hepatic adenoma

he·pa·tic ad·e·no·ma

a benign tumor of the liver, usually occurring in women during the reproductive years in association with lengthy oral contraceptive use. The tumor is usually solitary, subcapsular, and large, composed of cords of hepatocytes with portal triads. Synonym(s): hepatocellular adenoma

liver adenoma

A rare solitary, round, well-circumscribed and encapsulated mass of benign liver tissue, which is more common in women age 20 to 40. In 10% the lesions are multiple; the presence of > 10 lesions is known as liver cell adenomatosis.
Oral contraceptives, anabolic steroids, diabetes, metabolic disorders.

he·pat·ic ad·e·no·ma

(hĕ-pat'ik ad'ĕ-nō'mă) A benign tumor of the liver, usually occurring in women in association with lengthy oral contraceptive use.