HDPHTML (HyperText Markup Language) Design Principles
HDPHijo de Puta (Spanish: Son of a Bitch)
HDPHerbes de Provence (French herbs)
HDPHeavy Duty Professional (warranty)
HDPHermes Data Processing
HDPHigh Definition Processor
HDPHigh Definition Printing
HDPHigh Density Plasma
HDPHigh Density Polyethylene
HDPHazardous Duty Pay
HDPHigh Density Particle Board (various companies)
HDPHealth Development Plan (various organizations)
HDPHuman Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme
HDPHound Dog Products (est. 1994)
HDPHazara Democratic Party (Pakistan)
HDPHypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
HDPHigh Definition Player (Blu-ray or HD DVD)
HDPHard Drive Password
HDPHurricane Destruction Potential
HDPHydrocarbon Dew Point
HDPHolddown Post (US NASA)
HDPHelp Desk Plus (software)
HDPHistorically Disadvantaged Persons
HDPHydro-Dynamic Products (UK)
HDPHousing Developer Pro (Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. software)
HDPHome Design Products
HDPHigh Definition Porn
HDPHandoff Call-Dropping Probability
HDPHigh Density Design Packaging and Microsystem Integration (IEEE symposium)
HDPHome Defense Program
HDPHigh Density Presort (Canada Post)
HDPHigh Delta Pressure
HDPHealthy Diet Pyramid (Singapore)
HDPHuman Development Policy
HDPHot Dog Party
HDPHomeland Defense Program
HDPHigh Dual Peak
HDPHigh Discard Priority
HDPHalf-Done Productions (forum)
HDPHome Delivery Platform (Ireland and UK)
HDPHandover Distribution Point (Telecom)
HDPHigh Desert Patriots (California)