Bedding and Underground Structures, Institute of

Bedding and Underground Structures, Institute of


(full name, N. M. Gersevanov Research Institute of Bedding and Underground Structures), an institute under Gos-stroi (the State Committee on Construction) of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. It was established in 1931 at Moscow as the All-Union Institute of Bedding of Structures. As of 1974 the institute had 15 laboratories; a northern division in Vorkuta, with four laboratories; a laboratory in Dushanbe for construction on settling soils and in the seismic regions of Middle Asia; a sector in Nizhnevartovsk for the study of construction conditions in the oil-bearing regions of Tiumen’ Oblast; an experimental center in Moscow; an experimental station in Zagorsk Raion, Moscow Oblast; a sector with a seismic testing ground in Kishinev; and an implementation office in Moscow for the introduction of new products or techniques into practice (with branches in Tashkent and Zaporozh’e).

The Institute of Bedding and Underground Structures works on very important scientific problems (as applied to the various soil conditions in the USSR) in soil mechanics, bedding and foundations of buildings and structures and the theory of their design and planning, and production methods for underground construction work. The institute has residence and correspondence graduate schools, and it confers candidate’s and doctoral degrees. It publishes a collection of scientific articles entitled Osnovaniia, fundamenty i podzemnye sooruzheniia (Bedding, Foundations, and Underground Structures), as well as monographs and materials on the establishment of standards. It was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1966.