HDIHuman Development Index (UNDP yardstick of human welfare)
HDIHelp Desk Institute
HDIHigh Density Interconnect (poly clad laminates)
HDIHumpty Dumpty Institute (New York, New York)
HDIHuman Development Initiatives (Nigeria)
HDIHexamethylene Diisocyanate
HDIHelen Dowling Instituut (Dutch: Helen Dowling Institute; cancer foundation)
HDIHaftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie (German mutual insurance association)
HDIHeidi Device Interface
HDIHigh Density Interface
HDIHigh Pressure Direct Injection
HDIHigh Density Interconnect
HDIHigh Definition Imaging
HDIHoops Device Interface
HDIHead to Disk Interface
HDIHigh-Dose Interferon (treatment)
HDIHigh Density Interconnection
HDIHistorically Disadvantaged Individual
HDIHelp Desk International (various locations)
HDIHousehold Disposable Income (finance)
HDIHeidi Device Interface (AutoCAD)
HDIHead to Disk Interference
HDIHuman Development Interface (index)
HDIHarper Design International (publishing)
HDIHigh-Pressure Direct Injection Diesel
HDIHard Disk Interface
HDIHaute Pression Diesel Injection (French: High Pressure Diesel Injection)
HDIHigh-Definition Interface
HDIHome Discovery Inspections (Orlando, FL)
HDIHOOPS Device Interface (Vagi)
HDIHuman Device Interface
HDIHead-to-Disk Interface
HDIHarley-Davidson Incorporated (former stock symbol)
HDIHigh Diesel Injection
HDIHistoric Denver, Inc.
HDIHomestead Design, Inc. (Essex, VT)
HDIHorizontal Deviation Indicator (airplane instrument)
HDIHigh Density Index
HDIHochschuldidaktik Informatik
HDIHekimian Database Interface
HDIHuman Dynamics Incorporated
HDIHigh-Distance Interleaver