Hans Gaffron

Gaffron, Hans


Born May 17, 1902, in Lima, Peru. American biochemist.

Upon graduating from the University of Berlin in 1925 and receiving the degree of doctor of philosophy, Gaffron worked at the Institute of Biology (Berlin-Dahlem). In 1937 he moved to the USA. From 1939 to 1960 he was at the University of Chicago; since 1960 he has been professor of biochemistry and plant physiology at the Institute of Molecular Biophysics in Tallahassee, Fla. His principal works are on photobiology (he discovered a phenomenon in green algae which he called photoreduction—the chemical reduction of carbon dioxide with reducing agents other than water) and photosynthesis (the Gaffron-Franck theory of induction), as well as on photochemistry of plant pigments and the metabolism of purple bacteria.


“Reduction of Carbon Dioxide with Molecular Hydrogen in Green Algae.” Nature, 1939, vol. 143, p. 204.
In Russian translation:
“Evoliutsiia fotosinteza.” In Tr. 5 Mezhdunarodnogo biokhimicheskogo kongressa: Evoliutsionnaia biokhimiia: Simpozium III, fascicle 6. Moscow, 1961.