hyper-IgM syndrome

hyper-IgM syndrome

an X-linked immunodeficiency disorder with very low serum concentrations of IgG and IgA with a normal or a markedly elevated concentration of polyclonal IgM; secondary to a mutation in the CD40 ligand gene, leading to defective T cell-dependent, B-cell isotope switching affected boys develop recurrent bacterial infections in the first or second years of life.

hyper-IgM syndrome

Hyperimmunoglobulin M syndrome, see there.

hy·per-IgM syn·drome

(hī'pĕr sin'drōm) An X-linked immunodeficiency disorder with very low serum concentrations of IgG and IgA with a normal or a markedly elevated concentration of polyclonal IgM; affected boys develop recurrent bacterial infections in the first or second year of life.