Gudzenko, Semen
Gudzenko, Semen Petrovich
Born Mar. 5. 1922, in Kiev; died Feb. 15, 1953, in Moscow. Soviet Russian poet.
Gudzenko studied at the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy, and Literature during 1939–41. He developed as a poet during the years of the Great Patriotic War. His first anthology, Regiment Comrades (1944), sounded the courageous voice of an ordinary participant in great events, one who knows the harsh truth of war. The narrative poem The Remote Garrison (1950) tells of the everyday working life of the Soviet Army in peace time. Gudzenko is the author of the anthologies After the March (1947), Transcarpathian Verses (1948), and the cycle of poems Train to Tuva (1949). He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and medals.
Stikhi. (Introduction by L. Ozerov.) Moscow, 1961.Armeiskie zapisnye knizhki. (Foreword by P. Antokol’skii.) Moscow, 1962.
Naumov, E. “Posle marsha.” Zvezda, 1947. no. 9. (Review.)Antokol’skii, P. Puti poetov. Moscow, 1965.
Khelemskii, Ia. “Po starym pylaiushchim adresam.” Znamia, 1969, no. 3.