Graborov, Aleksei
Graborov, Aleksei Nikolaevich
Born 1885; died 1949. Soviet educator and specialist in mental retardation.
Graborov was one of the founders of education for the mentally retarded in the USSR and a doctor of pedagogical studies. He studied at the Institute of Psychoneurology in St. Petersburg from 1908 to 1912 under V. M. Bekhterev. P. F. Lesgaft, and A. F. Lazurskii. After the Great October Socialist Revolution he played a prominent role in promoting scientific educational activities for the establishment of a state system of institutions—auxiliary schools and special homes for the education and training of mentally retarded children. Graborov actively participated in and organized a number of congresses on child welfare. He advanced the idea of a common identity of the aims and principles of the education of normal and abnormal children, and at the same time he attempted to demonstrate the specific character of the education and training of mentally retarded children.
Vspomogatel’naia shkola. Moscow-Petrograd. 1923.Chto takoe umstvenno otstalye deli i kakaia shkola im neobkhodima. Leningrad. 1924.
Defektologiia: Uchebnik dlia pedvuzov. Kharkov, 1925.
“Osnovnye momenty korrektsionno-vospitatel’noi raboty vo vspo-mogatel’noi shkole.” In the collection Novye puli v defektologii. Moscow, 1935.
Oligofrenopedagogika. Moscow. 1941. (Jointly with N. F. Kuz’mina and F. M. Novik.)
Ocherki po oligofrenopedagogike. Moscow. 1961.