absolute immunity from civil suit for discretionary acts within the scope of the postmaster's authority. Federal courts since Spalding have continued to grant absolute immunity—a complete bar to lawsuits, regardless of the official's motive in acting—to federal executive officials, so long as their actions are discretionary and within the scope of their official duties. Members of Congress and state legislators are absolutely immune from civil lawsuits for their votes and official actions. The U.S. Supreme Court, in Bogan v. Scott-Harris, 523 U.S. 44, 118 S. Ct. 966, 140 L. Ed. 2d 79 (1998), extended absolute immunity to local legislators (e.g., city council members, and county commissioners) when they act in their legislative, rather than administrative, capacities. Prosecutors are absolutely immune for their actions during a trial or before a Grand Jury. However, during the investigatory phase, they are only granted qualified immunity. In Kalina v. Fletcher, 522 U.S. 118, 118 S. Ct. 502, 139 L. Ed. 2d 471 (1997), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a prosecutor was not entitled to absolute immunity with respect to her actions in making an allegedly false statement of fact in an Affidavit supporting an application for an arrest warrant. Policy considerations that merited absolute immunity included both the interest in protecting a prosecutor from harassing litigation that would divert his or her time and attention from official duties and the interest in enabling him or her to exercise independent judgment when deciding which suits to bring and in conducting them in court. These considerations did not apply when a prosecutor became an official witness in swearing to a statement. However, in Conn v. Gabbert, 526 U.S. 286, 119 S. Ct. 1292, 143 L. Ed. 2d 399 (1999), the U.S. Supreme Court held that prosecutors cannot be sued for having lawyers searched or for interfering with the ability to advise a client who is appearing before a grand jury. Prosecutors have a qualified immunity in this situation, based on the two-step analysis that the courts apply to qualified-immunity issues. Under this two-part test, an Executive Branch official will be granted immunity if (1) the constitutional right that allegedly has been violated was not clearly established; and (2) the officer's conduct was "objectively reasonable" in light of the information that the officer possessed at the time of the alleged violation. The qualified-immunity test is usually employed during the early stages of a lawsuit. If the standard is met, a court will dismiss the case. Police and prison officials may be granted qualified immunity. In Hope v. Pelzer, 536 U.S. 730, 122 S. Ct. 2508, 153 L. Ed. 2d 666 (2002), the U.S. Supreme Court held that Alabama prison officials were not eligible for qualified immunity because they were on notice that their conduct violated established law even in novel factual circumstances. The officials were on notice that tying a prisoner to a hitching post in the prison yard constituted Cruel and Unusual Punishment under the Eighth Amendment.Prior court rulings and federal prison policies also made clear that law banning the practice had been clearly established. Therefore, the officials were not qualified for immunity. In Saucier v. Katz, 533 U.S. 194, 121 S. Ct. 2151, 150 L. Ed.2d 272 (2001), the U.S. Supreme Court applied the qualified-immunity test to a claim that a u.s. secret service agent had used excessive force in removing a protester. The Court reasserted its general belief that law officers must be given the benefit of the doubt that they acted lawfully in carrying out their day-today activities. Moreover, one of the main goals of qualified immunity is to remove the defendant from the lawsuit as quickly as possible, thereby reducing legal costs. Justice anthony kennedy restated the principle that immunity is not a "mere defense" to liability but an "immunity from suit." Therefore, immunity issues must be resolved as early as possible. As to the first step, Kennedy agreed that the case revealed a "general proposition" that excessive force is contrary to the Fourth Amendment. However, a more specific inquiry must take place to see whether a reasonable officer "would understand that what he is doing violates that right." As to this second step, Justice Kennedy rejected the idea that because the plaintiff and the officer disputed certain facts, there could be no short-circuiting of this step. He stated that the "concern of the immunity inquiry is to acknowledge that reasonable mistakes can be made as to the legal constraints on particular police conduct." Officers have difficulty in assessing the amount of force that is required in a particular circumstance. If their mistake as to "what the law requires is reasonable, however, the officer is entitled to the immunity defense." In Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 731, 102 S. Ct. 2690, 73 L. Ed. 2d 349 (1982), the U.S. Supreme Court held that former U.S. president richard m. nixon was entitled to absolute immunity from liability predicated on his official acts as president. In Nixon, a weapons analyst, A. Ernest Fitzgerald, had been fired by the U.S. Air Force after he had disclosed to Congress certain cost overruns within the Defense Department. Fitzgerald sued Nixon and two former presidential aides for wrongful retaliatory termination. The Court emphasized the singular importance of the duties of the president, and noted that the diversion of the president's energies over concern for private lawsuits "would raise unique risks to the effective functioning of government." It also observed that the president, in view of the visibility of the office, would be an easy target for civil lawsuits. The ensuing personal vulnerability and distraction would prove harmful to the nation. Despite the Court's grant of absolute immunity to the president for official actions, a president does not have immunity from civil lawsuits for actions that allegedly occurred before becoming president. The Court, in Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681, 117 S. Ct. 1636, 137 L. Ed. 2d 945 (1997), ruled that President bill clinton had to defend himself in a sexual-harassment lawsuit that was based on his alleged actions while governor of Arkansas. Clinton had contended that the lawsuit could not proceed until he left office, but the Court disagreed. The Court pointed out that grants of official immunity are based on a functional analysis, and it would not extend immunity to actions outside of an office-holder's official capacities. Moreover, it concluded that defending the lawsuit would not divert Clinton's energies. Immunity from Prosecution State and federal statutes may grant witnesses immunity from prosecution for the use of their testimony in court or before a grand jury. Sometimes, the testimony of one witness is so valuable to the goals of crime prevention and justice that the promise of allowing that witness to go unpunished is a fair trade. For example, a drug dealer's testimony that could help law enforcement to destroy an entire illegal drug-manufacturing network is more beneficial to society than is the prosecution of that lone drug dealer. Although the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution grants witnesses a Privilege against Self-Incrimination, the U.S. Supreme Court has permitted prosecutors to overcome this privilege by granting witnesses immunity. Prosecutors have the sole discretion to grant immunity to witnesses who appear before a grand jury or at trial. States employ one of two approaches to prosecutorial immunity: Use immunity prohibits only the witness's compelled testimony, and evidence stemming from that testimony, from being used to prosecute the witness. The witness still may be prosecuted so long as the prosecutor can obtain other physical, testimonial, or Circumstantial Evidence apart from the witness's testimony. Transactional immunity completely immunizes the witness from prosecution for any offense to which the testimony relates. Congressional committees have the power to grant testimonial immunity to witnesses who testify before members of Congress. Congressional investigations into allegations of misconduct—such as the Watergate investigations in the 1970s and the iran-contra investigations in the 1980s—rely heavily on witness testimony. Whereas prosecutors simply decide whether to grant immunity to a witness, congressional committees must follow more formal procedures. Immunity may be granted only after a two-thirds majority vote by members of the committee. Ten days before the immunized testimony is given, the committee must advise the Justice Department or the Independent Counsel of its intention to grant immunity. Family Immunity At Common Law, a child could sue a parent for breach of contract and for torts related to property. An adult could sue his or her parent for any tort, whether personal or related to property. In 1891, the Mississippi Supreme Court, in Hewllette v. George, 9 So. 885 (1891), held that a child could not seek compensation for personal injury that was caused by a parent's wrongdoing, so long as the Parent and Child were obligated by their family duties to one another. The decision was based not on precedent but rather on public policy: The court found that such a lawsuit would undermine the "peace of society and of the families composing society." Criminal laws, the court found, were adequate to protect children. Other states fell in step with Mississippi, adopting parental immunity of varying degrees. Some parental-immunity laws prohibited only claims of negligence, whereas others prohibited lawsuits for intentional torts such as rapes and beatings. The rationale supporting parental-immunity laws includes the need to preserve family harmony and, with the availability of liability insurance, the need to prevent parents and the children from colluding to defraud insurance companies. Unjust results have led courts in many states that espouse parental immunity to carve out exceptions to the rule. For example, a child usually can sue a parent for negligence when the parent has failed to provide food or medical care, but not when the parent has merely exercised parental authority. Most courts have abolished the parental-immunity defense for car accident claims, and many allow children to sue their parents for negligent business or employment actions. Courts normally permit Wrongful Death suits to be brought by a child against a parent or by a parent against a child, because death terminates the parent-child relationship. Moreover, most states allow a child to sue a parent for injuries suffered in utero owing to the negligence of the mother. Further readings Fox, Hazel. 2002. The Law of State Immunity. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. Giuttari, Theodore R. 1970. The American Law of Sovereign Immunity; An Analysis of Legal Interpretation.New York: Praeger. Sels, John van Loben. 1995."From Watergate to Whitewater: Congressional Use Immunity and Its Impact on the Independent Counsel." Georgetown Law Journal 83. Stein, Theodore P. 1983. "Nixon v. Fitzgerald: Presidential Immunity as a Constitutional Imperative." Catholic University Law Review 32 (spring). Cross-references Ambassadors and Consuls; Diplomatic Immunity; Feres Doctrine; Husband and Wife; Judicial Immunity. immunityn. exemption from penalties, payments, or legal requirements, granted by authorities or statutes. Generally there are three types of immunity at law: a) a promise not to prosecute for a crime in exchange for information or testimony in a criminal matter, granted by the prosecutors, a judge, a grand jury, or an investigating legislative committee; b) public officials' protection from liability for their decisions (like a city manager or member of a public hospital board); c) governmental (or sovereign) immunity, which protects government agencies from lawsuits unless the government agreed to be sued; d) diplomatic immunity which excuses foreign ambassadors from most U. S. criminal laws. (See: governmental immunity) immunity freedom from obligation or duty, especially exemption from tax, duty or legal liability. Co-criminals are often offered immunity from prosecution to testify against their fellows.IMMUNITY. An exemption from serving in an office, or performing duties which the law generally requires other citizens to perform. Vide Dig. lib. 50, t. 6; 1 Chit. Cr. L. 821; 4 Har. & M'Hen. 341. immunity Related to immunity: immunology, immune system, innate immunity, natural immunity, acquired immunitySynonyms for immunitynoun exemptionSynonyms- exemption
- amnesty
- indemnity
- release
- freedom
- liberty
- privilege
- prerogative
- invulnerability
- exoneration
noun resistance toSynonyms- resistance to
- protection from
- resilience to
- inoculation against
- immunization from
Antonyms- exposure to
- susceptibility to
- liability to
- vulnerability to
- openness to
- proneness to
Synonyms for immunitynoun the capacity to withstandSynonyms- imperviousness
- insusceptibility
- resistance
- unsusceptibility
Synonyms for immunitynoun the state of not being susceptibleSynonymsRelated Words- condition
- status
- exemption
- freedom
noun (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist diseaseSynonymsRelated Words- medical specialty
- medicine
- condition
- status
- immunogenicity
- acquired immunity
- innate immunity
- natural immunity
noun the quality of being unaffected by somethingRelated Wordsnoun an act exempting someoneSynonyms- granting immunity
- exemption
Related Words- waiver
- discharge
- release
- fix
- official immunity
- sovereign immunity
- testimonial immunity
- use immunity