Horner-Trantas dots

Hor·ner-Tran·tas dots

(hōr'nĕr), evanescent white cellular infiltrates occurring in the bulbar form of vernal keratoconjunctivitis.

Hor·ner-Tran·tas dots

(hōr'nĕr tran'tăs dots) Evanescent white cellular infiltrates occurring in vernal keratoconjunctivitis.


Johann Friedrich, Swiss ophthalmologist, 1831-1886. Bernard-Horner syndrome - Synonym(s): Horner syndromeHorner pupil - constricted pupil due to impairment of sympathetic nerve innervation of the dilator muscle of the pupil.Horner syndrome - ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis on the side of the sympathetic palsy. Synonym(s): Bernard-Horner syndrome; Bernard syndrome; ptosis sympatheticaHorner-Trantas dots - evanescent white cellular infiltrates occurring in the bulbar form of vernal keratoconjunctivitis.


Alexios, Greek ophthalmologist, 1867-1960. Horner-Trantas dots - see under Horner, Johann FriedrichTrantas dots - pale, grayish red, uneven nodules of gelatinous aspect at the limbal conjunctiva in vernal conjunctivitis.