Hoffmann phenomenon

Hoff·mann phe·nom·e·non

(hof'mahn), excessive irritability of the sensory nerves to electrical or mechanical stimuli in tetany.

Hoff·mann phe·nom·e·non

(hawf'mahn fĕ-nom'ĕ-non) Excessive irritability of the sensory nerves due to electrical or mechanical stimuli in tetany.


Johann, German neurologist, 1857-1919. Hoffmann muscular atrophy - progressive dysfunction of the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and brainstem cranial nerves. Synonym(s): infantile spinal muscular atrophyHoffmann phenomenon - excessive irritability of the sensory nerves to electrical or mechanical stimuli in tetany.Hoffmann reflex - Synonym(s): Hoffmann signHoffmann sign - in latent tetany, mild mechanical stimulation of the trigeminal nerve causes severe pain. Synonym(s): Hoffmann reflexWerdnig-Hoffmann disease - Synonym(s): Werdnig-Hoffmann muscular atrophyWerdnig-Hoffmann muscular atrophy - see under Werdnig