Acronym | Definition |
IASP➣International Association for the Study of Pain |
IASP➣Image Analysis and Signal Processing |
IASP➣International Association of Science Parks |
IASP➣International Association for Suicide Prevention |
IASP➣Internet Application Server Portal |
IASP➣Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool |
IASP➣Information Assurance Scholarship Program |
IASP➣Internet Access Service Provider |
IASP➣Indiana Association of School Principals |
IASP➣Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IBM AS/400 Systems) |
IASP➣International Association of Scholarly Publishers |
IASP➣Indiana Association of School Psychologists |
IASP➣International Association of Safety Professionals |
IASP➣International Affairs Strategic Plan |
IASP➣Integrated Acquisition Strategy Process |
IASP➣Information Assurance Strategic Plan |
IASP➣Idaho School Psychologist Association |
IASP➣Installation Ammunition Supply Point |
IASP➣International Association of Shrine Provosts (Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine) |
IASP➣International Association for Scottish Philosophy |